only complaints I have atm are:

Thanks for posting your comments / feedback. Of course, there are lots of issues with it, as it's a work in progress and it's also my first project where I'm a dev, game designer and 3d artist all in one
Let me try to address some of the issues:
- the effort bar: as ThatOtherStranger said - there are limits to the maximum effort, even if your stamina is high. This is supposed to mimic the real world. There will be a bunch of changes to the effort system soon however. Right now both opponents roll a random effort per turn, between a min/max, then can adjust it within the same limits. The change will see both players starting at the minimum effort, and being able to adjust the effort between 0 and max. An effort under the minimum effort will restore some stamina. I'm also changing and improving the algorithm that the cpu uses to decide how to raise (it will still be random, but more engaging). In addition, extra effort will be generated by a new anger stat. In my work in progress version anger is currently generated by repetitive actions (e.g. spamming a certain sequence of moves). That should address exactly what you pointed out above, i.e. the opponent not getting to fight back at all if you know what you're doing.
Re: the camera clipping into the ground - could you please post a screenshot of it / some steps to reproduce it? I have never had that happen to me, and I'd like to fix it.
CPU getting stuck in straddle / between legs / straddle - I know the issue and I will address it.
The cumming animation: right now there is no customly made cumming animation, only the particle effect to simulate it. I'm planning to implement custom animations that will look a lot more the part. There will likely still be situations where the particle effects won't be visible, however (e.g. especially when cumming inside). That said, I'll try to make them as visual as possible.
Stamina refilling during selection: intentional - that is why the timer is there, as it is part of the mechanic. Note however that stamina regens at half rate during this time. In the newest version on the cpu will also be able to wait between 1 and 2 seconds.
Clothes being awkward: oh boy

) they are. It's the first time I have to model and weight paint clothes, and they're a pain. I expect I will be able to improve over time, but bar hiring an actual 3d artist, I'm afraid there won't be loads of improvements too soon. Re: underwear not moving during sex - it's supposed to move to the side and leave the cock free, as well as move to the side of the vagina where applicable. Are there situations where it doesn't?
Saving custom characters: it is possible, you only need to provide a different name to the character you are editing. If you do, it will be saved and show up in the list when you click Save. If it is an existing name, it will overwrite the respective character on Save. Basically to create a new character type in a new name, then edit and save as needed. You can start from an existing one, or press on New / randomize, but it won't be a new one until you give it a new, unique name