I know it sounds like a big 4head moment but like, if you don't want your game to be labeled as abandoned and shit on then maybe you should just actually post shit about its progress? Avalon has always been like this where everything he posts about his projects is "fuck you, fuck off, everyone is a retard, its done when its done" and that's literally it. Hes been a broken record from the start of 2019 when he announced picking up BSC and remaking it from the ground up where literally every single journal that mentions it is "Everyone is a fucking retard and all you retards need to follow my fucking stream instead of being retarded" and honestly how about you just post news instead of getting mad nobody gives a fuck about your stream? Even with the old project he could be posed with some simple question like "is there going to be an actual scene in the park with cream?" and he'd hit them with the "its done when its done you retard." Aval0n is great at dancing around simple questions that have simple answers just to say fuck a lot and call everyone who doesn't suck his dick a retard while he plugs his stream so honestly I'd take everything he says with a grain of salt.
Every PR problem he has stems from the fact that he doesn't want to do a simple news update and say whats going on and instead just rant in every journal he makes, literally every journal and post. Even his journals about commissions he rants about stuff, his patreon has pretty much become purely ranting about stuff, and in all honesty I feel like he only holds onto BSC because he held it like a badge of honor for years because all he wants to do is be notorious, rant about things, and draw somewhere between toddlercon and lolicon. Is BSC abandoned and dead? Technically no because he's still drawing scenes for it. Is it far fetched to label it as such? Absolutely not, aside from posting what is supposed to be scenes in the game there has been literally nothing posted about the game itself and where it stands and it wouldn't surprise me if the remake falls through because he has never actually cared about finishing the game; he only ever really rode the high of being "the creator of the infamous babysitting cream game."