RPGM - Completed - Bawdy Traditions [v1.2.5] [Aedirn Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great story, plot, renders and corruption elements. The story is impactful and quite slow burner, but very rewarding. Choices do not matter much as they tend to skip scenes, although there is some critical choices that shape the text and endings. The negative thing around this game is that there is no assistance for the player and no help tips, this leads to very frustrating exploration if you have missed the text with the hint where to go next, or you are playing next day. Overall great game, would be amazing with some hints where to go next.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, Heroine 4.3/5 for me, not a fan of NTR, but a fan of Corruption, so I liked the game, in some scenes her husband killed the atmosphere a little, but this is my personal opinion))) but overall I liked it.+Kaikatsu is my favorite Art engine for games))))
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    *The girl is cute and the dialogs between the characters are not that bad, I can give that as positive.

    *The art is something between draw art and 3D render I guess, but the low resolution of the models doesn't help.
    *Close to zero animation in the sex scenes.
    *The game has "voluntary" NTR, which I must say is not the type of NTR I like, but still... The story is pretty simple and the girl engages into lewd scenes too fast. That may be a positive for some people, but I think the story lacks a lot of "corruption". That would make the story more believable and enjoyable.
    *The game has bugs. No game-breaking, but lack-of-polish bugs that are kinda annoying and can slow down your gameplay.

    In conclusion, pretty "meh" compared to other NTR/corruption games...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice NTR story, I haven't seen the other endings yet, but the full NTR end is quite hot, you get plenty choices during the game, altough most of them pop up very fast during dialog and you often have to load the game to see what you even selected, so save very often when playing this.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    「S」- Man

    Man this game is obscenely bad.


    - It a linear story and that's ok, but at some point you just wonder why wasn't made on Ren'Py because of how crude and simplistic the gameplay is.

    - The quest log just stops working midway through the game.

    - Most choices don't have consequences.

    - Some choices aren't even choices, you either say yes or don't progress the story.

    - The use of Miki Matsubara song Stay With me at one of the ending was completely out of place and uncalled for (great song, awful timming).


    - CGs are well done.

    - Scripting is above average and the wife and husband dinamic is well played.

    - Is short and therefore less of a waste of your time.

    Final veredict:
    Fappable for the less demanding, but not worthy of a replay.
    For those who consider themselves true patricians and elitists:
    not even once.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the game, and I will give 5/5 to this game, graphics -3, story - 5, Devs -5.

    Map was simple, with no mind-numbing puzzle to solve, straight to choices and consequences.

    Could Devs make a sequel for this game? This game deserves more and needs more attention.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game. I tried the total corruption, husband fails to please path, and found it well executed. I think I will try the total corruption, but the husband manages to "stay with his wife" path. Both the husband and wife have agency in regards to a lot of what happens. Which is rare in many NTR situations.

    --I like the female renders of the women given the cartoon style.
    --well-executed NTR story, among the best in class
    --some amusing circumstance
    --Well thought out characters

    --animations kinda suck. You can hear sounds implying animation and occasionally there is some, but a lot of work needs to be done in this area
    --UI has some issues.
    (I knocked off a half star for some of these problems but rounded up in my final evaluation)

    --Alexis is a wasted opportunity. She enters the picture early, there is a suggestion she might be deployed in an interesting way and then it just peters out. I really hope they tease her out in later development cause she is a pretty hilarious character. Would love to be able to watch her have sex at the festival. There's a scene where you know she is, but you are never allowed to watch.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game does not have battles or leveling or huge amount of maps and npcs
    It is simple and yet it is so great
    Mc looks hot as well as situations she gets into and it is incredibly fun to play this game
    I only wish sex scenes were animated
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The only RPGM game Ive ever enjoyed and the sole reason why I started including RPGM in my search. This was in hopes to find another game like this but none drew even the slightest comparison sadly. I normally split reviews up into pros and cons but if you read my other reviews, you'll notice a certain checklist I utilize. Well for Bawdy I want to skip to the point and say this game checks all my boxes. Almost a perfect score for an almost perfect game. This game isnt animated yet it has sexier scenes than many SFM movies, Blender renders, HS games or Daz games.

    Let me just say the character model for Leyna is as generic a KK model as one could have yet the writing and sex scenes make her so sexy that youre automatically immersed in the world and her character. Some scenes I would literally put up against any game on this site as far as how fappable they are. One scene in particular or a series of scenes, I should say, involving a photographer are scenes with a circumstance or sex position Ive never in any adult comic, h scene, hentai, or adult movie. Its one of a kind and completely turned me on. The tension and built up mixed with the lighthearted feel makes every scene enjoyable.

    With that being said, there is some NTR but its not the kind of NTR where you feel bad for the character (Johan). The character actually stands up for himself. The other characters are not forcing her or doing creepy corny poorly tasted things to her either. Shes always essentially acting on her urges depending on what choice you make. There are some bugs and theres not much of a hint system but if you follow the shiny things on the map you should be fine. If not, a member took the liberty of making a walk-through map.

    Normally I despise having to use a walkthrough in a porn game but Bawdy got the exception because of it content and responsive Dev. This game is a classic and I hope there will be many more like it. Any Devs who read this review, this is the formula for success. Now if we can just get the dev to convert the next big installment into a RenPy based VN.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a good amount of content in this version. Though the endings are unfinished, it is definitely worth playing to see the events. Another gem for NTR, a must-play for its fans!

    + Simple story about a married couple's visit to a village to do interviews. Easy to get into and immerse yourself in, no complications and bizarre events that take you out of it (unless you are weirded out by how "open" the villagers). We get to see both MC and FMC's perspectives in many events but the main focus is on the FMC :love:.

    + You get to control how the FMC reacts to the villagers and how the MC reacts to what's happening (or not) to his beloved wife. You get to decide how their short stay (and marriage) goes (y).

    + Having played some NTR games, the characters here are believable. The corruption pacing is just right for me. Heck, you can even delay it through your choices during events. The MC and FMC start out like a normal couple. The village tradition provides enough reason for the villagers to act that way.

    + Loved how the MC's side is done. You get to control how he can (or cannot) defend his wife, unlike many NTR games out there that force you into that position. (It's a bonus for the player. I like the option to do something about it but chooses not to. The game doesn't punish you.)

    + Loved the endings. They are unfinished but I appreciate that the MC keeps his dignity and storms out.

    + Lots of events to satisfy a variety of kinks but I would have liked more, much like how the photography sessions can proceed. (I would love to see more events involving massages, the bar, drinking games, hot spring part-time, and village rituals). The scenes are hot!

    - I'm not into butt sex

    - Basically, you just move to locations to trigger events. It is more about the events that take place and the story. It is tedious to walk around with nothing happening in between; at least the map is small. (Still, I prefer to have movement and explore over an on-rails VN)

    - The maps are small, you only stick around in the village and its surroundings. Outside of the events, the villagers and the stores don't do much. Would love to see mini-events from talking to villagers in the festival (i.e. gropings) brought into other locations like the village square.

    + The characters' looks are fine. The FMC looks hot in the photography sessions. Nothing to complain about body proportions and private parts.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Thought this game would right up my street so have held off playing it for a while.

    For a games that that seems big on corruption there is no build up or characterisation, by the end of the second day shes already given hand jobs, blow jobs, been completely naked and agreed to be photographed in completely see through underwear. It doesn't seem to effect her in any way. she just gets on with her day, it doesn't play like corruption at all.

    There is a corruption mechanic but as far as i can see it doesn't really have any purpose, if you just do all the tasks you are set each day you'll have enough corruption to do what ever task are available on that day. There's absolutely no grind, but a little bit of grind sometimes helps with the pacing especially in corruption games,

    The writing is very functional there's no depth or feeling to any of it, its short scene after short scene, which is a large part of the reason there is no actual feeling of corruption in this game.

    Not a fan of the the manga styling of her eyes when ever shes in a different mood its really jarring especially when its pretty much every other image, its way over used.

    If you just want a brainless quick fap then maybe this will suit you
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    I am really enjoying this game.

    Well developed, simple, no grind.

    Unfortunately I don't like the art (personal taste of course, I am into more "realistic" graphic.)

    I left 3 stars because I believe the sex scenes are not represented well enough, too swift , few images, I believe the Dev should dedicated more images and dialogues to sex scenes
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very cute characters and great artstyle especially the scenes and the story build up is the correct pace and I've run out of things to say so I'm litterally just typing to get the right number of characters
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Im not gicing 1 satr cause it is not that bad, but the writing is terrible. The husband is either blind, or sleepy or drunk.

    The Male protagonist has 1 half of an eye cause anyone with his peripheral vision working can see a guy who is at 2 feet distance sticking his dick in his wifes mouth and there are so many of these "I cant see from here" moments that my teeth are eroded from cringe.
    And then you have the sex ninjas that appear, put their penises inside the girl, cum in 3 seconds and go unnoticed. It is not well written, it sucks pretty much.
    And then all the times the MC explains the NTR kink to us with "im feeling something in my stomach"+ "im having an erection". I dont need you to explain me what it is, i need you to explain what you do about it and why, not repeating over and over the same thing without actually making any decisions about it.
    And that's pretty much it, well the sounds are also cringefest.
    So, why the 2 stars? Cause soon it turns into a silly and repetitive fuckfest and characters are not that interesting, and besides some renders being interesting, in my opinion the rest is boring.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game made me lose NNN...

    This game is very good, one of the best NTR games on this site.
    If you don't like NTR, then I suggest playing Seeds of Chaos or this game here, they both changed my opinion on the genre.
    10/10 would lose NNN again.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    very good, its a tad bit short but i recommend it

    the story is good and the dialogue is good and you can feel the emotion in them alto there is some spelling mistakes in the dialogue but then again this is a in development realise

    its the only ntr content i actually enjoyed watching and playing.

    alto i wish there was more scenes in some places
    like when leyna is alone i wish there was a option to enter the river alone~, or different dialogue when going to the festival alone, maybe a special scene for being alone at the festival?~,maybe more scenes alone at the onsen? and i hope there will be more animated senses in the final game/next update.

    maybe have a option to sneak out alone at night as leyna?
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, before I write the rest of the review I must say two things. First: I don't like rpgm games. Second: I don't like NTR.

    That being said this one (Version 0.6.9) was a great experience. I was surprised how much I liked it. I First downloaded it a long time ago, and left. Then I came back and I see a lot of improvements.

    The graphics - they look really well, cant say much more, the art is pretty good. The scenes are Nice to look at and the gameplay part is Nice for eye.

    I have not encountered any bug that prevented me from playing.

    The story is better than most things I've encountered. Although at First I thought it is not my Type, then I realised that good writing makes it up completely.

    I definitely recommend this one even for those who dont like NTR.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect game in its tags, really good style of picture and animations. Its best game i have played for some period and it worth of playing) When it completed it would be fantastic and its already one of my favorite game. Devs you are amazing! :)
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    What you have is an RPG maker game with illusion visuals for the scenes. The epitome of generic. But the gameplay, what's that like? Well you just walk around a town looking for people to speak to or glowing circles, to gain 'corruption' in a nearly entirely linear fasion, so you can go to the river or whatever the fuck to end the day.

    But its so fucking linear. All you do is walk around lost. Trying to find the one guy who does anything.
    There's a sign post that tells you what to do. Like "go buy festival clothes". So I go to the shop. The shopkeeper says the same shit as on any other day.
    "go to alexa so you can go to river". Who the fuck is alexa? Ah, an NPC I've never met before, hidden in a corner of the village, mentioned by no one. Go to her.
    "go help a worker on the left rode with his son, who is in the bar, by grabbing an item". That one is very detailed. But only can be done after you do another quest for no apparent reason. And where's the toolbox? In the grocery shop. Where is that? Its the one with a bag and teapot on it. Called 'general goods', not grocery, but that's the grocery store. You go in, open a random box, get 'an item'. 'an item'. You get 'an item'. Its his item. Game doesn't say this. It says 'an item'.

    So its got extremely generic art with a very bland girl, NTR where she just goes along with everything as if born with no backbone and a frustrating gameplay loop.
    All I can really give it credit for is the male MC - he actually calls shit out sometimes. Occasionally. Ineffectually. But its a step up from complete obliviousness that plagues this genre.
    A shame all the men but him in this game seem to be 7-9 foot tall adonises with dicks half the size of the chick so he can't compete.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks very promising. Edited for 0.5.7 release review.

    Pretty good development so far (0.5.7). Good art and storyline. Not as fleshed out as say 'Mischief War', but a pretty good corruption NTR story with a husband who is a combination of inattentive and oblivious, with options to be supportive / non-interventional in his wife's NTR-exploration. Appreciate the choices at certain pathways. The mechanic of both alcohol and a ritual aphrodisiac fruit as tools to make MC lose inhibition and start her NTR pathway felt natural. The blackmail follow-up also helps to seal the corruption NTR descent -- you've already done X and I've got proof, why not do Y and hubby never finds out?

    Pretty strong ahegao if you're into that. The eyes in particular are some interesting art -- can't say I've seen spiral line eyes used before, and the drunken / lust hazy eyes are pretty good too.

    Constructive criticisms:
    • Corruption occurs too fast, not a slow enough burn. You're going from faithful wife to "gee, I really wanted to suck those 2 big dicks at the river" within the first afternoon. Felt too much like 'Minako', where the MC goes from loyal wife of 5 years to "ooh, my husband told me to stay away from this guy because he's a lying psycho who gets women pregnant...but I'm feeling sort of sorry for him, so why don't I let him creampie me so he feels better?" her first night in the village. It seems the developer is using money issues as a potential pathway to explain corruption, but it isn't compelling or urgent enough. Maybe they could tweak the dialogue a bit to add to the urgency -- like the MC is expecting to be paid for the article once they're back home, but didn't realize hotel and clothing for the festival would be as expensive as it is and won't be getting reimbursed until afterwards, so Leyna helps to try to get money for these things now or else they can't stay. Would better help to sell the urgency for why she's willing to do some of the risky things she does in the pursuit of money so early on.
    • After 0.5.2 I recommended more Alexa scenes: She's a cutie. Perhaps she could help to solve the slow burn corruption issue? Leyna is trying to stay pure, but Alexa's cheating ways are opening up Leyna's eyes to the thrill of NTR, as well as putting her in dangerous scenarios with horny guys where she feels too threatened to resist. Release 0.5.7 delivered exactly on that.
    • It would be good to separate out what Johan sees from what Leyna sees. This would also entail creating some sort of recollection room to see events later. Some of the scenes in particular I'm thinking about would be...
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    • Could do with a spelling & grammar cleanup.