When you open the door, he calls you a fucker and tells you twice to leave him. At that point, after weeks (?) in the past of putting up with his shit, you can either console him or walk away.
Here you hit on exactly why I think Steve's "important decision" is misplaced. If DPC had made that important decision before he opened the door, probably 100% of the players would choose to just walk away because the MC would not be personally involved.
But the door is open.
My opinion on the chick option is simple. Steve was an ass to the MC, there's no denying that. But the MC could also be a dick to Steve in EP1 (e.g., by painting Steve's picture), so I suppose that went back and forth between the two for 2 months. During that time they were more or less on the same wavelength, so it was reasonably even.
But with Major Choice, Steve is on the outs. His reaction of calling the MC an asshole is actually normal given their history. My personal decision wasn't made until I looked at both choices and read the sentences that clinched it for me.
Talk to him:
MC: "I know you and I don’t get along that well..."
MC: "...but I'm not that narrow minded or evil that I’d enjoy seeing you cry."
Walk away:
MC: "I’ll leave you to sit there and cry in your corner."
DPC itself has written that players should decide as they personally see fit. Personally, I think if I'm down, hopefully there's someone who would help me up. It doesn't matter who that is. And this is where karma comes into play for me. Can I expect something from others that I am not willing to do myself?
That's just my point of view. Everyone has to decide that for themselves.