
Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Now obviously that's going to be a judgement call and DPC is certainly in a position to make that call. For all the high gloss and professionalism DPC cultivates, at the end of the day BaDIK is a passion project; he's telling the story he wants to see. I can respect that even if I don't agree, but does make me worry about the future of this game. Creating art is always a delicate balancing act: focus too much on the audience and you have nothing to say worth hearing, but focus too little on the audience and no one will be able to understand the message you do have. If DPC is laser-focused on his own ideal to the exclusion of all else, the end result is likely to be extremely idiosyncratic.

As far as Episodes 10-12 being smaller than Episode 9, I'm afraid I'm going to have to be extremely cynical here. I get that DPC is really excited about the Halloween events, but from my point of view he's deluding himself. First, because DPC already undermined the Halloween party by making it the third giant party in a row; if he knew Episode 9 was going to have a heavy party focus, maybe do something else in Episode 8 to cleanse the palate. It's especially bad since several of the post-crossroads relationships are difficult to mesh with a big frat party: Jill is unlikely to attend, and Bella and Maya/Josy need to be kept secret. For those branches, the party feels more like a minefield than a celebration. That's an awkward place to stage such a massive set-piece.
At this point, if DPC doesn't deviate from his own style as set out in the first 8 episodes, I don't see how he's at risk of alienating his audience.

His style of humor is, from what I gather, rather universal. His timing with scenes and music is very enjoyable, and the sex always integrates well (in AL I found it was very jarring, but BaDIK nails it - pun intended). His scene direction and dialogue is very engaging. So far, it's been a very fun ride, and this is all using his own intuition, not bending to client requests.

The Madame was the only misstep in my book, and that could just be me, not being into grotesque, aging, fetid, animated corpses, I don't know how well she rates on that scale.

The concern with parties: To me, there needed to be more. The DIKs are a party frat, and they've had a reason for putting the brakes on (the mansion being trashed and all), but they are back in business, and there needs to be parties all the time (well not all the time, but like every Friday and/or Saturday night if we're gonna use real world comparisons here).

This is college life, parties, drinking and sex are what it's all about (you might be looking to get a degree or something, but that's secondary :p), but of course it's got to be kept from become mundane (we all know how wall to wall sex in our own lives just becomes a drag after a while :sneaky:).

With the new party planning minigame, parties are sure to focus throughout season 3. This is exactly where I wanted the game to go. For me at that age, there were no fraternities and shit at out universities, but we'd go "clubbing" (going to night clubs/dance clubs) to hook up with girls (a few years before dating apps kinda fucked that scene up). Those were just legendary times. Screaming into some girl's ear who you've been dancing with for the last hour:

dude: Hey, wanna fuck?!​
hot babe: WHAT?​
hot babe: I CAN'T HERE YOU!​
dude: ...​

Ahh, the good old days. :giggle:

Not to rain on your parade, but as I said above, I'm not sure how well integrated this Halloween special is going to be. It's an awkward fit with 3 of the 5 branches, to say nothing of reintroducing Zoey. I feel like it's another victim of the way DPC mishandled the crossroads.

But we'll see. I appreciate you trying to keep my spirits up. :)
He's managed the intertwining paths so far without it feeling fucked up or out of place, mostly. Not sure why people are concerned he suddenly can't handle this. The only difference (and I guess it's quite significant) is that in the past, events with different LIs took place in different locations. In this case, it'll be the same location, with similar events but plotted around the LI of choice. It should be pretty cool to see things pan out differently, but similar, when replaying the scenes with different LIs.

Kinda makes me think about how if you're on Jill's path, you meet her friends, but if you're on Quinn's path, you see two of her friends fooling around with eachothers' partner. That was pretty cool.

There may be some crybabies out there, but I think the vast majority are just frustrated because building a team *IS* the proper response to a project that is beyond the scope of a single individual. Even in the world of art, visionaries still benefit from support. It took a lot of supervision by George Lucas for ILM to deliver the special effects that make the original Star Wars trilogy legendary, but I doubt we'd have been even better off waiting for Lucas to personally craft each of those effects himself. Indeed, the success of Empire suggests we might have benefitted from Lucas needing to work through the right intermediaries.

But at the end of the day, running a business is a very different thing than developing a game. George Lucas was comfortable becoming a businessman to make it easier to create movies; Dr Pink Cake isn't comfortable becoming a businessman to make it easier to produce games. It's a shame for us, but it is what it is.

So no, I don't think people wishing DPC would hire a team are being crybabies. I do think they're ultimately lamenting that we live in an imperfect world, so there's not much to be gained debating the matter. But they aren't being malicious or stupid, and it can be cathartic to vent about it once in a while. Cut them a little slack. :p
If he had imposing deadlines, or he was getting paid for the job, not for the time it took, that'd be incentive to get a team in to speed things along. But alas Patreon's incentives are the complete opposite to that.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I wanna cut those crybabies some slack. :unsure::p[/QUOTE]
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Dec 2, 2018
DPC replied to a comment on Patreon:

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This response gives a clear picture of DPC's mentality. As anyone could have hypothesised, he is developing this game for no one else's sake, other than his own. This is his life's work, and he wants it to be perfect, down to the tiniest of details. That is why he will happily increase the quality of renders, the length and quality of animations, as well as include more characters, free roam events and mini-games. In his mind, this makes the game more perfect, and he could not care less if it means the player will only get to play one episode per year.

He is refusing to make any sort of compromises that could benefit the development cycles. To avoid needing to compromise, he defends himself with arguments that don't make sense, and are contradictory to other statements he has made. For example, he says shorter update times would inevitably mean cutting content and deviating from what he has planned. This clearly is not true: he has repeatedly stated that he is increasing the quality of both the renders and the animations, as well as writing code that is increasingly complex. Could he not, then, settle for an appropriate level of quality in order to avoid longer rendering times? Could he not choose to make less elaborate minigames that are less taxing from a programming standpoint? Of course he could, but he does not want to, because he is developing the game for himself.

Additionally, he states that the episodes are planned long in advance, and that his hands are therefore tied. He simply cannot reduce the size, because it has already been determined. This is also a lie. DPC said he planned for Episode 9 to be smaller than Episode 8, yet that did not happen. This proves that his plans are not set in stone, and that he adds elements that weren't planned, or else he would never have been able to say that the episode was going the be smaller in the first place. Could he not choose to not include all of the extra, unplanned content he evidently decides to include? Of course he could, but again, he is developing the game for himself.

It is a fact at this point that DPC is adding content that doesn't matter to the overall impression of the game. Madame must be the most obvious example of this. She is there for one reason, and one reason only, which is to provide an opportunity for lewd scenes. More lewd scenes, in a game that already has 15 other more interesting characters to choose from, and which is already packed with lewd content. To say that this is unnecessary is an understatement - it is a complete waste of time. Yet still, plenty of rendering capacity has been dedicated to her. By no means is Madame the only example either, the game is riddled with a whole range of "nice-to-haves", that aren't crucial for your experience. D&G, the mansion mini-game, characters such as Becky, Nora and Sandy, and improvements to a render and animation quality that was already stellar, are factors I would easily place into the "nice-to-have" category. This could have been done differently, but once more, he is developing the game for himself.

Should DPC compromise on his vision? I think he should. It's a nice argument in theory that Patreon is just a platform for people to make goodwill donations to support the work of creators, but this just isn't true in practice. When you make the game a reward for pledging, you are essentially selling a product, and your patrons become your customers. At that point, I feel like you should factor in how long you are taking to produce the product in question. I expect nothing to change, though, because patrons are some of the most uncritical individuals I have ever come across. They will accept just about anything, regardless of whether the creator is trustworthy or not. This is also why DPC can make claims such as "my recommendation would be to stop supporting me", because he knows that he has a massive audience of people who will mindlessly praise anything he puts out. The statement makes him seem grounded, but I doubt he would be so dismissive of criticism if he didn't have such a huge backing of patrons who have no expectations whatsoever.

It truly is extremely unfortunate that the development is heading in this direction. Without a shadow of a doubt, Being a DIK is the best AVN out there, but we will soon reach a point where we only get to enjoy it once per year, and will need to remain committed for another ten years to see its completion. That just isn't reasonable. If DPC told you after Episode 1 that the game is likely going to take 14 years to finish, I don't think your reaction would have been "sounds good", so I don't see why that should be acceptable now.

I guess you can still hope that, even though DPC says he will not change, he still got himself some food-for-thought that could subconciously affect the time between updates. I still wouldn't expect it, though, because he is developing the game for himself, and has a tremendous number of supporters that have no problem with that.


Apr 30, 2017
This response gives a clear picture of DPC's mentality. As anyone could have hypothesised, he is developing this game for no one else's sake, other than his own. This is his life's work, and he wants it to be perfect, down to the tiniest of details. That is why he will happily increase the quality of renders, the length and quality of animations, as well as include more characters, free roam events and mini-games. In his mind, this makes the game more perfect, and he could not care less if it means the player will only get to play one episode per year.

He is refusing to make any sort of compromises that could benefit the development cycles. To avoid needing to compromise, he defends himself with arguments that don't make sense, and are contradictory to other statements he has made. For example, he says shorter update times would inevitably mean cutting content and deviating from what he has planned. This clearly is not true: he has repeatedly stated that he is increasing the quality of both the renders and the animations, as well as writing code that is increasingly complex. Could he not, then, settle for an appropriate level of quality in order to avoid longer rendering times? Could he not choose to make less elaborate minigames that are less taxing from a programming standpoint? Of course he could, but he does not want to, because he is developing the game for himself.

Additionally, he states that the episodes are planned long in advance, and that his hands are therefore tied. He simply cannot reduce the size, because it has already been determined. This is also a lie. DPC said he planned for Episode 9 to be smaller than Episode 8, yet that did not happen. This proves that his plans are not set in stone, and that he adds elements that weren't planned, or else he would never have been able to say that the episode was going the be smaller in the first place. Could he not choose to not include all of the extra, unplanned content he evidently decides to include? Of course he could, but again, he is developing the game for himself.

It is a fact at this point that DPC is adding content that doesn't matter to the overall impression of the game. Madame must be the most obvious example of this. She is there for one reason, and one reason only, which is to provide an opportunity for lewd scenes. More lewd scenes, in a game that already has 15 other more interesting characters to choose from, and which is already packed with lewd content. To say that this is unnecessary is an understatement - it is a complete waste of time. Yet still, plenty of rendering capacity has been dedicated to her. By no means is Madame the only example either, the game is riddled with a whole range of "nice-to-haves", that aren't crucial for your experience. D&G, the mansion mini-game, characters such as Becky, Nora and Sandy, and improvements to a render and animation quality that was already stellar, are factors I would easily place into the "nice-to-have" category. This could have been done differently, but once more, he is developing the game for himself.

Should DPC compromise on his vision? I think he should. It's a nice argument in theory that Patreon is just a platform for people to make goodwill donations to support the work of creators, but this just isn't true in practice. When you make the game a reward for pledging, you are essentially selling a product, and your patrons become your customers. At that point, I feel like you should factor in how long you are taking to produce the product in question. I expect nothing to change, though, because patrons are some of the most uncritical individuals I have ever come across. They will accept just about anything, regardless of whether the creator is trustworthy or not. This is also why DPC can make claims such as "my recommendation would be to stop supporting me", because he knows that he has a massive audience of people who will mindlessly praise anything he puts out. The statement makes him seem grounded, but I doubt he would be so dismissive of criticism if he didn't have such a huge backing of patrons who have no expectations whatsoever.

It truly is extremely unfortunate that the development is heading in this direction. Without a shadow of a doubt, Being a DIK is the best AVN out there, but we will soon reach a point where we only get to enjoy it once per year, and will need to remain committed for another ten years to see its completion. That just isn't reasonable. If DPC told you after Episode 1 that the game is likely going to take 14 years to finish, I don't think your reaction would have been "sounds good", so I don't see why that should be acceptable now.

I guess you can still hope that, even though DPC says he will not change, he still got himself some food-for-thought that could subconciously affect the time between updates. I still wouldn't expect it, though, because he is developing the game for himself, and has a tremendous number of supporters that have no problem with that.
I just wish he would go back and make updates like episode 3 and 4 having an update take 3 to 4 months for an update those updates were big enough with 2000 to 2500 renders instead he just wants to keep inproving everything which is commendable but his reasons are bullshit if he gave a shit about his supporters he would release more frequently i mean 1 update a year maybe even longer that's insane.


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
You speak correctly. Now, perhaps, comes the most important stage in the history of the game that we love so much. The fact that he wrote such a big comment in patreon already says a lot. This means that even among his devoted patrons there was a large critical mass of those who don't share his vision and he had to respond. On the one hand, this is a positive moment. Transparency in development is a rare quality for local developers, but on the other hand, it suggests that he himself is worried about the timing of development, but by his own admission he can't control himself.
Examples with Friday's Prophets and a fraud say that he isn't as stable and thick-skinned as it seems to us. The criticism reaches him. Although not directly, but he hears criticism and this may force him to make a decision. Everything he wrote in the comments is of course more marketing tricks than answers to the question. His arguments in the style of "if you don't want to wait, you don't support" or "that you want stripped-down content or a full game" are a classic marketing manipulation, which made me remember with a smile about the advertising companies of scandalous EA or Sony games.
In my opinion, DPC is at an impasse. He lost control of the project and resigned himself to the fact that he couldn't control it. What he says are excuses, not answers. He is not a milker, he is a talented person who seems to have reached his ceiling and he has nothing more to say except "more renders, more animations". Perfectionism is good at short distances, but it starts to sharpen you from the inside if the race is more than 5 years old. Zoey's animations in the interlude and short animated scenes speak about his ambitions and, oddly enough, about his vulnerable ego. He wants to be the best. His egoism really becomes a parable about pagans.
The reaction to episode 9 and the development of episode 10 itself will become extremely important. He can emotionally make 10 episodes short in order to show everyone and prove that his vision is correct, and we, the players, limit him.
But I hope it doesn't happen. The waiting is shit, but he is what he is.
My honest feeling is that I'd be mildly surprised if we saw 2 more episode after episode 9.

He's just said that he won't change his working schedule and habits, he's just said that the plot and every episode's content has been planned since long, and we know the game is supposed to have 4 Seasons and 16 episodes.

Since 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, I can only draw the necessary conclusion that the game will never be completed.

Tauro Thurius

Jul 17, 2021
My honest feeling is that I'd be mildly surprised if we saw 2 more episode after episode 9.

He's just said that he won't change his working schedule and habits, he's just said that the plot and every episode's content has been planned since long, and we know the game is supposed to have 4 Seasons and 16 episodes.

Since 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, I can only draw the necessary conclusion that the game will never be completed.


Jun 6, 2017
This response gives a clear picture of DPC's mentality. As anyone could have hypothesised, he is developing this game for no one else's sake, other than his own. This is his life's work, and he wants it to be perfect, down to the tiniest of details. That is why he will happily increase the quality of renders, the length and quality of animations, as well as include more characters, free roam events and mini-games. In his mind, this makes the game more perfect, and he could not care less if it means the player will only get to play one episode per year.

He is refusing to make any sort of compromises that could benefit the development cycles. To avoid needing to compromise, he defends himself with arguments that don't make sense, and are contradictory to other statements he has made. For example, he says shorter update times would inevitably mean cutting content and deviating from what he has planned. This clearly is not true: he has repeatedly stated that he is increasing the quality of both the renders and the animations, as well as writing code that is increasingly complex. Could he not, then, settle for an appropriate level of quality in order to avoid longer rendering times? Could he not choose to make less elaborate minigames that are less taxing from a programming standpoint? Of course he could, but he does not want to, because he is developing the game for himself.

Additionally, he states that the episodes are planned long in advance, and that his hands are therefore tied. He simply cannot reduce the size, because it has already been determined. This is also a lie. DPC said he planned for Episode 9 to be smaller than Episode 8, yet that did not happen. This proves that his plans are not set in stone, and that he adds elements that weren't planned, or else he would never have been able to say that the episode was going the be smaller in the first place. Could he not choose to not include all of the extra, unplanned content he evidently decides to include? Of course he could, but again, he is developing the game for himself.

It is a fact at this point that DPC is adding content that doesn't matter to the overall impression of the game. Madame must be the most obvious example of this. She is there for one reason, and one reason only, which is to provide an opportunity for lewd scenes. More lewd scenes, in a game that already has 15 other more interesting characters to choose from, and which is already packed with lewd content. To say that this is unnecessary is an understatement - it is a complete waste of time. Yet still, plenty of rendering capacity has been dedicated to her. By no means is Madame the only example either, the game is riddled with a whole range of "nice-to-haves", that aren't crucial for your experience. D&G, the mansion mini-game, characters such as Becky, Nora and Sandy, and improvements to a render and animation quality that was already stellar, are factors I would easily place into the "nice-to-have" category. This could have been done differently, but once more, he is developing the game for himself.

Should DPC compromise on his vision? I think he should. It's a nice argument in theory that Patreon is just a platform for people to make goodwill donations to support the work of creators, but this just isn't true in practice. When you make the game a reward for pledging, you are essentially selling a product, and your patrons become your customers. At that point, I feel like you should factor in how long you are taking to produce the product in question. I expect nothing to change, though, because patrons are some of the most uncritical individuals I have ever come across. They will accept just about anything, regardless of whether the creator is trustworthy or not. This is also why DPC can make claims such as "my recommendation would be to stop supporting me", because he knows that he has a massive audience of people who will mindlessly praise anything he puts out. The statement makes him seem grounded, but I doubt he would be so dismissive of criticism if he didn't have such a huge backing of patrons who have no expectations whatsoever.

It truly is extremely unfortunate that the development is heading in this direction. Without a shadow of a doubt, Being a DIK is the best AVN out there, but we will soon reach a point where we only get to enjoy it once per year, and will need to remain committed for another ten years to see its completion. That just isn't reasonable. If DPC told you after Episode 1 that the game is likely going to take 14 years to finish, I don't think your reaction would have been "sounds good", so I don't see why that should be acceptable now.

I guess you can still hope that, even though DPC says he will not change, he still got himself some food-for-thought that could subconciously affect the time between updates. I still wouldn't expect it, though, because he is developing the game for himself, and has a tremendous number of supporters that have no problem with that.
DPC has already earned more money than most people earn in a lifetime and could literally stop working right now and still get tons of money from Patreons over the next 2-3 years at least with some posts and previews once in a while.

Therefore his claim that he would continue development even if noone would support him or that people who do not share his vision should stop supporting him are just empty words. If he truly meant what he said, he would do something to show his appreciation of his supporters like pausing payments until release, lowering prices or giving some of the higher tier benefits to lower tier patreons.

As he isn't doing anything in that regard, it just shows that DPC is running his business as usual and isn't "developing the game for himself", but just using that excuse as so many creators do, same as the "you are not buying a product, you are supporting the development etc." stuff.

I do not like the fact that DPC does not hire any help with the amount of money he earns, but he is a control freak and has his vision so that is still kind of acceptable (except for those Jill previews and otherwise screwed up renders, like come on, get someone to do quality control on your renders and re-render them if they turn out bad)

His loyal supporters are defending him for many things, but when he is claiming that the animation render queue takes a few more weeks, when he could easily upgrade or scale out his system just from a small percentage of his monthly earnings, then you know that he is milking it for all its worth and I don't see any argument that would proof the contrary.

Sadly, money corrupts and you can clearly see it with DPC over the last few years. If you are rich you just want to get richer, so instead of buying some more hardware which he wouldn't even notice on his bank account he knows that he can just let things render for weeks and still get paid.

This game is one of the best and every release is awesome, but if DPC truly invested the money that people give him in "support of development" in any reasonable matter, you would see 2 updates with the size of EP9 per year with probably even better quality.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
It's reverse psychology, some patrons might have been pissed otherwise, but because DPC is hyping the episode so much and they take his word as gospel, instead they just get on the hype train and help him fight back against the people who criticize the long development period.
Is ... that reverse psychology? Idk, I can't think straight right now. I don't know why I always go on here when I'm tired as hell instead of just going to sleep.
Oct 18, 2021
My honest feeling is that I'd be mildly surprised if we saw 2 more episode after episode 9.

He's just said that he won't change his working schedule and habits, he's just said that the plot and every episode's content has been planned since long, and we know the game is supposed to have 4 Seasons and 16 episodes.

Since 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, I can only draw the necessary conclusion that the game will never be completed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
one episode a year is totally insane
Depends on the size of the episode. But it hasn't been a year, it's been 8 months, and will probably end up about 9 months. Midlife Crisis has been in development for 4 years, and isn't as big as the two episodes DPC will have put out this year. Similar can be said about a number of other games on this site.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
Reading through the 8 pages of comments I missed since taking a nap and it occurred to me that this update is probably going to be fucking Maya-focused. Just. Fucking. Super. Bitch is dead fucking last in the popularity polls and is attached to Josy because..."reasons"...I guess because nobody would bother with her ass if Josy wasn't included.
I'm really, REALLY hoping for an option to hook her up with Zoey so they can ride off into the sunset (and off a fucking cliff) together.
She was great at first. Every time I've replayed the game from the beginning I think, "Such a shame."
I'll never understand the people who get worked up over this. He won't hire a team because he doesn't want to. He doesn't need to. He will not be personally benefited in any way whatsoever if he does.
  • DPC enjoys making the game - why would he hand it over to others to do things he likes?
  • The time it takes to develop the game directly converts to money - why would DPC do something he doesn't want to do purely to speed the game up and result in less revenue over time?
  • Hiring people costs money - why would DPC commit to an ongoing cost for something he doesn't want to do?
It's fucking crybaby children who want the game faster and can't think past their own flaccid cocks.
My problem with the argument is more just the practicality of hiring a team in his case. Hiring a writer is iffy, it could be make up for his shortcomings as a writer or totally ruin everything. Animations and static renders seem pretty cut-and-dry, all he needs is an army of robots. Everything else I just imagine someone doing something like posing an animation, DPC not liking it that way, then having to go back and change it his way which would waste even more time. Whether you like it or not, he's going to do things his way and if he doesn't like it then he's going to keep trying until he does with or without a team.
When Ep.9 is released, the same thing will happen as it happened in November 2021. Explosive growth of subscribers, just then Ep.8 was released.
And then again it will gradually fall to the average values that we see now. People are tricky and don't pay all the time, sign up for a month to download a game and then screw it up.
A good lifehack for those who don't want to pay $20 every month.
I mean that's what I do. I feel like that's pretty fair, though. I don't want to wait for a whole season on Steam. I don't know shit about the other platforms and even if I did, they might be sketchy. It just makes sense to get it straight from the source as a one-time transaction rather than an ongoing donation.
Everything must be done so that the MC's dick becomes the last for our Rio, the narcs can peck each others asses. :cool: She just needs to get rid of Quinn's influence.
I don't think Lily uses anything stronger than weed.

I am generally sure that DPC has reached the peak of its capabilities in the number of audience and has reached a plateau. By the way, you can see a small surge, this is the release of Interlude, then stabilization at the current 11.5-13.5k / month.
I think "narc" in this case might mean an undercover cop or something.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018

* 10/22/2021 – Final status update / Start of beta testing
* 02/11/2021 – Final preview released
* 03/11/2021 – Beta testing status report
* 09/11/2021 – Release date announced
* 19/11/2021 – Episode 8 released

Historically, there is about 1 month between when DPC announces beta testing starting and the episode being released. If we are hopeful that the animations will be on the faster side of the 4-5 weeks, that puts us at the status update for 02/12/2022.

If that turns out to be when he announces beta testing, it is feasible that a January 2023 release is possible. I think a lot of the initial testing will be internal during this month of render time and so hopefully the work load for his beta testers will be smaller, however this is still the largest update to date and with an assumed huge number of variables due to the new path system. We could be looking at a normal to long beta test period.
Testing this should be MUCH easier, as the testers don't have to test the whole game anymore, which DPC has said they used to have to do. It is still a big game, and of course there are a bunch of branches, but still, should be a bit simpler.


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2017
How do you take screen shots in game? on pc.
Windows key + print screen saves screenshots in your pictures/screenshots folder. Be aware sometimes it sort of..."lags" a bit, so you may have to tab out then back in to the game THEN take the screenshot to get the proper image. Trial and error will get you used to it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
Driver problems, I hear. I do not know the details, just that there is some issues which have not yet been resolved. I mean, it's not like it is unusual for tech companies to let the beta testing happen after release.
Just looked it up on the DAZ forums, and it looks like it is mostly a physics problem, so dForce, rather than a rendering problem.
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