VN - Ren'Py - Being a DIK [v0.10.1] [Dr PinkCake]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I love the characters and the story of this game but the free roam sections genuinely ruin it for me. The game has so many important choices throughout that it is easy to make a mistake early on and then only find out chapters later. This would be fine if it weren't for the free roam sections making it take so long to redo stuff.

    All in all a very addicting game but I find it more frustrating than satisfying.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Best AVN overall, great renders, best animations, top lewd scenes, great storytelling, really good choices with music, minigames, free roams, replayability, best LIs, dev cycle of a year, but really worth the wait, if you havent played it, I dont know what you are waiting for
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is my first experience with adult visual novels, and it has set a high standard. The game masterfully combines an engaging storyline with dynamic character interactions, making it far more than just a series of adult scenes. Each character is well-developed, contributing to the story's depth and keeping the player invested in their journeys and relationships.

    The narrative flows seamlessly, offering a blend of humor, drama, and romance that feels organic rather than contrived. Unlike many adult games that fall into a monotonous cycle of repetitive scenes, "Being a DIK" introduces a variety of events and choices that significantly impact the storyline. This gives a real sense of immersion and consequence to your decisions.

    Conversations are cleverly written and succinct, avoiding the trap of overly long dialogues that can detract from the experience. This keeps the gameplay engaging and maintains a good pace throughout. The visual and audio elements also contribute to the overall atmosphere, with high-quality graphics and a fitting soundtrack that enhances the experience.

    In summary, "Being a DIK" is a standout in its genre, offering a rich, immersive experience that goes beyond the typical expectations of adult visual novels. It’s highly recommended, especially for newcomers.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow ... what a game.

    Aside from the renders that are awesome, the music and sound which is brilliant and the lewd scenes which are fantastic, I want to focus in my review on three things that stand out the most for me.

    First is the minigames and the free roam events. This is a upside as much as a downside for the game at the same time. If you like free roam events and minigames then this game offers you exactly what you want. BUT if you don't like minigames then you miss out on some great features. Yes, you can deactivate the minigames and play the game but IMO you will be missing out on a big feature of the game. In regard to free roam events, there is no way around them.

    Second, the characters. Dr. PinkCake really outdid himself when it comes to creating these characters. They are different from each other, they are not one dimensional and they are the main reason (at least for me) to continue to play the game. Not the next lewd scene, not the next conquer but to see what will happen next with the character. This is not only about the main characters but all of them, even the side characters that only get little 'screen time'.

    With these characters then also comes the part of the game that stands out the most for me. The emotions. If you are looking for a game where you turn down the volume and that you play in secret because you don't want anyone to know that you play this game, then stay away from this. This game will make you laugh so loud that your neighbors will hear you laugh. It will cause you to have such a lump in your throat that the people around you will ask you if you are okay and it will make you grin and smile at times that the people around you think that you are on drugs.
    It's fantastic.

    Thank you for such a fantastic game Dr. PinkCake, I am looking forward to every single update. And until then, I will play it again for the 90th time, doing just a tiny thing different and then experience how the game develops a little differently.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game stands out as possibly the finest adult visual novel ever created. Dr. PinkCake (DPC) dedicates months of full-time effort to each episode, evident in the exceptional quality across the board. The narrative captivates, the characters are richly developed, and the renders and animations are of the highest caliber.

    What sets this game apart is its ability to excel without resorting to controversial themes like loli, incest, or other borderline-illegal fetishes. It's a refreshing change to see an adult game thrive solely on its merits.

    Moreover, the game offers extensive replay value. Your early choices shape the course of the story, leading to diverse sexual encounters and potential relationships with various love interests.

    According to DPC, the full story requires a substantial number of episodes, possibly 12 to 16 or more, to unfold completely.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Still the gold standard on this website. Other games might have slightly better graphics now but this outshines them in many other areas.

    Its strong points are pacing and variety of girls with well developed personalities. The story flows well it maybe towards the slice of life category which is a good or bad thing depending on your likes. Has a large amount of content now for all the main girls. Only real weakness could be the free roam areas which can drag a bit sometimes.

    Story 4/5, Originality 3.5/5, Renders 4.5/5 Playability 5, Animations 4/5, Amount of content 5/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    When it comes to visual novels, this one hits the mark perfectly. It's simply flawless. But let me elaborate a bit more to meet the character limit.

    Each storyline is meticulously crafted (I'm particularly fond of the Sage route). It's incredibly relatable, unlike anything else I've experienced besides maybe corporate culture. The writing feels authentic and genuine, drawing you in completely. And let's not forget the stunning graphics and captivating characters.

    Honestly, the topics explored are so well-executed that if you stripped away most of the sex scenes and pitched it to Netflix, I'm certain it would become a top-ranking show worldwide. The characters, the unique frat house setting, the developments, the relationships—it's all just perfection.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I first began playing this game during the pandemic of 2022 after putting it off for a long time before that. From the tittle I’d assumed it’d be about playing as a prick or an asshole and that wasn’t my cup of tea. So first I played DPC’s first game Acting lessons which surprised (and scarred) me greatly, right then I knew I had to play his new game, which was getting praised left and right and to my surprise my preconceived notions were (thankfully) all wrong. Instead of being a dick I was being a dik, a frat boy with a good heart, a sad backstory and ready to conquer college and have the time of my life. Now as I mentioned earlier, I started playing this game toward the end of the pandemic but while lockdown was still in effect and in my last year of college. My dorms allowed us to either isolate in our rooms or head home. I chose the former, for days on end I was in my tiny room, only going outside to pick up my takeout or go for a little walk. I believe all of those circumstances come together at the perfect time for me to love the game as much as I did. While isolated I connected with the quite frankly pretty well written characters. I got to relieve some of the awesome parties we’ve had along with some other things ;). Got to relieve some of the drama, romance and the dumb shit we got up to as college students.

    The game’s strongest side is without a doubt the atmosphere and characters. Everything feels like it’s straight from a 2000s college/coming of age movie, but one of the better ones.

    The characters, even the minor ones, are written well, each with their own voice and motivation. Now sometimes the authors voice bleeds through which is more noticeable in the later episodes, but by then they have close to enough screen time and backstory to where it doesn’t matter as much. The LI’s are varied, unique and fun in their own way. And most importantly the interactions with non-romancable characters are given just as much care and attention which goes a long way in lifting the quality of the game. The roster of LI’s is already impressive enough but we get even more options toward the end of season 2 and start of season 3 – namely more Quinn, Riona and Nora, Nicole and Lily content, which DPC does in my opinion a good job in establishing them as viable LI’s considering the other ones who have had way more screen time.

    The music choices are done tastefully, picked to suit each scene rather than the generic lo-fi and simple guitar strumming tracks we can hear in other tittles. The music here serves a purpose in reinforcing the atmosphere and all the different artists and genres flow well together in the context of the game. Truly one of the highlights of the game.

    Those were my initial impressions of the game and a lot of my opinions still hold, now it’s 2 years later, 2 more updates and I’m not looking at the game from pandemic tinted glasses. Objectively the quality has dropped, even if a little bit, and some of the story choices are questionable to say the least. Realism and even basic logic have to be suspended for twists and swerves we can already see coming from a mile away. (something something Mc’s last name, something something minigames, something something dead horse – which I won’t beat!!) And I feel like I have to mention those things, but personally it does not bother me that much, considering the foundations this game is built upon. My biggest gripe is the pace of the story itself, never mind the quality or storytelling choices, has moved at a snail’s pace. We’re 9 episodes in, 5 years dev time, the dev cycle time has reached one year and we’re what? 4-5 months in story time? I understand BaDIK is a one-person endeavor, and what the author has been able to achieve is impressive, but come on man.

    And finally, my two cents on the free roams, which I am now beating the dead horse mentioned earlier, are fucking bad. That’s all – they’re just bad. There are some instances where they are almost done well, mostly episode 9 and that’s it, almost done well. The rest of the free roam event are just bad (what? You didn’t think to click a random ass pillow to find a whiskey bottle?) Playing all the paths is a chore with all the free roams, which unfortunately can’t be turned off like the minigames.

    I love this game, but some of DPC’s questionable story-telling and game design choices stand out that much more considering the foundations BaDIK is built upon. For me where this title shines the brightest is the dialogue, character interactions and soundtrack, which unfortunately are given less attention these days. There was a time this game was easily the king, but since then other developers have come on to the scene and delivered more, better and in less time.

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game with a fantastic story. So many hours have gone into makeing this, and it shows! There is such a diverse cast of characters, each with their own quirks and secrets
    So many super hot animations and renders - a true masterpiece.

    Looking forward to Season 3!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Idk why people crying about mini-games or anything other, game has sandbox and puzzle tags... + you can switch off mini-games whenever you want...

    So, whoever read this review should now: You have to play this game at least once! At least once go through the whole game with choices from your heart and enjoy this masterpiece!!! Perfect story, perfect renders, everything's done really good.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    shazba jnr

    I'd highly recommend this game, but I can only give it 4 out of 5 because what was the best game here for a long time, now feels like it's slowly slipping into a vanity project for the developer.

    Initially this was a tight, engaging, extremely fun game; the writing was a joy to read, the renders were cool, the music was perfect, the characters were alive. But it's now littered with unnecessary features that detract from the story, and after an entire episode (that takes close to a year to develop now), the often story feels like it has only marginally progressed.

    The first several episodes are a delight, whereas the last few have almost become a chore (almost). And the free roams have gotten to the point where the game almost needs a sandbox tag!

    I don't expect the developer to ever go back to the initial style of the first few episodes, just like so many Hollywood sequels, each release is trying to be bigger and better than the one before, while forgetting what it was that made the first one so good.

    It's still better than most of the games on this site, but it's just not the best anymore.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Himeya Jun

    What can I say? this game is on a whole another level, perhaps one of the best currently. The story is really interesting, the characters feel alive, the LI are loveable. Funny thing is, even though this is an adult game with many lewd scenes, I find myself spent so much time on the mini games, those are simply so fun to play!
    I hope the update will come soon, there is just so few adult games with this quality
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I just want to feel emotions. To be sad, happy, to laugh, to empathize with girls, to help them with their problems. But sandbox ruins it. It prevents me from playing again and again.

    I'm giving 3 stars for the beautiful renders.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Character models and story are great but no matter how good they are its not going to make up for how annoying sandbox parts of the game are, don't deserver more that 4 star for that.(Mostly in early episodes)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Best storylines, best characters, best emotional intensity, best romance, best jokes, best animations incl. position choices , best side games, best environment, best content overall...nothing else to add as there is no bad side from my pespective. Always looking forward to the next update
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest, I heard about this game/AVN a long time ago. It never interested me. Based on the title, I assumed it must be a shallow "be a bully/jerk at college and sleep with tons of ditzy, vapid girls" story.

    I was SO wrong.

    When I finally took the plunge and tried it, I was blown away from the start. I fell in love with every female character. Doing multiple playthroughs to get the different paths was hard because I hated the thought of disappointing any of them. I deliberately avoided romance opportunities with Jill and Bella because I couldn't bear to reject either. In fact, when I did my Jill playthrough and made the call to Bella to break things off, the scene where she's sitting alone at her dining room table was so devastating that I went back and restarted to specifically avoid triggering her romance.

    The official walkthroughs made the minigames a breeze so I could focus on the story without worrying about running out of money. The music was perfectly chosen. I've never encountered an AVN this diverse and rich.

    On the one hand, I'm glad I waited this long, because it meant I got to enjoy even more content before reaching episode 10! On the other, I kind of wish I'd discovered this a year or so from now, so I could get the next episode immediately. That cliffhanger for episode 10 was brutal, especially for those of us who fell in love with Rio!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Most likely the best of the "college theme" games ever made. Lots to see and do! I am just starting S3 so hoping the standard is maintained or even improved! Plenty of variety in the models and decisions will reflect what paths and scenes you get so also some replayability if you want to see it all.
    Likes: Kpyna
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    The Wandering Reviewer

    So firstly, this is my first time making a review so just read on what you get. So i charged in this game blindly Knowing absolutely nothing and giving me absolutely everything to the characters with good humor and the story so far as to being comedic. I invested hours upon hours to this game just to have my balls hit with a hammer. First off there are minor issues here and i just ignored it cause they were you know "minor" and those were the characters, you know majority of them are either hookers or cheaters. But you can easily ignore them yeah cause i mean they're not important at all. Now moving on to the major issue... The Throuple thing you know with you and maya and josy " a thing " this turns me off so much and it turned me off more when I invested hours upon hours on maya just to see the outcome of her rejecting me . And i mean yeah that sucks but what can i do when the devs are the ones who pull the strings. Eventually started to forget them with all the shit happening on this game. (spoiler alert = I didn't forget them) Why oh nothing the devs just really want the Mc and those two cheaters engaging like some hamster on a wheel running and running just to see no end whatsoever. The story is just ok for me I've seen better just like eternum's story and i kid you not 1st on my personal favorites. Point is this is just too overrated on my taste and i mean overrated as in the story just get overshadowed for all the hype this is getting.

    - Wandering Reviewer

    P.s didn't get to finish this so I'll leave it to 2 stars... Nah everybody saying it gets worse every year so I'll be leaving as i recently put it. Bad mouth me all you want im just stating my experience.

    I mean we do have different opinions and shite I can't believe I'm one of those poeple who didn't follow through this game since this has been one of the best AVN out there... i just cant contain my dissapointment when it started off as a rollercoaster going up and up again and again just to see the most dissapointing drop.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The gold standard of AVNs. What could I possibly say about it that hasn't already been said? If you haven't played this yet, you need to try it.
    - Choices matter and the story plays out differently depending what you do.
    - No harem. Each girl has a path to follow making future playthroughs interesting.
    - Each girl is worth playing through again for.
    - MC is not a wet paper towel but also not superhuman amazing. He's just a good dude.
    - The frat brothers, especially the best friend, are great. One of the few AVNs where I cared about the male friendships.
    - Music and overall vibe reminds me of 2000's era college movies which is very much up my alley.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Story - 4/5, well-written story with interesting characters although some characters feel one-dimensional or typical cardboard characters.

    Graphics - 4/5, above average render but not the best.

    Music - 5/5, there are nice original songs in the game.

    Lewd - 3.5/5, this is weakest aspect of the vn in my opinion. I don't find the lewd scenes great but they're pretty decent. Thankfully the game has good story and well-written dialogues compensating for the weak sex scenes.

    Overall, BaDiK is worth your time, it's not the best but the dev clearly put his efforts to make this game good.