Dude, you lost me right fucking there

Quinn and Rio, really? all because of there was a moment of Quinn face a kiss, , who care? while the whole thing is basically business, you paying for it and Rio end up in the corner at the end. Yeah Fuck no .
There was no build up, there was no intimacy, You legit ordered two whore, and they "Acted the part " as they should , and Quinn suprised pikachu face is nothing. Just a moment of her falling out from her role, because " She doesn't kiss guys ", and in that moment she didn't know how to react, because if she lash out, she lose the money. after everything was done nothing matter just the money. one of the Worst scene in the game, and Quinn is much better, so does Rio, without the whole "Restaurant storyline". Everything is much more organic, if MC is not a loser buyer
There is an actual build up for the Sage and Quinn Sex, one of the best in the game, the teasing, there in that scene you have the subtle Quinn moments, starting with the giving you the drink, make comment on the haircut, make her bit jealous, callback to Cum-petitio, etc. There is no "Catching Quinn off guard", because She already does not have any more Guard. She is at the stage of her
Tsundere evolution, where she come to the term of realisation She feels something toward the guy.

Definitely the better Quinn scene.
and Sage is Sage, she is always good 
, and the top of the cherry when you rate her low

the " Best Threesome in the game so far " is the Sage Quinn one. It's not even fair competition.
The second one is the Cammy and Rio. and the third despite me not being fan of it the Envy and that other.
There is no more that are worth mentioning it.