VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Bare Witness [Ch. 5] [AlterWorlds]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I didnd't play until last chapter yet but 5 stars for my girl Heldi!!

    -One of the best Character design AVN!
    -My girl HELDI!!
    -Choice do matter!
    -Story are good
    -Great Render
    -Kissing scene are dammm
    -Fap material

    -Very short animation for one scene
    -Too little teasing and too straight to sex for my taste
    -A little more slowburn would be nice
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.4b, 2023/10/24

    My first impression of Bare Witness was immediately a good one. The game's renders are on-point, and the visual character design is good too.
    On top of that, and something many AVN fail at, is that facial expressions are great!

    A player who's new to the story might be confused about the MC's flip-flopping between being confident and introverted. He's also a bit of a nerd, but doesn't wear it on his sleeve. After learning about the MC's past, these things clicked a lot better. His situation and the lockdown have left a mark.

    I adored the condom use, innovative! (Though it really shouldn't be. I wouldn't mind seeing more sexual health stuff in AVN.)
    At the same time, it's sad that the MC doesn't practice safe sex with his other encounters. He could easily catch something from his other partners.

    Besides the visuals, the story in this game manages to be intriguing without being overbearing or saddled with too much mystery. There are hints during the first part of the game, where it's made clear that not everything is as it seems. The MC is very hesitant when he's answering certain questions. Luckily, this mystery isn't dragged out, and the player is soon informed about what's been going on.

    The story is assisted by a cast of unique and fleshed out love interests, each with their own personality and experiences. There are multiple paths that lead to a solo or harem ending, and choices actually matter in this regard. The overarching story is (so far) not influenced by any choices the player can make.

    On to the nitpicks, in the literal sense of the word.
    • Nothing dates media as much as referencing current events. Someone playing this game in 10 years might not be able to place Joss Whedon or the pandemic. The game will be dating itself. Even Firefly and Monthy Python are being forgotten.
    • That said, I like that this AVN uses actual names, and not names like Ponthy Mython.
    • Val reminds me of how petty I can be. I love everything about her. Her personality, her story... Except for how she calls the MC 'baby' every other line. It just gets on my nerves.
    • Somehow I wasn't convinced by Zenda's sincerity at first. Sometimes she'll be very insecure, other times overconfident. ("you know where your priorities are"). She's very submissive towards the MC, even allowing a rival in her bed if he wants to. But she's also proactive and generous, taking the initiative to ask the MC out.
    • In chapter 3, when talking with Athena (after the Mora meeting), suddenly being in a relationship with her seems weird, if MC went on the date with Zenda in chapter 2 and chapter 3. I would feel different about this if she appeared in the "7 weeks"-cutscene, because as it is, MC hasn't spent a lot of time with Athena at all.
    • I expected a bit more self-reflection out of Val, when she asked MC not to sleep with Nicole again. If Val hadn't talked MC up to Nicole, probably nothing would've happened. Val might say that Nicole is competitive, but in my view, Val instigated it.
    • The MC could be a bit more inquisitive, though I suspect this was a conscious choice by the writers. Why does Val have a Panic Room and guns in the house? Who is Zenda's father, that she can travel by private plane on a whim? Of course, these questions are eventually answered, but the MC never even inquires.
    I've played through a few of the paths that were available through the initial choices I made. My next playthrough is reserved for the Steam release, if/when achievements are added.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 584653

    Writing is very realistic and has great humor, and well developed characters with heartwarming (and heartbreaking) backstories, coupled with the stunning models of all the ladies, hard to miss this game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Bare Witness is wish fulfillment done well. (v0.4b)

    Want a perfect thruple to fall into your lap? Done instantly. Want to impregnate one or more characters with no repercussions (yet)? You don't have to wait long. Prefer a monogamous relationship with someone who really deserves it? You've got options. Your character never has to really earn money and relationships.

    Yet in spite of things falling in your lap, the author balances it out in a few ways. There's a pretty dramatic plot in the background and some trauma on the MC. Moreover, it is actually possible to break some hearts and see some consequences for your actions. So, even though you can fulfill fantasies quickly in this game, it's not like Chasing Sunsets or some other game where the MC is perfect or without conflict.

    The only bad thing I can say about this game, if you can even take it as a bad thing, is that the setting, tone, and even some characters in the story remind me so much of Being A DIK, and yet it lacks the layers that some people love or hate from BAD. This game is right to the point with no minigames, Easter eggs, open world exploring, etc. If you hated that stuff anyway: this game is perfect for you. If you loved that stuff: I still think you'll love this game, but you might also walk away with more appreciation for BAD.

    I'm loving this game and can't wait to see more.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Play this game. I feel like I need not say more, but I will. It has it all! Outstanding models. I mean... damn. It's so fucking hot and detailed. And the characters have personality! The writing in this game is absolutely terrific, and funny as fuck! "She's taking the hobbit to Isengard!" There are even two sex scenes available in the first several minutes if you are more about just getting the sex and not so much the story. These developers really know how to make an adult visual novel. So many interesting and attractive women. It isn't even the most unrealistic thing ever. If you haven't hooked up with someone at a bar upon first meeting and ended up with a fuck buddy or even eventual partner, then you either don't go out enough or you aren't as "well-rendered" as the MC shall I say. Appeal to my personal experience aside, the game isn't too fast paced, nor is it slow. It doesn't railroad you at all, giving you the option to be a fuckboy and suffer the consequence or find true love. This game reminds me of the classic games DFD and Double Homework, both by the late Palmer, may he rest in peace. I dare say it may even be better... especially due to graphics and music, but even the story although intermittent and a bit disjointed at this stage, has potential to surpass my favorite late adult visual novel creator. While palmer may be my favorite personal creator, this game has captivated me and become my new favorite visual novel of all time, despite it's small flaws. I didn't even meet one of the girls on the opening screen my first playthrough. I also only pursued 4-5 of the 8 girls and ended up with an outstanding ending to chapter four with 4 of them. But fuck... playing through the rest of the girls, there is some heart wrenching and also some very sexy stuff. Very hard choices to make in this game. All of the paths are nice and follow the plot, yet I find myself inextricably drawn to the harem ending. IT'S SO WHOLESOME AND SEXY AS FUCK! I want my girls! As I said in the outset, play this game. This game will indeed "set your soul on fire."
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Played through this for the first time, excited to hear the 5th and final chapter is coming soon which is great to hear

    I tend to go for harem games cause I like the group dynamics and hate missing content. This game still has a lot of the former but you do sacrifice the latter.

    For harem fans, if you just accept that 2 of the girls are basically seperate games and get the other 4, you're set pretty much. MC and those 4 form a polycule that is pretty cute and wholesome.

    Overall game is pretty great, great renders, well written, and characters actually have emotions.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story, very good writing, interesting characters with some added depth that you discover during the storyline and make those characters even more interesting.
    Nice sound atmosphere that fit the story, and visually it's also really good , Bare Witness is a top quality AVN deserving of 5 stars!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game so far. Well above average. Would like to give it a 4.5 or so. The music adds a lot here, but the characters and the story are good on their own. Quality of renders/animation starts fine but continues to improve.. The final chapter looks great.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    + A fairly likeable MC

    + One of the better, "good looking" male renders for the MC

    + I love most of the female renders. Everywhere from the really natural look of Sophia's huge somewhat hanging tits; to Mora's red hair and freckles; to the super cuteness of Heidi and her freckles too.

    + The renders don't have to all be double-D's or greater so I really appreciate the variety.

    > The story hints at something with a criminal organization, but too little is revealed with too long of breaks between, so the interest is hanging on by a thread for me by version 0.4b.

    > The Valerie versus Nicole request of MC is given paper-thin reasoning and feels out of left field without any precursor events or dialogue. Not a total negative as either choice doesn't necessarily end your relationship with Val...just yet.

    -- I'm personally not a fan of fuck 2-3 times and then I love you's between MC and every girl. Maybe that's how it is nowadays in real-life, but some build up, such as, "I'm falling for you, especially if we keep on like this." At least then there is that middle step between fuck-buddies and an "I Love You" relationship.

    --SPOILER: If you pick the "threesome" with Zenda you will be VERY least I was. First reason, they just did ecstasy/Molly and other than a very short BJ, nothing else happens with either not a true threesome immediate at that decision point (Storm let me know it possibly comes later if I keep on with the Zenda path). Plus they just did Molly and I was expecting the girls to be a bit out of control vs fall asleep or leave.

    I'll give this some time to develop and then see how the newer reviews are. Overall better than average, but some gaps that are nagging at me.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Just amazing, Slockie and Storm really made an masterpiece here.
    The girls are hot, and the Story is really good.
    Just weird that it's not on the top rated games yet.

    Can't wait to see what else these guys have up their sleeves.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Bare Witness [v0.4b] [AlterWorlds]

    • Sounds like a crime background story and so far, very preliminary; hope it will be thrilling and interesting.
    • Polyamorous with fairly good number of females characters; Varying from moderate to high end physical structures.
    • Well advanced western typically fast paced story/game as well the sexual plays.
    • Excellent quality of image renders.
    • Excellent quality of animations.
    • Grammar and vocabularies are pretty good.
    • Playability and performance are all just OK no issue.

    • Sound: Almost no sound except background music.
    • Valerie character rejecting her friend Nicole is mysterious and no logic / not clear.
    • Lack of genuine or more of casualness in sexuality; could be true for western culture but for Asian culture it’s fictitious/imaginary.
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Rattus Rattus

    One of the best VN I have ever played. If you haven't tried it, just give it a go, I'm sure you will not reget it, the characters feel well thought out, the choices feel like the matter, and each scene is incredible .
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Goggle Goob

    Don't even know where to start this review considering how many good things there are to say about the game. First off, each of the characters in the game are unique and engaging in their own ways. The interactions with them end up feeling genuine and like their is depth to each one. Gives you an actual reason to try each of their paths. Even though some are a bit harder to get through due to how well written and rendered they are. Especially during the emotional scenes in the game. Actually makes you feel the choices you make.

    Speaking about the writing and renders, oh man are they among the best out there. The dialogue doesn't make you want to put your head through a wall. That coupled with the beautiful renders that are properly showing what's going on with the conversation. Also, talk about making that connection with the well written characters and how sweet/romantic the scenes end up looking during those emotional story beats. Back to the characters real quick, they are all enjoyable in their own ways. Plus the MC is someone that's easy to play as since he feels like a real person.

    Lastly I'll quickly touch on the grammar, playability, and story. The grammar is fantastic throughout the entire game. Can actually read through a sentence without having to decipher what's actually trying to be said in a scene. The game has plenty of replayability in it with how many paths there are available to you in the game. Each path is enjoyable in it's own way as well. Actually, for the most part they are since a couple scenes are really heartbreaking to get through. Lastly the story, it's not an overly complicated story but one that you can follow along with and enjoy. The game is paced well for pushing that story forward and your relationships with the characters.

    Overall the game is just a blast to play through even though it is an emotional rollercoaster at points. Would highly recommend people giving this game a try because it deserves the praise and attention that it's getting!
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Edit: Going to 1 star due to development pace. Game is set for rushed endings, which was forseeable (see below) - this game should have been a great. Unfortunately given the pace of updates that would have required more time than the lifespan of a pet.

    The MC gets laid way to easy. The writing is generally pretty good, and it looks like there should be a plot... But it quickly turns into slice of life with no plot. I do like that choices actually do matter - not one of those games where you can have relationships with every girl and they all are ok with that - seemingly every other game forces that harem fantasy. The art is above average (even with character rip offs), and the characters all have unique characteristics in how they are written as well.

    The game is too ambitious though, which is the downside to having this many player choices and trying to offer unique story arcs for each character chosen. The current pace of development cannot support doing that, and it does not bode well for the game ever being completed.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    play v0.4

    story: 3/5 To be honest it feels like the main character can jump into bed with many girls a bit to fast. And without giving any spoilers that the main reason for being there or solutions to it are comming in a very slow pace. Some choices for me are also not that good but that is personal taste I guess.

    characters: 4/5 The characters are sufficiently different both in terms of their physical appearance and their personalities. Moreover, almost all of them have a well-developed background that makes us believe in/understand the character.

    sex scene: 5/5 Are nicely done and happen a lot during the chapters (*maybe a bit to fast meaning more story would be nice).

    renders: 4/5 Nice renders overall, some seem a bit off but it might be me, like it's not quite natural but overall very good.

    animation: 3,5/5 There is a big quantity of scenes, and the loops are more or less ok, although I would have liked them to last a bit longer and show a bit more variation in movement. They are smooth but some parts can be better, they look a bit off(abnormal).

    sound: For not a being a big size game the sound is pretty good, i like it

    gameplay: 5/5 Truly excellent for this type of game, with many important choices.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game all the way through, great looking girls and very good animations as well, in my playthrough i went for 3 girls and ended up with all of em, and really enjoyed the 3-some with 2 of em since it was really well made.

    Someone said in the reviews that you had to break up with mora to be with heidi and athena or the other way around, but that wasent my experince, i am with all 3 and living with all 3 and even added a 4th as well on the side that they all know about as well, but not sure if Sadie works to the ending atleast i went back to just be with heidi/athena/mora felt more right to me.

    And there are plenty of girls in this game and you truely do have the option to say no and not have sex with the ones you dont want to be with which is so damn nice to see, thats something alot of other games fails at.

    Also most choices matters which is a really nice supprise, thats something many games fail at, also has alot of diffrent endings which is great, and the music fits perfectly into the diffrent scenes.

    Graphics 5/5
    Girls 5/5
    Music 5/5
    Story 4/5
    So yeah overall 5 stars worth.

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  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really love this game. Has some of the best group harem scenes of any game here. Really cool love interests with plenty of variety for all the Redhead/Goth/MILF lovers out there!
    Decent plot and some great scenes/animations. Added bonus is it is almost finished (One chapter left) which should release soon!
    Can't wait to see how it wraps up.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I just want to start out by saying, wow, that's all I can really say at this point. There's not a ton of content yet compared to other games but this one definitely stands out to me already. As a goth girl "enjoyer", as well as a casual lover of somewhat petite girls, of course I love Athena and Heidi's designs and personalities. It would seem that I've gotten too used to "harem" games where you choose every love interest with no drawbacks, this one definitely hurt. On my first playthrough I picked Athena, Heidi, and Mora;
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    As I got curious though, I wondered how the story would be with just Athena or just Heidi, and unfortunately it hurts A LOT as someone who gets invested in stories. I just want to say, major fucking props to the devs. I really enjoyed what content is available, and will be keeping a close eye on the game & its future development. Keep up the good work AlterWorlds! <3
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    My first time rating. This game is excellent. Enjoying the story and humour as much as the renders. Looking forward to seeing where it's going. Excellent job by all involved. Mora and Sadie are my faves so far.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Jack Nippleson

    Such a great read. I love the housemates harem route personally. The way the little blonde firecracker is written is really well done. The renders are amazing and any time that an author will go the extra mile to add a soundtrack just makes the experience that much more enjoyable. Look forward to more updates.