VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Bad Teacher [v0.2b] [WindwardGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Nathan Romanoff

    Finally! A well made PORN game on a PORN site.

    Great renders. To the point sex scenes. Easy Mechanics: Nice vs Pervy. Yes or No before each Fuck. I could do without the points mechanics but that's what walkthroughs are for.

    No boring "slow burn". No artistic "This could be art by Martin Scorsese.". No open world that's really a Where's Waldo using time and locations to hunt for the next scene.

    Plot: MC got cheated on. Now, all the LIs go "Oh. MC has a cock. I want to fuck it." just like a porn game should. No realism (in a porn game!). No psychological analysis. No magic. No sci-fi. Just MC + LI x lots = classic porn fun.

    If you hate what I just wrote, this is not the game for you. If you love what I wrote, please send me suggestions of similar games.

    EDIT = And support the developer of course.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    While the story isn't going to win any awards it does do what it's meant to...score with lots of women. Bad Teacher has a lot of variety when it comes to women and several different fetishes. The renders are excellent and even tho this is a new game it's got quite a bit of content with the developer updating constantly. The game itself plays very well, no problems with bugs or glitches.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is absurd, but I mean that in an entirely complimentary way. The MC can basically trip and fall dick first into a pussy, so if you're looking for a slow burn, this definitely is not the game for you. If you just want a quick fap, with an enjoyable game to go with it, stop reading this review and download the damned game.
    On the plus side, the renders are well done, and there is a huge variety in the girls. The story is not deep, at least not so far, but it is well written, and the dialog is believable. The author is either a native English speaker or has a very good translator.
    I didn't give five stars (yet) because it's still relatively early in the game, but I'm definitely keeping an eye on this one.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game in which the developer has made great progress in a relatively short amount of time! It has to be one of the most highly polished games I have seen on F95 as most start off with some teething problems but yours looks professional from the get go with interesting characters that look and act unique. Also like the MC as it is nice to have a more mature character as the protagonist :cool: Anyway keep up the good work (y) Thanks for the great game! Only thing in my oponion that would make it better is an incest patch or content with the sister but considering you have her as the sister in the Patreon version already I doubt it will happen... Nevertheless that is just my own preferance ;)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.2b...

    Well, this VN is pretty much all about the erotic porn scenes, and not much about a meaningful story... The male protagonist has a sister in the story, but I don't think there will be any incest content... But you never know what the future will hold, as this VN/Game is in it's early days of development...

    The visuals of the characters are fairly decent, although there is a slight plastic sheen in some scenes, but still decent character visuals... There are very short repeating animations, that although look fluid, are very short snips... The backgrounds are a mix of ones I've seen many times before, and some unique ones... With all that being said, there are some moments where you can tell some characters are leaning towards over the top, visually... Plus, one caveat I'm rather picky about revolves around the male protagonist in essence impaling most of the women who give him blowjobs... A hard penis is not as flexible as most of the animated scenes would suggest, and in most cases would have impaled through the back of their heads based on the angles of penetration when they deep throat... A hard penis would not take a 90 degree turn in a downward direction in order to go down most of their throats... The realism of those scenes is just thrown out the window, and I ended up skipping past most, after the first few times I saw that... Now, don't get me wrong, some of those events were more believable based on the angle, but most were completely out of the realm of possibility and kind of ruined the moments for me...

    The script is very well done, as I rarely ran into many grammar or spelling errors at all... The story itself, is about a male protagonist who's fiance cheated on him with another woman, and now works as a teacher at a local school... Now, there is an actual plot, and from time to time it actually has some occasional meaningful story... But it is rather thin most of the time... As this VN/Game is not really about the story, and much more focused on the Porn type elements... Lets just say he has an insane number of opportunities to get it on with most of the women in this VN/Game... Many of which you get to choose if they happen or not, and in a few cases how they happen...

    There are characters that are just one offs, and there are characters that are pretty much permanent... You are presented with lots and lots of choices... This VN/Game is not a grinder, and pretty much follows a typical choose your own adventure Visual Novel approach... You can determine what content you want to see or not to see, most of the time... There are a few overall stats that increase based on choices made, and most likely they will gate some content... You also have individual stats with the more permanent characters you interact with... And again, those stats will most likely also gate content... It is unclear if a walk through would be necessary or not to ensure you don't miss any of the good stuff... Even with the decent amount of current content, I'm still not sure a walk through is needed, for the moment...

    As to the relationships between the protagonist and other characters, most feel a bit forced now and then, with very little effort really needed in order to get it on with them... Seems like every character is almost immediately charmed or easily pushed into situations by the protagonist... But really, in the end, it's just what this VN/Game is about any way... I really don't think it's meant to be anything other then a Porn Style VN/Game with very little meaningful or deep plot/story... If all you're looking for is sexual encounters, this baby has a ton...

    Overall, it's an average Porn Style VN/Game, with many choices and lots of sexual encounters... The visuals, even though of a slightly higher quality then the average, still has some issues here and there, that for me, brought the visuals down to an average overall quality... The character personalities are mix of over the top with some, rather unrealistic for most... A few did seem rather genuine, which in turn does give some redeeming quality back to the VN/Game, when compared to most of the other VN/Games of this style out there... The story is there, and sometimes shows itself (which was nice) but in the end it's not really this VN/Game's strong suit... I do have to give kudo's for the writer though, because I've seen much worse writing on most other Porn focused VN/Games...

    If I could have given a 3.5 I would have, but alas I couldn't bring myself to giving it a 4... It's still in it's early days of production, so who knows... It could improve and deserve a revisit at some time in the future, or it could pretty much stay they same... It's hard to tell in it's current incarnation... I wish the dev's the best of luck, and perhaps I might revisit this one, sometime down the line...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent harem game 10/10.

    The MC is pretty good. None of the teenage peeping tom schtick but an Adult man having fun. The plot is engaging with different mini storylines tied to various romantic interests.

    You'll a lot of variety and the pace with the characters is pretty good. Each update brings a one time encounter with characters to keep you guessing. Will it be twin sisters this time or a salesgirl trying to sell you stuff? Try it to find out.
  7. C
    4.00 star(s)


    It is way too early to properly judge this game yet, but it certainly has potential, and a lot of it.

    Let me get one thing straight. This is not the game where you will find a great story (or honestly much of a story at all), profound characters or character development, deep thematic exploration, or a devotion to any particular kink (although there seems to be some devotion to various forms of exhibitionism). Or at least it doesn't appear to be.

    What you find instead is a very tonally consistent game, a diverse cast of characters (although there seems to be an overabundance of sluts in this world, but there are some gems among them too, and also it's not ALL sluts), an overarching focus on sex scenes, and enough attention and teasing given to the majority of kinks out there, or at least to the more common ones, that it doesn't seem like they will be forgotten. It can also boast about decent graphics and nice animations, but to me, those are secondary for a good game.

    This game is what it would be like if a major porn studio decided to make a game. It knows what it is, knows what it aims for, and ooh boy does it deliver. While it's not the greatest game on the website and has little potential of achieving that, while it is not without flaws, and no game is, it's certainly a worthwhile and very much fappable one.

    I like the way another reviewer described it. It's Ecchi Sensei, but good. And while they are not at all similar in pretty much anything, I still like the comparison - for the things ES fails in are tonal consistency, trying to have an actual story, and lack of focus. All of which this game does perfectly. Definitely gets a recommend from me.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Whoo this game has a lot of potential from the get go. I mean the sex hits you hard and fast, alongside a lot of hot dirty talk and domination, just had me spurting big time.

    The women are hot, the MC is hot, the story is pretty believable and the dialogue is well written. Definitely one of the best games to come out this year, hands down. Looking forward to a lot more updates and hope the dev continues to get well deserved support for making a potential masterpiece.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A porn game with lots of porn in it. What a revelation! No blue balls here. No wading through an awful story and waiting six months to get to the fun bits.

    Nice models I haven't seen before (at least not cookie cutter) and some funny dialogue in the light story to keep things flowing.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really high quality. The dialogue and narrative is realistic-ish, while being laiden with mildly kinky fetishes. The models are pretty good (that is to say they look gorgeous, but the bodies all feel a bit fake by virtue of their overt perfection), and the many animations are all pretty good.

    The one subjective thing that detracts from my experience, is that this game manages to feel more homosexual than any game here that does not have two guys fucking. The comically large cock the MC is sporting makes for insane oral-sex animations, where the anaconda-like women are disconnecting their jaw and I am somehow expected to believe they are deep-throating a member that is as thick as their own necks. That is bad enough, but then listening to entire dialogues that are entirely about how awesome the cock is, just feels like the Dev has a serious cock-fetish that he is not comfortable admitting to himself.
    Personally, I would deduct a star for the singular fact that this game seems to wish to spend more time thinking about cock than the women, but I try very hard to remain objective in my ratings of a game's quality. My issue is NOT with the fact some people like dick - It is the 4th-wall-breaking nature of it, given the size. I find it impossible to accept any woman is choking down a phallus the width of a Coke can, because it is literally impossible to swallow a Coke can.
    From a business stand-point, it seems foolish. Your market is male, by a vast majority, and all you are doing is alienating literally every human male, by making it so obvious they are inferior to this imagined ideal. I would wager that is the singular reason you are making $700, rather than $7,000. Between 4th-wall-breaking and emasculation of your audience, you probably reduce your patrons by 75%, just due to the MC's cock - So I hope it really gets you off.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Do you enjoy a well written and visualized porn game with good visuals and character models, that aims to deliver plenty of hot sex scenes with a diverse cast of attractive fictional women? then this is right up your alley. Quality work for what it is, but don't expect it to be a storytelling masterpiece, the dialogue is good and you get some dialogue choices that alter some scenes or present a choice who to pursue or ignore but the rest is about enjoying the ride and the visuals which I find to be quite good.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A really great start to a game, lots of sex(almost all optional), plenty of story, great artwork, lots of characters(with options to refuse), runs very well, good pacing(dosent get boring).
    Its really nice for the MC to actually have a brain for once, so sick of dumb MC characters who blindly follow anyone for the chance at sex.
    Cant wait for future updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    :WeSmart:Who doesn't like this game, please compare which games are good and which games are bad, obviously this game is very good. And I can't wait for the next update.

    One game that has the potential for interesting stories and being a really bad teacher is a story that I rarely encounter here and I hope to play this game until it's complete.

    Please Dev, don't mind the haters and keep going:coffee:
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Only thing you could complain about is: I WANT MORE!

    Easily one of the top 5 games on this site, with the potential of being my absolute favourite if it stays the course. Something for everyone. Variety of girls. Widest variety on here.

    Please, Dev, ignore any haters and keep it up!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is still in a pretty early state, but it has a easy to follow story and the main character has a reasonable excuse for not being in this lifestyle before (was already good looking/confident but in a monogamous relationship), I found not having to go through several hours of grind to get to sex scenes refreshing (I don't play porn games for hyperrealism), and also enjoyed that unwanted content is easily avoided (a simple one click decision if you don't want to go further with a relationship).
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    Review as of v.0.15

    + Beautiful characters
    + Nice music
    + Believable story and characters
    + Good enough writing

    - Animations aren't the best
    - UI needs improvements

    Alright, I don't know if it's just because I had a really bad streak with games lately, or because this game is really that good, but I'm loving it. Yup, not beating around the bush, straight up, loving it.

    I love the character models. Every one of them, including the protagonist for a change (looking good, Smallville). Ma-a-aybe Mara took a bit of getting used to, but other than that, every girl is very nice looking. Not to mention, really different. Like, REALLY different. Heck, I didn't even know I needed a girl like Raine in my life until this game.

    Animations, if I'm being blunt, suck. But as I've said numerous times in my other reviews, I don't care about animation in games. So... meh. Besides, I've seen worse. Much worse. The animation itself is smooth and looped well enough, it's just that the loops are short and the character movements are really stiff, doesn't seem like there's much thought put into them. Hopefully this will change as the developer gets more experience. But they aren't so bad as to be a serious detriment anyway.

    The UI could use some work, specifically the stat screen which is borderline an unreadable mess now. Some more personalized profiles for girls or something like that would be nice. At least a table with separators, not just a block of text with stats. But again, giving it a pass since it's a very early release and things may change in the future. It's not like you need these stats right now anyway.

    Music is good. It's not distracting and is actually pleasant. Again, don't care much about music in these games, but I liked it this time around. Good job.

    The game is also quite short so far. But unlike many similar early releases, at least there are plenty of sexual scenes. And they are some hot scenes as well, not just "obligatory v0.01 masturbation".

    Also, a trap done right. Seriously, just the fact that there is a choice of wether you want a character to be a trap or not, instead of simply allowing you to skip the scene altogether, is such a brilliant little thing. And I know it's likely only possible because it's a minor character (at least I think it is), but still, much appreciated.

    The writing is decent, well above average, and the story and characters, despite the fact that they get their sex scenes quite fast, are surprisingly believable. I mean... as believable as characters in a porn game can be, but still, quite a bit more believable than the ones in a similarly titled game from a certain azure feline (no hate, love both, although for different reasons <3).
    Even the protagonist is interesting for a change. I'd even say relatable. So once again, good job.

    I really don't have much else to add. This game was such a shockingly pleasant surprise for me, I'm eager to see the new updates and can only wish the developer the best in this endeavor.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing a bunch of slow-burn games (which I have enjoyed), it is a pleasure to find a game like this that's just a fun filled sex romp, albeit, so much more.

    Many have focused on the sex, and to be sure, there's plenty of it. No, the MC does not have sex with every woman he meets ... only the ones who want it.

    The game also has evidence of great artistry and visual storytelling. For example, I loved the dForce draping of a blanket (ok, I know it's a patterned plane primitive, but it looks like a blanket) over Mara when she is sleeping. Every other dev out there has people sleeping with no blanket. Is that realistic?

    The following scene with Mara at breakfast is hiLARious. Papa asks if she wants Bacon, and with her hands clasped oh-so-innocent, she asks Daddy if there's any sausage? No double entendre there. Right after that she unzips the MC's pants and goes at it.

    This is a great mix of sex, entertainment, and painstaking craftsmanship, and given the fact that it's only release 1.5 ... I can't wait for more.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Imagine if Ecchi Sensei was GOOD. This is that game.

    This review is based on the 0.15 version of the game.
    You play has a teacher who has been left by his girlfriend, and he's not taking it well. After a night of heavy drinking he wakes up at his friend's house. He nails his friend's hot sister and daughter within 24 hours (if you choose).

    So, the pros. The story is simple enough, so far its very slice of life, in a good way. The pacing is great! You get some action very soon but it doesn't feel forced. There's buildup and payoff. Some scenes have some extra spice, like risk of getting caught and so on. The game clearly lets you know when you can start routes with girls, or when you can end them. There are optional one-offs with minor characters that don't affect the plot (a specific girl scout I wouldn't mind seeing again though). The terms for all decisions are clearly communicated to the player.

    No sandbox!

    And the girls are some of the best, hottest models you will ever see in a game like this. There are quite alot, but not overwhelming, but they're all varied and have distinct looks and personalites.

    Also, the dialogue is just good. There is no engrish, they speak like normal people. The dialogue is not just written as if by a native speaker, it also very competently written in its own right.

    The MC is likeable, and there's an in-world justification for his womanizing. However, EVERY relationship is optional, so you could play the game monogamously if you wanted, or stick your dick in every girl you meet. Your choice! Also he has a big dick, but still witin plausible size. This is a pro for me because I personally get thrown out of the fantasy when the women are all unbelievably busty and the guy is not even above average size in some other games.

    As for cons, I don't really have any. The game is well written, filled with hot likeable girls with some actual personality. Fun, sexy, and varied sex scenes. A likeable protag. Amazing renders. No goddamn sandbox (for now). I just want more of it.

    Easily one of the absolute best of the best on this site.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Once in a while you stumble on a real gem, a game so well executed you are compelled to celebrate it. This is one such gem, and crucially it is one that completely understands what most of us look for: amazing renders, very good writing, a beautifully crafted exploration of a wide range of kinks, as well as real levity at times.

    One caveat, if you are looking for a plot heavy game with characters to grow particularly fond of, this is not (yet?) that game. But if you want a brilliantly fun game in which to explore your fantasies, this is it!

    I can't wait for the next update. Amazing job WindwardGames!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh boy, version 0.1 and there's more fucking than most other releases have in an entire completed version!

    Amazingly simple and obvious idea to begin with: a sexgod MC getting all the pussy he wants, and more. Duh!

    And yet why does no other dev ever come up with such an idea? This game is highly needed amongst the ocean of bullshit, retarded storylines written by late teens who obviously haven't popped their cherry in real life yet.

    Yeah sure, there might be love involved in this game at some point, but it seems optional, and in the meantime this dev is giving us the goods.

    For now I can give only a five star rating, but as soon as I switch my supports, this game is definitely on my priority list!

    Good job dude, keep it up.