BB Ladies fucking guys in Porn

How would the majority of you feel if Kira, Ann, or Alice had sex with another guy in a porn context

  • Sure, all of them should be able and willing to

    Votes: 49 42.6%
  • Kira would make sense but not the others

    Votes: 11 9.6%
  • I'd be fine with it but it's not my favorite

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Fuck no, they belong to max

    Votes: 47 40.9%

  • Total voters


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
From story telling perspective, BB and DmD are one of the best written games on this website. Added my 2 cents seeing how they are being randomly critisized here.

The only problem with DmD is that I am not attracted to 14 year olds.
Nothing random about it. Every single character in BB is 2 dimensional. Tell me a single thing about Lisa or Alice that doesn't have to do with sex? As for DmD, D goes from maybe 13 to 5 years old in her psyche and understanding of sex all the time. That's objectively bad writing. Source? I'm a writer.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I can't say anything about DmD, but as far as BB goes, I disagree with ComicBookGuy. The one thing the game does right in terms of storytelling is creating a villain, everybody just has to hate. But on the other hand such a villain would be better off in a game other than a porn game. It may still have an eleborate plot, but the characters are far too trivial and stereotypical to be called well-written characters. They are similar to real people, but this doesn't make them good characters. Mediocrity is not a quality that is suited for main characters in any story. And these characters embody mediocrity like no others.


I only play good games
Oct 5, 2017
Nothing random about it. Every single character in BB is 2 dimensional. Tell me a single thing about Lisa or Alice that doesn't have to do with sex? As for DmD, D goes from maybe 13 to 5 years old in her psyche and understanding of sex all the time. That's objectively bad writing. Source? I'm a writer.
It's an erotic game with emphasis on sex, of course it's mostly about sex. All of these games are bad compared to J.R.R Tolkien or Stephen King, they aren't supposed to be extremely indepth storylines, that wouldn't work for an erotic game. That would make just people press down the CTRL button on RenPy, nobody wants an endless story.

You aren't looking at these game objectively, you are comparing small erotic novels to writing in general.

I haven't heard of any accomplished writers in the world with your username. Proclaiming to be a writer isn't a source.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
It's an erotic game with emphasis on sex, of course it's mostly about sex. All of these games are bad compared to J.R.R Tolkien or Stephen King, they aren't supposed to be extremely indepth storylines, that wouldn't work for an erotic game. That would make just people press down the CTRL button on RenPy, nobody wants an endless story.

You aren't looking at these game objectively, you are comparing small erotic novels to writing in general.

I haven't heard of any accomplished writers in the world with your username. Proclaiming to be a writer isn't a source.
I have a game on this site, do you?

I would compare Coceter Chronicles to J. R. R. Tolkien. In fact, I'd call it better because it does more with less. I would compare Depraved Awakening to Stephen King. I'd compare Wicked Choices to other fantasy contemporaries, like S. M. Boyce.

Parental Love, Babysitter, and My Sweet Neighbors are all extremely similar to DmD, and all of them are infinitely better written.

Milfy City managed to create a family in its game that has a life and personality of its own. Sara, the little sister, is a gamer, in fact she's really good, seemingly competitive level in some sort of moba by the looks of the game on the computer screen in the game. Caroline, the older sister is a business owner trying to get her clothing shop up and running, she's also a college student studying business. Your mother is a powerful business woman, running an office of her own. Whats more? Unlike the shit writing in BB each of these girls has their own motivations and experiences that are used to characterize them and determine, though story, how they will interact with the MC. All of this in the 0.1 release of the game. BB has less character in its entirety.

BB forces you to grind events, and commit what is legally considered sexual assault in most civilized parts of the world in order to get with the girls. Milfy City has each girl choose to be with you for their own reasons. Your mother is a pervert. She's been fantasizing about you, reading a book on seducing your son. She isn't sexually excited by your father, a fact you learn if you play the game. Sara, being an awkward geek doesn't have a lot of experience with boys, but her older brother has always made her feel special, and moreover, spends time with her, sharing her hobbies, she has a crush on him. The older sister is really protective of you. And she blames herself for getting you hard. Eventually it seems she's excited by the idea of helping get you off.

These aren't things you pressure those girls into. They make those decisions of their own accord. That is possible because they're well written. To be honest, I take objection to you comparing the games to novels. Thats wrong. Games are a visual medium. As such they much more closely resemble screenplay. A tip that people writing films will tell you, is that each of your major characters should embody the theme of the story in some way. In BB,Max, Eric, and Kira all have similar motivations. They all belong in the same game. Alice, Lisa, and Ann do not. Alice is a pretty normal bisexual hot girl with a missing father. Lisa is a basic as fuck schoolgirl. The only way to explain Ann is to say that she has a serious multiple personality disorder. None of them has a motivation that is in line with the plot, which is creating Max's Harem. Eric is the villain attempting to create his own harem of Max's options. Kira is the wise teacher. She's Max's Obi Wan or Gandalf. No one else has a motivation for being a part of the game, and the game suffers for it.

I could, and have deconstructed Man of the House along the same lines. I have an entire pages long thread deconstructing the problems with so called "Corruption games" that led to the addition of yet another trope to the Tropes thread about what we termed "Female player antagonist" games, because of the failure of writers to write those games in a way that makes the female character work with the Player. So yeah, I can objectively say, from a technical standpoint that Big Brother and Dating my Daughter suffer from poor writing. You can still like them. If you read my reconstruction of DmD you'd know that I'm up to date on the game because I've kept playing it. I mentioned I have a game on this site, its telling fan stories starting with the BB universe, something I'm only able to do because I played it for so long. The difference between you and myself, I am able to separate myself from my ability to critique story.

I didn't deconstruct DmD here in this post, but you can go back to my post before and see how it could be improved while still hitting many of the story beats from the original.
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I only play good games
Oct 5, 2017
I have a game on this site, do you?

I would compare Coceter Chronicles to J. R. R. Tolkien. In fact, I'd call it better because it does more with less. I would compare Depraved Awakening to Stephen King. I'd compare Wicked Choices to other fantasy contemporaries, like S. M. Boyce.

Parental Love, Babysitter, and My Sweet Neighbors are all extremely similar to DmD, and all of them are infinitely better written.

Milfy City managed to create a family in its game that has a life and personality of its own. Sara, the little sister, is a gamer, in fact she's really good, seemingly competitive level in some sort of moba by the looks of the game on the computer screen in the game. Caroline, the older sister is a business owner trying to get her clothing shop up and running, she's also a college student studying business. Your mother is a powerful business woman, running an office of her own. Whats more? Unlike the shit writing in BB each of these girls has their own motivations and experiences that are used to characterize them and determine, though story, how they will interact with the MC. All of this in the 0.1 release of the game. BB has less character in its entirety.

BB forces you to grind events, and commit what is legally considered sexual assault in most civilized parts of the world in order to get with the girls. Milfy City has each girl choose to be with you for their own reasons. Your mother is a pervert. She's been fantasizing about you, reading a book on seducing your son. She isn't sexually excited by your father, a fact you learn if you play the game. Sara, being an awkward geek doesn't have a lot of experience with boys, but her older brother has always made her feel special, and moreover, spends time with her, sharing her hobbies, she has a crush on him. The older sister is really protective of you. And she blames herself for getting you hard. Eventually it seems she's excited by the idea of helping get you off.

These aren't things you pressure those girls into. They make those decisions of their own accord. That is possible because they're well written. To be honest, I take objection to you comparing the games to novels. Thats wrong. Games are a visual medium. As such they much more closely resemble screenplay. A tip that people writing films will tell you, is that each of your major characters should embody the theme of the story in some way. In BB,Max, Eric, and Kira all have similar motivations. They all belong in the same game. Alice, Lisa, and Ann do not. Alice is a pretty normal bisexual hot girl with a missing father. Lisa is a basic as fuck schoolgirl. The only way to explain Ann is to say that she has a serious multiple personality disorder. None of them has a motivation that is in line with the plot, which is creating Max's Harem. Eric is the villain attempting to create his own harem of Max's options. Kira is the wise teacher. She's Max's Obi Wan or Gandalf. No one else has a motivation for being a part of the game, and the game suffers for it.

I could, and have deconstructed Man of the House along the same lines. I have an entire pages long thread deconstructing the problems with so called "Corruption games" that led to the addition of yet another trope to the Tropes thread about what we termed "Female player antagonist" games, because of the failure of writers to write those games in a way that makes the female character work with the Player. So yeah, I can objectively say, from a technical standpoint that Big Brother and Dating my Daughter suffer from poor writing. You can still like them. If you read my reconstruction of DmD you'd know that I'm up to date on the game because I've kept playing it. I mentioned I have a game on this site, its telling fan stories starting with the BB universe, something I'm only able to do because I played it for so long. The difference between you and myself, I am able to separate myself from my ability to critique story.

I didn't deconstruct DmD here in this post, but you can go back to my post before and see how it could be improved while still hitting many of the story beats from the original.
Having a game on a website about porn games hardly makes you a reputable writer. That's about as reputable as anyone here posting calling themselves writers because they write in posts.

Parental Love has almost no depth compared to BB, not only is the entire game focused on 1 character(the main daughter), it's an extremely short game compared to BB and DmD. Comparing them to is laughable at best.

I agree that Babysitter is pretty good in storytelling perspective but again mainly focuses on 2 characters and is way too short to call it better than BB.

How is the legality of how you get laid bad writing? Is every movie that has ever been made about murder also automatically garbage? Because the movie is legally questionable.

You aren't really proving anything here by comparing Milfy City to BB because I have never said anything about Milfy City. Mifly City is all about family members who want to fuck you for some reason. Younger sister and mom are pretty much instantly ready to jump your dick but they can't because that would make the game short, hardly a well done storytelling. I was honestly bit disappoint with the first version but still one of the best erotic games recently put out.

Here is the boildown of your arguments why BB has bad storytelling.

1. The game is too grindy - Has nothing to do with storytelling but I agree it is because you can't skip full days.
2. You force girls into sex - Not only fabricated, being forced into sex and good storytelling aren't exclusive.

I only read about half of your novella so I am going to stop responding this time, the upper half was already garbage, I couldn't bare to continue.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I only read about half of your novella so I am going to stop responding this time, the upper half was already garbage, I couldn't bare to continue.
The value of your rebuttal is completely undercut by this statement, however I'll entertain you regardless. Allowing you to continue under the impression that BB and DmD are examples of quality storytelling is an utter travesty and you deserve to be taught why you're objectively wrong from a technical standpoint.

Parental Love has almost no depth compared to BB, not only is the entire game focused on 1 character(the main daughter), it's an extremely short game compared to BB and DmD. Comparing them to is laughable at best.
Your ignorance shines like a beacon. Mechanically speaking and plot wise, Parental love and DmD are the same exact game. It is an incest premise built on the real world fact that by separating the father from the daughter would remove the psychological impediment to them developing sexual attraction to one another. What Parental love does that DmD didn't is write cast of mature and intelligent characters with well rounded motivations and desires. This is what allowed Parental Love to believably get to the point where your proactive 18 year old daughter gives you her first blowjob in only 5 releases, rather than spending over a year slowly convincing your naive impressionable daughter that its totally normal for you to have been molesting her all this time and that she should continue to go further.

Big brother had depth... for about 5 seconds and then it was completely ruined by Dark Silver's inability to write an antagonist. Furthermore, since Dark Silver couldn't write 3 dimensional characters with their own motivations and goals, he had to implement a grinding system of advancement. If he'd been able to write good characters then the path to a sexual encounter with any of the women in the game would have been a mutual thing based in story development. Which I'll touch on later, when I get to another point in your post.

I agree that Babysitter is pretty good in storytelling perspective but again mainly focuses on 2 characters and is way too short to call it better than BB.
I don't recall making a direct comparison between the two... In fact, like with parental love, they were all brought up in comparison to DmD. Why, they are mechanically the same. Only its an Uncle and a Niece and not a Father and daughter.

How is the legality of how you get laid bad writing? Is every movie that has ever been made about murder also automatically garbage? Because the movie is legally questionable.
You are framing this question in a leading way. I didn't say that writing a game about molestation is inherently a bad way to write a game. However, BB doesn't present itself as a molestation game. It acts like a romance game. It expects you to come away saying that Alice, Lisa, and Ann wanted it. It expects you to see the predatory behaviours and harassment perpetuated by Max as romantic overtures. If it had been written as a molestation game we would still be talking about how Lisa and Ann are completely 2 dimensional characters, and how Alice only trancended that position as a result of the grind elements introduced to impede your progress with her and begin your progress with Ann. However, we wouldn't be talking about how it used grind and predatory behavior to manufacture sexual content. This goes the same for DmD, which as I mentioned above, does the same thing. It wants you to see a romance between two characters, but what we are actually seeing is a father take advantage of his daughter's naivety. This is why the story is bad. We aren't convinced of the romance it is trying to convince us of.

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You aren't really proving anything here by comparing Milfy City to BB because I have never said anything about Milfy City. Mifly City is all about family members who want to fuck you for some reason. Younger sister and mom are pretty much instantly ready to jump your dick but they can't because that would make the game short, hardly a well done storytelling. I was honestly bit disappoint with the first version but still one of the best erotic games recently put out.
I'm sorry, you're offended by the fact that the game took the time to write characters who have motivations for having sex with you? The mom wants to jump on your dick, but not any more than any other woman who's sexually attracted to a man does. However, Sara isn't ready for that. You see, there's a thing we as humans do that is sometimes referred to as the stairway to heaven. There are a few steps we climb before reaching a sex act with a person, even on a one night stand. The stairway to heaven is used in most games. Look at DmD and you see it dragged out forever. Look at BB and its in how far each woman is willing to go before each step. The difference between Milfy City is that you didn't have to grind doing arbitratry bullshit in order to earn this sexual encounter, you didn't have to, because sex isn't a reward. Its a part of a healthy relationship. The goal of the game shouldn't be vaginal sex. It should be a continuing sexual relationship so you can revisit it after you've cum to see how you two fuck next. What depraved step, what interesting position. Don't tell me you wouldn't be interested. You fapped every time you moved further without penetration, why wouldn't you fap every time after? New postions, new locations, threesomes, almost getting caught, all these different ways to keep having sex and keep it interesting. But no, shitty devs like DS and Mr. Dots decided to make sex the reward so their game will end when sex happens with all the characters its supposed to happen with.

1. The game is too grindy - Has nothing to do with storytelling but I agree it is because you can't skip full days.
Grind has not purpose in the game other than to drag out the time spent playing between sexual acts. It is there to give you the illusion that you earned the sex act that follows. Honestly, you could replace the grind in this game with a maze you have to solve, or a puzzle, or fucking candy crush, and then when you complete it, give you a sex scene. Grind is the result of a developer not being able to write a reason for the characters to have sex. Dark silver couldn't think up characters who would be interested in having sex with one another, so instead he makes you earn that sex trough grind.

2. You force girls into sex - Not only fabricated, being forced into sex and good storytelling aren't exclusive.
This is not a separate point from the grind. It is the result of the grind. Instead of this game being a seduction/romance, as it presents itself, it is a molestation game. If the characters had been written with motivations for sexual encounters then the game would not have been a molestation game. If the game had a competent writer, the game would not be a molestation game, because the intent of the game has always been romance and seduction.

You're right that forced sex and story aren't mutually exclusive, but again, it's only forced as a biproduct of the grind. If you remove the grind, its just a string of sexual scenes. They have no depth and might as well be a porn movie, but without the grind you actually remove the molestation. I'm sorry to break that to you. This game only exists on the back of its grind. Without it its just a series of sex scenes.


Jan 21, 2018
to quickly get back to the topic, allthough i loved reading all comments and suggestions on how soem other story lines should go * points @ Darthseduction *
its about the BB women.
be honest, max can control the 3 close to him.
kira will do whatever the F*** she wants in the end.
max is a horndog with 1 goal.
Kira is more mature in that matter,shes just having fun .
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