VN - Ren'Py - Being a DIK [v0.10.1] [Dr PinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The developer makes magic happen again in this game. The graphics are great, and the women look great with various personalities. There are a lot of women to choose from. The decisions you make matter and will change the outcome of the story. The emotions that you have in relationships in real life are in this game. There is a lot of silly fun in the fraternity you join that could make you laugh. Your fraternity gives you missions that add to gameplay.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't think I've ever rated a game on f95zone. There couldn't be a better choice for my first vote. I won't talk about it for a long time, this is the only game that introduced me to adult games and inspired me. maybe I'm a bit sentimental but I think it's the best adult game ever made.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game on RenPy! And that's no joke.
    This is really the game that can perfectly become a guide to the world of visual novels (I don't promise that after DiK there will be a desire to play something else :D).
    You can see how with every update dev adds new gameplay, new visuals, it doesn't stand still, it tries to progress, and that's cool!
    - The quality of the renders is awesome, especially near the end of the actual update.
    - The plot is probably the best in the university genre, a lot of things are revealed and shown. And especially near the end of the third season, you can already feel the seriousness and consequences.
    - The sex scenes are just the bomb, huge variation, really huge, I can't remember approximately anything similar in other games. Plus they are high quality, you can see that dev dev devotes a lot of time to this aspect.
    - And of course the characters and their looks, I don't know who you have to be to not get attached to these girls. Each of them is unique, with their own jokes, problems, I'll say more, even the guys in DiK are perfectly written, they as friends are just the best, each has their own character and potential.
    In general, the best game and so far there is no other game that could even come close to this level.
    The only thing that is missing is to add new genres a little bit, let's say swing, sharing. Maybe we will see something like this in the future).
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall - 9.5/10 - completed to - S3 EP10
    Great VN all around one of the best VN - must play
    College frats + LI + good + funny + serious writing (blends all themes really well)
    Characters are really well written - In S2 more in depth character building
    Note: S1 - feels kinda long (still good), S2 and hopefully S3 will be amazing
    Story - 8/10
    College and frats - joining the DIK frat - school drama etc.
    Writing is good - each character has their own problems - funny + serious drama
    Characters - 10/10
    Season 1 - Introduction to characters
    Season 2 - Learning more about them in depth -> choosing specific paths
    In season 2 - Bonding with LI and getting to know them is done really well - most characters are interesting
    Animations - 10/10
    All animations are smooth - very little clipping
    Hscenes - a lot of options
    Note: Season 1 animations are weakest -> To season 3 - you will see a lot of upgrades
    Renders - 10/10
    All models look amazing
    Sound - 9/10
    BGM - sets the theme
    Playbility - 9/10
    Many characters + a lot of LI paths
    A lot of good dialogue
    S1+2 a little bit of lag - S3 lags decent amount in roaming time
    Free roam - finding things can be hard - phone gives objectives is nice - getting lost in free roam will happen
    Phone - texting + calling + tweeting - cool extra dialogue
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the one, this is the gold standard that all other VN style games i have played are measured against and they all fall short.
    I wont go very far into depth as i'm not a good reviewer, but this game has some of the best characterization and storytelling i've ever experienced. All the potential love interests are sooo incredible well written and varied. with very real depth. The drama, though exaggerated for comedic effect, feels real.

    If you are here mainly for the porn; this game has great scenes with amazing chemistry and real sexual tension and release. Some chararcters don't get all the attention they deserve but man is the quality putting the rest of the industry to shame. But beware, you arent necessarily bombarded by sex scenes, especially if you go for a CHICK playthrough, but all the scenes are very good!

    PLAY THIS! and remember to support the creator by buying it!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Started for the girls, stayed for the story. Definitely one of the Best VNs I've played in the last 5 years, and its still going strong! Haven't got around to start season 3 yet, but I have my hopes high that it will continue to keep me coming back to the game until it is finished.
    Thank you for the hard work and keep it up Dr. PinkCake.
    Likes: Kpyna
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    First time I enjoy one of these games. Nice story, great graphics. Easy to play and simple choices. The girls are gorgeous. Easy to launch and play. I already finished the game, and now my girlfriend is playing. Loved it, thank you.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    AVNs over the years and have clearly evolved thanks in part to Being A DIK, and the AVN community is better for it. The story is full of twists and turns, with fully realized characters with faults and motives.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Best renpy game in genre ever done, i hope it never gets abandoned and gets a proper final...
    Please don't think twice... just play it and you will find out the masterpiece.
    if you play... just a little thing to remember, they are not real, don't fell in love.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Holy crap, I had no idea what I was missing—this game is phenomenal!

    The music is spot-on, the story is gripping, and the branching paths keep things fresh and exciting. Even the minigames, which I usually can't stand, are actually fun here. But the real stars of the show are the characters. Just like in Acting Lessons, they feel incredibly real and multi-dimensional. They really made me care about them.

    The game is packed with unexpected twists and hilarious moments that keep you hooked. The writing is sharp, the humor is on point, and the emotional beats hit hard. Sure, sometimes it tries to be emotional and ends up being cringe-worthy, but it’s still a very good game overall.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The most compelling part of BaDIK has to be the characters. Even the minor characters, some of whom are basically just walking tropes, have nuance that make it seem as though DrPinkCake loves them all like his children, it truly brings each character, and the story, to life.
    The next best thing is either the render quality or the story. Both really drew me in and made it easy to get immersed, and almost lost in the experience. The story and its twists and turns really had a way of tugging at my heart to a level that other AVNs haven't been able to reach.
    Another place that BaDIK's quality shines through is the music choices. Not only is there a good variety of background music for different moods, there are some phenomenal love songs for the romance scenes that can almost bring me to tears on their own.
    The last aspect I'll comment on is the gameplay mechanics. While they don't live up to the superb quality of the Characters, Story, Renders, and Music, they are definitely still above average in my (admittedly limited) experience. The variety of minigames keep things interesting, and they give a sense of immersion as they do have some impact on the story. The biggest thing is that the minigame breaks really add to the great pacing of the story. It gives it a hint of realism in the fact that even in the middle of dramatic times there are still those mundane, repetitive tasks that you can distract and ground yourself with.

    DrPinkCake and everyone else who worked on BaDIK really outdid themselves. I can't wait for more.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing this game for a long time and have done all the routes and searched for all the puzzles, pictures, etc. I can say it is the best game I have ever played and with each new chapter I can see how excellent the story will be in the future, thanks to the creator for the great game :cool:
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simple the best. How do I know that? There are many topics out there about very good games that they doesn't allow you to compare their games to Being a DIK.

    The characters have proper depth, and whatever branch you pick, you can easily fall in love with your LI. Also the scenes are pretty good.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with a lot of well written characters that are different enough for everyone to find something suitable to their preference (protect Riona at all costs, thank you).

    The free roams and mini games might be too much for your tastes but I found them rather entertaining and the ideas behind them are interesting, even though they were a bit invasive in season 3.

    As for the scenario, it relies a bit on the MC having MDS (Magic Dick Syndrom) and had a few overcomplicated twists at some points, but nothing dumb enugh to prevent enjoyment. Replaying it for all the paths also has value since the decisions genuinely matter and the branches are legit different.

    I'm looking forward to playing the next episodes.

    Edit : Also the soundtrack is pretty awesome.
    Likes: Kpyna
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm quite conflicted about BaDik.

    The characters and the setting are great, even if you think the college thing has been overdone. A lot of the character interactions and little subtle details are extremely well done and really flesh out the overall feel of the game. That complexity and attention to detail is key to the experience.

    At the same time, it goes completely overboard, which you will mostly notice when you replay the game to tryout different paths.

    1. The minigames & general sandbox. I don't mind minigames, but there are way too many and they require too much 'cognitive effort' and general grindy feel.

    DrP seemingly wants to remain as a solo dev despite the massive backing the game receives, but that means you need to prioritise what you're doing. Why on earth would i want to spend every single free roam feeding fish? And if i decide not to do it then i have to take a hit to my DIKs relationship. Is it just a way to keep the 'pocket money' relevant? Because what an insane waste of dev time and effort.

    Similarly why would i want to do tedious chemistry experiments? As someone that spent up to 30 hours a week in the lab during uni, even i don't have the patience for that nonsense. The same with the other class tests. I can play 'brain games' on my phone if i want to. I'm here to be entertained, not to think too hard. Then you have brawler, which is just too much like hard work and i ignore as much as possible.... even though you're forced to use it at one point.

    If DrP insists on having this level of detail (which isn't a bad thing) then it would be much better if it was spent on fleshing out the world more. instead of tests, make grades dynamic with your use of 'study time' during free roams. Have a 'hit the gym' option during some free roams instead of having to use brawler for character development. Do we need a full beer pong game?

    Add more messaging/rooster/ other options during free roams rather than rooster engagements being so limited as they are now instead coding mini games. I'd much rather spend my time mocking tybalt or chatting shit with derek.

    Also wrt the free roams, a lot of the time you can only engage with certain characters if you're on a specific path with them, meaning in some paths the free roams are actually just really bad with minimal content (e.g. BBQ on bella path). I feel like fleshing out these interactions may be a bettter priority.

    The free roams also REQUIRE the official guide, because otherwise you have no idea what to do and you'd just waste hours of your life aimlessly clicking around and going back and forth between rooms. That strikes me as poor design.

    2. Whilst i love the general character interactions, the story is a bit questionable at times.

    The MC could have basically ended the Maya-tuition story arc in episode 1/2, rather than letting it continue for 8 episodes. It took active effort on his part to not tell Maya about Quinn's 'activities'. Even if he didn't want to be explicit he could have just forcefully stated that there was no free tuition.

    Similarly the Mora/ stephen storyline, where the MC sees her in distress (he must have known she was refusing to prostitute herself), she disappears and then everyone basically just forgets about her. I can suspend disbelief, but the trope of characters overtly refusing to communicate things for plot-armour purposes is annoying. Especially for an MC that ostensibly is a good communicator. The MC knows exactly what is going on in any reasonable plotline, but somehow he can't connect the very simple dots despite the wife also calling out stephen.

    The MC's naive about relationships, he's not a moron. He's also caring and supportive, so would've gone after mora to see if she was ok.

    3. Relationships.

    I have no issues with the throuple, but given Josy's character in all the non-throuple paths, it's a bit mad that there isn't a josy solo path where she breaks up with maya *early on*. In most playthroughs it's clear that she cares more about the MC than Maya, so why wouldn't she have broken up with maya earlier, especially given her feelings when she first arrives at B&R. I get the feeling DrP is setting us up for a later josy solo path, but it feels a bit forced

    I'm not really sure what purpose the jock/nerd/rich fucks relationship points have? There doesn't seem to be an option to reconcile or get on well with any of them. I know it's sacrilegious and i don't have much use for it, but i'm imagining an amusing scene where you're dating Sage and she realises you're friends with Tybalt (for example) if you're not on the jill path.

    Tl;dr: It's a great game with fun/ interesting/ diverse characters and lots of complexity. However it's let down by some questionable plot points and having additional complexity where it's frankly not needed and serves no purpose.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the best game on this site, you won't find anything better. The excellent storytelling, character building, the animations, the scenes, everything is perfect. The only bad side about this game is the wait time for every episode, which has nothing to do with the gameplay and is understandable considering how good this game is which takes time.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Great animations, interesting story as the character progresses, lots of branching paths and a fair amount of content to go through as of the current release.

    The game has a lot of sexual scenes but the variety is pretty vanilla, plus most of the girls on it just want to hop on his dick without any real effort put in, not a big fan of the sandbox elements as these can be quite boring to wade through.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    i mean what else can i say. THIS MAN IS THE GOAT. greatest vn of all time. Full playthrough took me up to hundred hours and that was hella fun. Animations 10/10, story 10/10, characters 10/10 dude just fucking try this shit out if you haven't.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The best I've played to date, your choices really change how the game and the story flows, all the characters are well crafted and you can develop the story and the protagonist in any way you want. I recommend it to anyone looking for a game!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I bought this game on Steam. Overall, not bad. Nice pictures, interesting characters. The big plus is that it was completed. That's great rarity.
    The downside, the real downside, is the sandbox. It occurs from time to time, but is not intuitive, and is very annoying.
    The second is the lack of variability, actual monogamy in the end.
    Well, everything is very vanilla, too traditional. Summary - a product of good quality, well thought out, but very amateurish, not interesting for a second playthrough and playing scenes again.
    I see that the developers are making a second part. Good luck to them. I respect people who are able to see things through to the end. But I don't plan to buy the second part. Not mine.