Nope. Looks like you two fall into the same bucket.
Since when is having proper routes in an interactive game far fetched? If the only way to opt out is to not play the game then that's just bad game design.
You all are the same. Just because you are okay with first NTR being forced and then now M/M being forced doesn't mean everyone else should just pick the highway. It's not being made just for you if you were in any such delusion.
What you fail to understand, my friend is that this is not your game. You are not the creator so you really have no right to dictate how he/she should make their game. You can "request" that they add this or do it this way, but, in the end, it is the dev's game. As long as they tag their game properly and if you don't like the tag or tags and the dev doesn't want to go through the added trouble of making those changes, then, he doesn't have to and you can take your bucket and shovel and move to another beach. Stop trying to force your agenda on devs. "REQUEST DON'T MAKE DEMANDS".
Sorry, I wasn't being aggressive, I was being angry. What you wrote sounded aggressive and I see this behavior time and time again, especially with NTR haters, and people with problems with extreme fetishes like incest, sissy, and even gay. I just don't get how gamers feel entitled to dictate how a dev should make his game. Some devs give you all options and the best graphics and storylines and some give you the bare bones and then there are those in the middle. You get to play the game for free unless you contribute, and even if you contribute that doesn't give you access to get into the dev's mind and the ability to force him to change it. The best you can do is make a request, nicely, and then if you don't get what you want just move on. For instance, one tag I would avoid is "slime", if I see the tag, automatically, I will pass the game by. I don't apologize for what I said, I do apologize for the way you "heard" it.