Walked into this game expecting just another horny game that had some puzzles and combat, it wasn't that horny but had a decent amount of fan service. Damn did it scratch a cutesy game/ puzzle game itch I've been having. Like a Stardew valley level of cuteness, but puzzles, tiddy and combat.
I will say that I got absolutely red in the face about some of the mechanics, but beat Nightmare so I can say I stand with the group of people who have gotten up to that point.
Mechanics I ran into that drove me insane: Auria tower escape... I spent way too long trying to hit those stupid flying rock/mine things. Shapes... there was not a lot of consistency in their difficulty, one cluster almost wiped my entire team in the Night Dome for some reason, like absolutely overwhelming even if I set the difficulty to its lowest.
I genuinely LOVE this game. Please keep going. My only suggestion would be to make a "dumb dumb" button, like you're an actual "dumb dumb" and you need something book-splained to you more than the normal hint. This is coming from someone who used to play Cyan's Myst series when they were a child.