Might be, but than it is time to retire or to make products for self or just for close circle of RL friends. That way there is no stress or negative feelings, which often comes with bussiness.One either can learn to deal with it or to suffer. Or he might try, for example, working in hospital 72 hour long shifts during the most hectic covid epidemic wave (also for a shit pay), it could help him to redefine "stress". Those few mild critics might look like a blissfull heaven after. Aparently he thinks that money he's geting in return is worth of "stress + negative feelings", otherwise he would shut down project.
It seems to me just like bunch of lame excuses. Get patreon community for example. He always stated how "their support means world to him, their kind words heal his spirit, etc". Than why not communicate with those people? Writte them a post every few days, to keep them informed with progress, listen to their "kind and healing words" - it might help to reduce "stress & negative feelings". Right?