3.20 star(s) 18 Votes


May 9, 2022
Yes, that's basically a prologue, v0.1. What did you expect ?
They are still things that need mentioned to ensure they wont be left as-is. His complaints were valid and were not the least bit insulting. You shunning his complaints is not valid as you are implying he should have remained silent

The hint system is done in a way that it is actually at risk of being 'how its done'. Yet it is not good so clearly requesting improvement is a good thing.

Many devs leave repeatable scenes static which is an absolute failure. Its trivial to write them in a way that the text is different between the first time and repeated times. So from a player perspective you get proper continuity.

And some scenes are unreachable. This is an outright bug and the dev might not know. Pointing out bugs is essential to them being fixed.

Everything Tulandra mentioned was useful


Jul 2, 2017
They are still things that need mentioned to ensure they wont be left as-is. His complaints were valid and were not the least bit insulting. You shunning his complaints is not valid as you are implying he should have remained silent

The hint system is done in a way that it is actually at risk of being 'how its done'. Yet it is not good so clearly requesting improvement is a good thing.

Many devs leave repeatable scenes static which is an absolute failure. Its trivial to write them in a way that the text is different between the first time and repeated times. So from a player perspective you get proper continuity.

And some scenes are unreachable. This is an outright bug and the dev might not know. Pointing out bugs is essential to them being fixed.

Everything Tulandra mentioned was useful
Now, YOUR comment was useful by developing these points. His comment was just a complaint but not write in a useful way.
I agree with some problems, especially regarding the hints but it's still a 0.1 after all


(un)killed in action
Game Developer
Jun 26, 2017
Guys, please excuse me just this once.
They are still things that need mentioned to ensure they wont be left as-is. His complaints were valid and were not the least bit insulting. You shunning his complaints is not valid as you are implying he should have remained silent

The hint system is done in a way that it is actually at risk of being 'how its done'. Yet it is not good so clearly requesting improvement is a good thing.

Many devs leave repeatable scenes static which is an absolute failure. Its trivial to write them in a way that the text is different between the first time and repeated times. So from a player perspective you get proper continuity.

And some scenes are unreachable. This is an outright bug and the dev might not know. Pointing out bugs is essential to them being fixed.

Everything Tulandra mentioned was useful
This guy... ok, I'll try to be short.

With all due respect, seronis.. you're full of shit.
You come here, replying to this thread every couple days, as if you're trying to be of some assistence.. but dude let me be straight up with you, I don't give a shit about what you have to say.

A few days ago you wrote a review for this game.
Now I think it's only reasonable to assume that you would rate an average game you didn't particularly like, but found somewhat serious and a little fun (even fappable maybe), three stars.
You'd give a game you found bad, but not the worse, two stars.. possibly because it simply didn't work for you or it wasn't an experience any bit worthy of your time.. idk (I, personally, wouldn't even bother to review a game like that)

But you came here and reviewed my game with only one star.

The messege you send by doing that is: "stay away from this hopeless piece of shit"

You've shown no appreciation for it.
For the ridiculous effort that was releasing the first version of my first game filled with this much content and attention.
I'm trying to provide a service here, a free service to most of you.
And I'm busting my ass to deliver the very best that I can.

I know for a fact that this game is not a 1/5.
Buggy yes, and packed w/ some unintended grind and a few grammar and progression errors.. but definitely not a 1/5.
Now, you're absolutely entitled to your opinion, and to despise it.. you are. But you can still be either respectful or full of shit when vocalizing that.

But you took your time to come here and you flamed it.
Your winging affects how others decide whether to give it a chance or not.
Many will assume you meant what you wrote.
So don't contradictorily walk around acting as if you're being constructive. As if what you're doing here is trying to help me.

I'll be working on improving the quality of it patch after patch. Trimming the grind, improving the dialogues & grammar, replacing a couple mechanics here and there. Thankfully (and not to you) the game's reception has been amazing, and I'm getting a ton of suggestions and constructive criticism.
A ton!
And I am carefully listening to them.
But don't you dare to think, not for a sec, that you took part in what's to come.
Yet I cannot stop you from playing the game or replying to this thread, I'm not going to let you pose as a constructive member of this community.
You're unwelcome. (and now ignored, btw)
Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 14, 2020
For all the People that still haven't unlock the other scenes go to the discord and find the saves and use it as a gallery.
  • Red Heart
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May 9, 2022
The game _IS_ 1 star now. And I also clearly stated in the same review its potential is 3-4 stars which is very commendable. What the game is most likely to be in the future has NOTHING to do with its current state when giving a rating. Its why the rules for reviews say to clearly mention the version you are rating.

For an X out of 5 stars rating system, that means if I pull 5 games I enjoy playing out of my gaming library, how many of them would I prefer to play LESS than this game.

2/5 star would mean I prefer to play this more than 2 out of 5 other games I enjoy. Its not at that level. Its actually close though which is why I started the review thinking of 2 stars.

Just because morons think any game they passably like deserve 5 stars (or even 3) does not make that a proper rating. 3 stars means you like it MORE THAN 60% of other games you enjoy playing. By the time this is finished it will probably be 3 to 4 stars as I said in the review. If you are insulted by that, thats your problem


But you took your time to come here and you flamed it.
Just to be fair I went back and re-read every post I made. The only things I flamed were smoking and excessive dick closeups. Both things well deserving of flaming. Everything else was only critiques on things that are fixable. And I will happily edit my review as things are fixed
Last edited:
Aug 13, 2021
Yes, that's basically a prologue, v0.1. What did you expect ?
I had to read the reviews of some people and they are treating this game as the final version, I had to laugh at that.
People saying "Corruption isnt used at all"(this is just one of many examples) when in the game you clearly have a screen saying that the corruption isn't used on this version yet. I mean, how can you take someone serious when they probably just skip everything to do a quick beating?
Might as well just watch a porn video instead.


Jul 2, 2017
Agree, and make a review of a first version isn't really helpful for the dev, and for the people who are questionning if they want to play it.

At least, if a review is made, it should be precised that it's for v X.X and be updated


Apr 20, 2019
Let me chime in if you don't mind.
You guys seem like decent folks. Opinionate for sure, but not assholes with nothing decent to say.

I think we should put this discussion in a drawer for now and here's why: this rating system is a bit of a fail. This forum is basically filled with games still in development. It's very unfair to give a game still being made any sort of rating but here you can and the biggest problem is that it stays there forever. Sure people can edit their reviews after a few more versions come out but many don't and many times this metric matters and puts off many new players from even trying a game.

Now, because VN game development has it's particularities, a game of this nature can quickly evolve to being finished and ready in terms of gameplay and the majority of bugs being fixed, even if the story is still being added. Therefore what I would like to have happen is for new games, at least versions 1 and 2, to have no ratings because they can be very harsh and unfair before the game even has a chance to get it's main features fixed. Afterwards, when you're just waiting for story updates that's when you should give it a rating.

Because the forum doesn't forbid from rating a game's version 1 or 2, then it falls to us the players to either wait for version 3 to rate (that's my preference) or just give a rating based on the potential assuming the bugs get fixed, the gameplay, etc.
Right now, most of the reviews on this game should not be there but should be on a forum post instead with negatives and positives so that the dev can work on changing things. Then you wait and see what the dev does with that information and how quickly he does it. If version 2 comes along and everything is awesome then you know this is a game you should support, or better yet, this is a dev you should support.


May 9, 2022
If a review has become 100% inaccurate you can just report it to get it removed. Just because no one DOES that hardly ever doesnt mean its not an option. The moderators on this site seem to be some of the best I've seen. I've reported bad downloads, inaccurate descriptions, and some other things on various games and within 2 days I always had a notification that it was handled. I'm sure they would handle reviews too. At a minimum you can get any review that doesnt mention the version number removed because listing the version number is in the posting rules as a requirement. I think my own review is the only one that did this though

or just give a rating based on the potential assuming the bugs get fixed, the gameplay, etc
I cant disagree with this more. If you see major problems in a v0.1 release, and its currently v0.9 and the same problem is there, that is very important information to a player as its safe to assume you have a dev who doesnt care. Reviews should mention any critical problem. And reviews on later versions that no longer mention those problems prove a dev who is doing their best.
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Dec 17, 2018
MAC version BUG upon opening the app.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "game/ipatch.rpy", line 1, in script
init +999 python:
File "game/ipatch.rpy", line 4, in <module>
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 469, in script
python hide:
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 469, in script
python hide:
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 469, in <module>
python hide:
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 479, in _execute_python_hide
renpy.take_screenshot((config.thumbnail_width, config.thumbnail_height))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'take_screenshot'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "game/ipatch.rpy", line 1, in script
init +999 python:
File "/Users/tonyniebank/Documents/BBS2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/ast.py", line 928, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "/Users/tonyniebank/Documents/BBS2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/python.py", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/ipatch.rpy", line 4, in <module>
File "/Users/tonyniebank/Documents/BBS2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/exports.py", line 1867, in reload_script
File "/Users/tonyniebank/Documents/BBS2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/game.py", line 344, in call_in_new_context
return renpy.execution.run_context(False)
File "/Users/tonyniebank/Documents/BBS2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/execution.py", line 922, in run_context
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 469, in script
python hide:
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 469, in script
python hide:
File "/Users/tonyniebank/Documents/BBS2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/ast.py", line 928, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "/Users/tonyniebank/Documents/BBS2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/python.py", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 469, in <module>
python hide:
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 479, in _execute_python_hide
renpy.take_screenshot((config.thumbnail_width, config.thumbnail_height))
File "/Users/tonyniebank/Documents/BBS2.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/exports.py", line 1802, in take_screenshot
renpy.game.interface.take_screenshot(scale, background=background)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'take_screenshot'

BBS2 0.1
Thu Jul 21 09:31:49 2022
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Apr 20, 2019
If a review has become 100% inaccurate you can just report it to get it removed. Just because no one DOES that hardly ever doesnt mean its not an option. The moderators on this site seem to be some of the best I've seen. I've reported bad downloads, inaccurate descriptions, and some other things on various games and within 2 days I always had a notification that it was handled. I'm sure they would handle reviews too. At a minimum you can get any review that doesnt mention the version number removed because listing the version number is in the posting rules as a requirement. I think my own review is the only one that did this though

I cant disagree with this more. If you see major problems in a v0.1 release, and its currently v0.9 and the same problem is there, that is very important information to a player as its safe to assume you have a dev who doesnt care. Reviews should mention any critical problem. And reviews on later versions that no longer mention those problems prove a dev who is doing their best.
This whole thing is just weird to me. If I'm making a game I send it over to a couple of testers to check everything from bugs to gameplay to story flow etc etc, I don't send them over to game journalists to write reviews on their websites :) You need to at least get a stable version, a beta version or an early access version before entering any sort of review environment.
But whatever, we're wasting too much time and energy even discussing this here. This is small dev potatoes, it's insignificant and inconsequential. Loner devs learning how to use software, using only their free time after work, we can't expect everything to be tested, to go smoothly, to update quickly.

Chill pill everyone. :cool:
Jul 30, 2020
This whole thing is just weird to me. If I'm making a game I send it over to a couple of testers to check everything from bugs to gameplay to story flow etc etc, I don't send them over to game journalists to write reviews on their websites :) You need to at least get a stable version, a beta version or an early access version before entering any sort of review environment.
But whatever, we're wasting too much time and energy even discussing this here. This is small dev potatoes, it's insignificant and inconsequential. Loner devs learning how to use software, using only their free time after work, we can't expect everything to be tested, to go smoothly, to update quickly.

Chill pill everyone. :cool:
That's one of the problems with being on a pirate site. How many games do we see where the Dev says "I'm sending a test version to a couple people for testing" and a few hours later it's uploaded here? It's nowhere ready for release, but it's out and is being shared and trashed by pirates as being incomplete. All the dev needed was a week to fix these issues, but now they're getting attacked for releasing a shitty game by pirates who will never make anything worthwhile in their lives. And when a new person comes along and sees a bunch of 1 and 2 star reviews, they'll skip the game for something else, simply because some illiterate shitgibbon decided that waiting for the stable version was too much, and they're mad that there wasn't a 50 woman orgy in the 0.1 version.
3.20 star(s) 18 Votes