try with older .exe to start game or with renspysdk.weird... this version doesn't work for me. all i get is a transparent screen - the older version works fine though.
how do i do the renspysdk thing?try with older .exe to start game or with renspysdk.
weird... this version doesn't work for me. all i get is a transparent screen - the older version works fine though.
actually i just just had to run the game with the integrated graphics and it worked - wich is weird because it is the default one and i never had this issue beofore. if anyone ever have this issue, you already know what to do i do the renspysdk thing?
dl sdk, unzip, move game there, start sdk, select game and play or something like do i do the renspysdk thing?
that huge titted whore? not rly.Is there a version where you can actually be mean to the redhead bitch or is the mc always containing himself?
what scenes?do not work sex scenes..... waht need to do ?????
Game oN!30 old images? it's a joke haha