VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Become a Rock Star [v1.01] [Mr Jet]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I truly believe that this game is on the path of being one of the all time greats within this community. Great models/renders, great animation, and pretty good writing. The game offers a myriad of options for romance options each offering different types of flavors. I think I have a save for each LI path the game offers and there just aren't many games out there that I can say that for. Can't reccomend this one enough
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. Lots of sexual content so far, good story line. I really enjoy the different love interests, cant wait for more updates. Lots of variety of girls to choose from as well, although the red headed doctor is my favorite.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I love everything about this game ! The story, the characters, the music, the animations. All of it !

    The only question I have is banging everyone (what I'm a fan of) and it like..totally normal. The timings with girls are perfect xD
    But some1 mentioned dev already said smth about consequences so beware :D

    Also kudos to the guy with Julia sign and the text "You're never gonna fuck her".

    PS: can we have that "Naked Park" (lmao) gal in our bed ?)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Long story, with lots of characters and different scenes.
    Pictures are of very good quality to me.
    It has been a pleasure to play to it. Can't wait for the end !
    Thanks for the quality of the work !
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    [As of v0.70]

    - The Goods:
    • The main girls are very very nice.
    • Story is great (your choices actually matter, i am 4real scared if my girls find out i've been cheating)
    • lewd scenes are OK
    • Good graphics

    - Things should improve on:
    • Skin texture
    • Longer lewd scenes
    • MC should fk the girls deeper (sometimes it's just the tip wtf?).
    • MC's action model (no one want to smell your armpit)

    - Conclusion:
    Despite quite a few things need to work on, this is actually one of my Top 5 out there. The Main girls are just too good. Story is intriguing.
    Not a fan of how my MC looks tho, too skinny and something wrong with his face (idk if it's the nose or the mouth, or maybe both).
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I didn't last long in this.

    All the characters sound the same. Super long dialog expressing very little... it's all so formal and without slang or soul. These guys are supposed to be in the modern world of amateur musicians and they talk like 1950s socialites.

    Come to think of it... they don't talk like this anywhere or at any time... These aren't natural conversations between two characters... this is all dialog aimed at the reader to tell them things. Unimportant, boring things. To describe every inconsequential action or thought. It reads like watching the awkward tampon commercial "Mother, do you ever feel not so fresh?" Only this is never that subtle and much more detailed.

    All the internal dialog has a ton of "as a matter of fact..." and "you'd be surprised that..." and "who would have thought that..." and then they go on to say something that simply isn't extraordinary as the lead in had set up. It's too much flowery language and a ton of exposition. Two characters talking about something they both already know all about just for us to learn something we didn't know... or even need to know.

    And most of the beginning of the story is just a hyper examination of the mundane... details of every annoying step a person takes in life. It gives a clear impression that the vast majority of this is going to be reading about him going to the bathroom, washing his hands, ordering food, paying at a cashier, hailing a cab, tuning his guitar... just mundane.

    Good writing isn't what you put into something... it's often what you leave out. And everything is in here... even in a "slice of life" everything written should advance something... character, plot, world building...

    After one day I am certain I'll be able to sleep with 5 different women and already have 1... all the women exist to please the MC. The first romantic interaction you get is with a prospective doctor but there is nothing professional about her. She's insecure, tosses herself out there at a random guy she hasn't even met... I'm 1000% certain that no one is very successful if they're this careless and she'd have to be successful to be that far along as a doc and living in an upscale apartment.

    And I'm doing everything in my power to turn off the singer and she's still kissing me out of the blue and writing love songs to me...

    Going off the first few days alone, I guarantee that when this project started, the author fired up DAZ, downloaded a ton of stock models, and Renpy, and just started typing with no particular idea of where to go only knowing they were going to make a story with a guy who wants to be in music.

    No research. No character sheets with background or motives. No plot outline. Just the "Oh, that's how it's made-I can do that!" spirit and nothing more.

    Offering three choices that are all going to be used eventually... Offering choices to ignore a door or answer it... either way, you're answering it. Offering lewd choices to continue to do something or stop doing something ends the same way.

    This is objectively bad but because of the sheer number of incomplete games, abandoned projects, and very long wait for quality updates, this probably just seems like something because it has "content".

    But it's not... there's no immersion with these lifeless characters... there's no conflict when you're handed an apartment, dough, a job, and 5 love interests who are certainly into you on your first day in the world.

    And the MC is a creepy looking kid who is shown entirely too much. When he speaks, I want to hate him because he has as much character as cardboard, and as a result I have a hard time immersing myself "to be him". Then I see him and it's like... "no..."

    And I'm pretty sure he has scoliosis given his posture in every shot.

    This author doesn't know how young people talk... doesn't know how musicians interact... doesn't know how professional women have self esteem... doesn't know how to write... and is clearly learning all of this as they go. And more power to them, for that... I hope they learn storytelling... my animosity only stems from the fact that someone is probably paying for this.

    This is content for content's sake... if you're bored this will offer you a ton of clicks... and if you've never read a book you might enjoy the writing.

    The only fun I had was naming the band "Bland Adult Visual Novel".

    And when she tells you not to cum in her mouth... just do it... it doesn't matter. It won't stop her from letting you do it a second time. The only thing stopping you from getting it all and doing whatever you want, is you.

    And finally: after playing it for three or four in game days, they've auditioned and added a singer and a lead guitarist, wrote a new song, practiced in the "music shed" and for the life of me I couldn't tell you if these guys are playing death metal or electric dance music... I have no idea if their music influences are Metallica or Justin Beiber... I haven't heard anyone mention the words "scale" or "harmonics" or "A minor"... it's entirely generic and bland. The author probably doesn't know music, either. That's where planning and/or research would have went a long way.

    I actually did finish this and I stand by most of what I said above... and I'll add that all sexual encounters are initiated by the NPC and nearly all actions are discussed before they take place... it's tedious and harkens back to what I mentioned above... these aren't characters talking to each other... this is an author telling the reader step by step what is happening through their dialog.

    Just bad storytelling. I stuck it out for reasons having nothing to do with it's quality or my own enjoyment. Just a sheer lack of games left that I haven't played on this site and too much time on my hands.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Animations are kind outdated. The story is pacing is okay, but my biggest gripe is that sex happens too quickly. Like the first girl was way too easy. I didn't even get to know the character and we were already doing it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Before starting, know that I did all the routes of relationships and game choices ... (version 0.80)

    The game is good, the characters are charismatic, the protagonist and everyone else is well developed and the big difference is how much your choices can change your route, in short, it is a very well done game. Obviously the game is not perfect, but the things that bothered me were small and were in relation to some dialogues, but nothing so relevant and that did not hinder the experience with the game.

    Below are listed my grades for each category, where the highest grade is 10:

    Plot: 9.5;
    Character development: 9.5;
    Graphics: 10;
    Animations: 9.5;

    Verdict: It is worth taking a chance and reading this novel / game, you might like it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I see a huge potential in this one.

    There are so many paths and possibilities that you start to wonder how the developer did not get lost.

    And some of those paths will clearly intertwine, a deed that deserves some respect.

    The caracters and situations are very well written and unique. You won't find yourself struggling to believe what's happening, it all makes sense without pushing the lines of "women accept everything" too much. And that's a very good quality in the genre.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Become A Rock Star might be one of the best games on this site yet;

    Beautiful renders, beautful animations, nice story, really nice models and likeable characters - what's not like about it? Do yourself a favor and play it now!!!

    Story 5/5
    Renders 5/5
    Animation: 5/5
    Models: 5/5
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fully satisfying game. Beautiful renders and animations, rich character design, absorbing story. Very nice piece of adult game library. It's one of those games that is a must try and see for yourself.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I have a real problem with this game, there are too many hot love interests with suitably complex backstory and motivations.

    I tried a man-slut play through as one does in the normal 'target rich' western VN. Too much guilt building up to continue, the characters felt so well crafted that I just restarted to a Lisa/Jade run because I couldn't handle the emotive load of potently breaking these girls hearts.


    Amazing renders
    Loads of choice (providing you like white meat, racial diversity is given a token nod in two encounters)
    Good stories, details emerge naturally and you may find you need to reassess first impressions.
    huge amount of content as of update 0.70


    Need more!
    What happened to Laura? (Lady in bar, yellow hair accessory)
    Ok, none of these cons are real but I already wrote the pros and felt committed.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Bruce the Lee

    The protagonist as with most of these kind of games is a complete tool and looks like a half-starved junkie. The girls are hot as hell (also quite interesting), and the story is surprisingly boring. Good amount of content. My favourite is the two red heads.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game that could be better. The renders look good and the story is ok but there is nothing really special about it, you've seen it all a million times by now and it's been done better in other games.

    This could potentially be a 5 star game depending on how the user likes their drama. If you like forced/juvenile and/or soapy drama then you will more then likely enjoy this, it just personally didn't click with me.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord Soth

    I would rate this as one of the Top 5 adult visual novels on here.

    My first playthrough on 0.45, I picked the vocalist Lisa as the main LI and stayed faithful to her. I enjoyed the story but had no idea how much content I had missed in not dating the other girls.

    Now, having played through 0.70 and going the manwhore route where MC dates/dicks every available girl, it is by far the most fun and adds much more content/scenes with the girls. It also adds tons of steamy scenes with some very hot mamas!

    Be warned though...if you also try and date your vocalist Lisa, every time you screw another girl it adds cheat points and in a future update, it`s all gonna come crashing down and possibly fuck up the band, when Lisa discovers your a dirty thing for Manwhore route is not to date Lisa. She`s a jealous girl as she says early on.

    My only moan? we need Marie as a LI!
    She was so hot and innocent, yet a one off scene? dropped the ball there.

    The renders and animation in this game are top notch. Seriously, the girls are`s so hard what ones to consider as your first choice....between Jane and Anna.....and then Emma....I want my MC to rekindle with her and dominate her slutty little ass.

    Story is fun enough, nothing award winning. but plenty enough fun and it makes up for it in hot girls and sexy action. Update 0.70 unleashed a fairly dramatic plot twist that had some fans crying into their milk, I just enjoyed it for a needed change in the story tempo.

    This game oozes quality and you can tell the effort put into it. Only thing is some of the dialogue comes across as translated English and seems hard to get the right meaning of a sentence but on the whole it`s fine.

    I hereby declare this a Five fucking stars.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game. Models are of the highest class, The plot is, as it were, but the proportions of sex and plot are just what you need. Of the possible disadvantages, only a small ramification of the plot can be distinguished, but it suits me.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I had not played since the first versions and I am pleasantly surprised, the renders are very nice and the dialogues are very good, great game.
    It's one of those games that makes me want to know more about the characters, and that's what gives it the fifth star

  18. 4.00 star(s)

    puente grande

    This is quite a good looking game and the developer seems to be getting reasonably skilled with animations too. The characters are well designed and unique enough. The story is serviceable: you won't be blown away but there aren't any major problems or gaps in logic. There are two issues worth noting. The writing is in a very weird place. It's not 'engrish' and you can easily understand it, it's just not very natural. It's often stilted and not really how people speak. That's a fairly minor problem for this type of game though, it's just a noticeable one. The other issue is the time between releases. It's quite significant. I don't even usually take it into consideration but the gaps for this game can be so long that when I see the folder I sometimes stop and wonder if it's still being developed. That being said this is really only a problem to consider if you're going to pledge to the developer, it doesn't diminish the quality of the game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    renders are pretty great ...
    storyline so far is pretty good ... hate the father .. i mean what a dick
    the babes .. well what can you say about a bunch of hotties ... WOW
    not much else to say .. just waiting for more updates ...
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Great Game :)

    The girls are smoking hot, some of the best animations I have seen in a Renpy Game and the story is actually rather engaging.

    I like that the MC can close off romantic routes with girls but still interact with them or remain friends.

    I have great hopes for the future of this Game :)