I decided to play the interlude again. Cause why not.
And after stepping back from wanting it to be about my MC, and being pissed about ANOTHER new girl being added, I have revised my opinion. I actually like Zoe. I don't like her chest tattoo (i could have lived with it on the back) and she doesn't seem like the kind of girl to get so many piercings, but i digress. The story is rather charming. Zoe has potential. All the things i said before are true too. I really really wish we had a prologue with the Zoe only before the main game. It is too little, too late, to bring her back now. I don't think she stands a chance against the other LI, not just because she doesn't do it for me attractiveness wise, but also because she's gotten so much less screentime.
Basically, I think she could be an interesting character, so long as she doesn't bring any of the forced drama, i mentioned.