Others Abandoned Balls Of Steel [v0.5] [Lyra Centaurus]


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I hate being reminded of Duke Nukem because it reminds me of Duke Nukem fans and they spout off one particular phrase like Duke's writers started it when it was Rowdy Roddy Piper.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
But .. It is still grounding on dev's mind ... sooo::
  • Balls of Steel
Yeah, Balls of Steel is still on my mind. But It's currently in paused. I remember I had a lot of ideas about this game. At first it was just some kind of exercise, helping me to improve my animation skills and helping me to know how to create a visual story. Furthermore, I really like how I made Duke in this game, I think he still has his true spirit from the games. So even it's in paused right now, I haven't forgot about it. I still have to finish adding the girls from "My Digs" but I would also like to create a poll in the future to know which girls from other license I should add.


Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
We do. how ever, have the last drop in this ocean::


In this parody game, you play as Duke himself, many weeks after the events of 2011, you'll have to care about your babes. You can interract with your phone to call your girls. In Balls of Steel, each girl has her own animation.

To do list :
All the girls from "My Digs".
An introducing scene.
More girls from other license... Maybe.

  • The 0.5 modifies some visual errors, the size of Duke, add a skip button to the intro scene and change the Christmas Quiet event to a normal event.


Apr 14, 2019
Holy shit! A Duke Nukem porn parody game? Count me in, this could be fantastic.

Meanwhile everyone should listen to this Duke Nukem soundboard Ventrilo Harassment from like 12 years ago. Shit is hilarious as hell, listen to the lady he trolls. She has such a meltdown.

If the dev is reading this, could you please please please add a parody cameo of this lady into the game somehow? Not as a sexytime playgirl but just as a random NPC you get to troll or something? Holy fuck that would be great.
Fun fact, the Duke Nukem Forever devs count both that video and Megadeth's cover of the Duke Nukem theme as key points in the history of the game.
  • Haha
Reactions: aifman7
Aug 7, 2019
Yeah I agree with you DUKE NUKEM 2 is best ever.
All others was shit like.
Best phrases, best levels, best gameplay and arsenal...
I must play now on some fukin PS1 emulator TO SATISFY MY MIND AND HEART. Maaan fukin nostalgia.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: