But he has a point. Disgustful but straight, right in the bullseye. Statistically approved 80+% of any group (for today's question - developers, do you remember that song, hah?) are being worthless (do not have a kind to blame), most of them would create nothing new, good stuff, not even just clone something - you already have examples of good thing and how it should be done.... They are fail, do not want to do by their own, and just slack copy-paste foreign work. For today this creates simple advice, we all know what is it: "modern problems require modern solutions", aka muney, lies, muney, dirt language, muney, degeneracy and any kind of discord fire right within.... And also muney, who fucking cares. Here's no time for development, it needs to compensate own little dicks with.... (Why i'm always explaining basic shit like that.....)
Good to know that Animo & the team have progression on their half-abandoned (in past) project, but it's not first game-development experience that they have. In fact, development are still very slow, having a bunch of underwater rocks. For whole creation there will be one huge (i will remark this again, HUGE AS A WHOLE PROJECT) problem, namely - optimisation, it not exist nowadays, no one choose to do optimisation, we onky have excuses, sort of "upgrave your shit", "update the fugn vidiocsrd ffs reetwrds" and so on. This moment can ruin immerse for regular (non greedy\mudern) game enjoyer - so many titles in past, in presence (and every else in the future) would been rejected by that fact, unplayable and worn.
Do not use rejected products, you're not in Mega Prime city, fuck an utopian anti-utopia. Money won't give you pleasure from performing. Annoying, but developers (and even small collectives that not driven by the greed) always choose this path. We're here and they are not, so why do we (and each one of us) should play by rules from them (not liking you)? You wanna? Keep whining and keep wasting moneys on every thing. Just like you do, as themselves. Not for good (game), but for trash (raccoon simulator? ha-ha, skunky joke), and the developers assure you of the correctness of this choice, and they themselves do the same. The circle is closed, and there is only one way out - enough. Make them feel how is it, let them cry stew in what they have created. The unscrupulous should join in very quickly. Hesitating is harmful, like a knife in the neck. Who said development?.... Where's mah maney?
P.S.: I am totally in pure mind while writing those lines, just read and pass further. Because I don't think someone from the team read this, they don't care, as i say, only greediness my dudes, today is wednesday - time to be green & slippery bastard.