is other gameI'm not in context, please, could you explain what does defenastrion means?
It's another game and it has similar art in some scenes but I guess they are different, he or she is also from Russia too. I hope you are successful and I am already waiting for those trap and futa scenesпонял, спасибо за объясненияПросто когда гуглишь термин - там вообще ничего общего. Про выпады из окна и какие-то картинки эпохи ренесанса
Не выкупил отссылки, так сказать.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno. Could easily be something I did. Turns out this game wasn’t worth the trouble anyway, at least not yet.Can't imagine why that wouldn't work unless renpy decided that the rpyc bytecode hiding in the rpa file was somehow newer than my source was after you parked it so no compilation happened. Also the "notes" as you call them have been called "comments" by devs since the dawn of time. The process of quickly removing code out of a source without permanently erasing their presence is called "commenting out" a section of code. It often happens when a sloppy dev checks in code that won't even compile forcing another dev or the build team to stub it out in order to get something built for testing.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno. Could easily be something I did. Turns out this game wasn’t worth the trouble anyway, at least not yet.
Thanks for the info about comments. I know about as much about programming as I know about plumbing, which is to say more than most, but not nearly enough. Maybe you’ll know though, if I’ve got an rpyc file and unren won’t change it to an rpy, is there a way to read/fix it?
A good question; from the dialogue so far* it seems the settings works, roughly, along the lines of males and futanari being considered "masculine" genders while females and femboys are "feminine" genders, with the latter expected to be attracted to the former, and vice versa. So, ironically, that'd make femboy x female pairing similar to how lesbian pairing is viewed in our universe.Oh wow kinda hyped for this ! Will there be trap on female content too or trap on futa/male only?
GoFile is significantly faster, MEGA, unless you're subscribed, only becomes relevant for big downloads (greater than 5gb or so).Now this just needs a MEGA
Working from the assumption that masculinity and femininity are contrary, if not diametrically opposed, and categorically distinct, as was natural just a few decades back, even in Japan, if one consulted Mishima as one's measuring stick, one would necessarily come to the conclusion that traps are indeed quite gay, or at the very least, increasingly liable to (there is, of course, the question of intent and the degree of avoidability to the impression, to complicate the question).While I don't disagree that quite a few people don't understand the nuances it's not just a matter of crossdressing, either. Westerners have trouble with it because there really isn't an analogue for the otoko-no-ko character type in American and Euro cultures.
Basically it doesn't actually matter if a trap character crossdresses or not (the one in My High School RomCom SNAFU for instance never does) because the essence of it is drawn from a crossing two particular lingual associations, not clothing styles. In Japanese kawaii has an unspoken association with girly things while kakkoii is associated with manly things. If an anime girl calls a guy 'kakkoii' she's not -just- saying he's cool, she's implying he's masculine in an attractive way. It'd normally be embarrassing for a boy to be called 'kawaii' because that can also be taken as an insult to say that he comes off as effeminate. The essence of a trap character is a boy who comes off to others as girly-cute and who may even take pride in that without it effecting their gender identity. That's part of why it has no context in the west; the idea of a person who has a girlish presentation but isn't necessarily an effeminate gay man or someone who's literally trying to become a woman is foreign. There wasn't even a word for it until the anime community organically started calling them traps.
This is Russian and from what I've seen their conception is closer to what westerners call sissies: effeminate boys who're taken advantage of sexually and emasculated, usually by older men. That idea literally goes back to Bible days. It's a little known fact that the verse "thou shall not lie with a man as one would with a woman" would be better-translated as "don't fuck the pubescent boy prostitutes, not even if they're dressed up like women, okay?". That's been going on in the Middle East for thousands of years and still happens today, even.
It seems your game removes default Renpy mapping which allows to scroll back through previous game lines using the mouse wheel.what do you mean?
GoFile is providing me only around half the download speed that Mega does.GoFile is significantly faster, MEGA, unless you're subscribed, only becomes relevant for big downloads (greater than 5gb or so).
yea, that's true. but I always just press "back"It seems your game removes default Renpy mapping which allows to scroll back through previous game lines using the mouse wheel.
It seems your game removes default Renpy mapping which allows to scroll back through previous game lines using the mouse wheel.
need rollback
Using the mouse wheel is a natural thing to Renpy game players; if it's not available then as you can see most will just presume this option was blocked (as that's something Renpy games can do, too) If you aren't blocking it on purpose then it's probably best to just bring it back.yea, that's true. but I always just press "back"
Using the mouse wheel is a natural thing to Renpy game players; if it's not available then as you can see most will just presume this option was blocked (as that's something Renpy games can do, too) If you aren't blocking it on purpose then it's probably best to just bring it back.
He got that ass tho.Wait so no huge titties for Austyn?
Yeah and I think its better this way. looks more like a "femboy" that way. Besides we have lovely other chars with big fat tiddiesHe got that ass tho.