Something must've gone wrong on your run then, cause that's the first time that I used that guide and I won all girls and got 23 out of 24 achievements. Granted, there are times that I was save scumming to prevent Jose from winning a girl, but as long as you save regularly then your run should be fine.
It's okay I got better and learned to cheat, now I never have to repeat an entire day again because something went wrong somewhere
I repeat day 3 even after it got messed up, and I still couldn't get to fuck the three girls in the end, I could only get to 2 because the time passed at a certain point, which didn't happen in the guide.
The mod isn't version 1.0 so maybe that's what fucked it up. Something got messed up somewhere, but if all of you are not experiencing difficulties then it must be something on my side when installing the incest mod.