
New Member
Sep 25, 2017
so i found the key in the cage but cannot get it cause it only selects the arrow to go back. How can i select the key?

Edit: nevermind i got it. it just looked like a key:rolleyes:
Aug 30, 2021
Why does jade hate me although I'm on her path ?
Did you choose Others? Because if you chose an LI, there was a text exchange on the phone where Fuckface blew her off and she got pissy. And she'll literally slap the shit out of you in Ep9 if she finds out your also fucking Sage.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2022
I 100% agree graphically speaking this is much better than acting lessons that's not what i meant i just meant in this game between episodes 1-4 if i'm not mistaken he still had an IRl and made 4 great episodes i didn't think any of them were small or bad updates but this episode just feels like a big free roam corridor filled with useless animations that could have been removed for a faster update plus that pointless interlude which this episode just proved how worthless it was zoey's explanation why she left and now came back was more than enough and we would have gotten this episode 2 months ago if it wasn't for that i also see the improvements and wouldn't even complain except for the fact this update took essencially a year for this disapointment right after that useless interlude.
His fanbase has grown. He got big and there are people who will support him blindly and avoid criticize him and even create some excuses to defend him when someone express an opinion of dislike.
This is what internet has become after all.
But yes, the first 4 episodes were epic and fun. Even on the second season he had a good balance between story growth and graphics/minigames.
I think he is trying to compete with other developers who has shown a lot of improvement on their Graphic renders.
We are getting 1 year older playing a game that only give us 2hours fun at every update and sometimes doesn't even move forward in content.


New Member
Aug 11, 2021
Just downloaded 0.9 brandy mod apk but i cant seem to transfer from 0.8.2 brandy mods saves. Anyone has any links to problems like this or haa saves for me to add directly as well as where exactly to add? Thanks a bunch in advance!


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Why is the sage path (after derik scene on the bar) or sage scene unaccessible or theres a rollback error? Everythings good except that one
*sigh* you used a mod before.... wait for an update on the mod you once used or start from scratch without any mods... i would recommend latter.


Mar 31, 2018
Name any games which are doing exceptionally well as compared to BAD!
any of the games from the 1st/2nd page is doing better at telling a story (and frankly early season 1 BAD). BAD has nice animations but at this point is little more than a hunt and peck game for collectibles and scenes (which are pretty repetitive by now). There's zero story progression aside from the few lines of dialogue at the very beginning and after the party ends. Everything else in the middle is not new.

I found it difficult to fathom that there's a whole 2 other seasons planned for this game until I ran through the bulk of the material in less than half a day. At this rate, sure....this could go on for the next ten years. DPC spent a year for what amounted to be less than 3 hours of in game play

All i ended up with was a migraine from chasing down all those magazines and buttons in the poorly designed free roam


Apr 30, 2017
His fanbase has grown. He got big and there are people who will support him blindly and avoid criticize him and even create some excuses to defend him when someone express an opinion of dislike.
This is what internet has become after all.
But yes, the first 4 episodes were epic and fun. Even on the second season he had a good balance between story growth and graphics/minigames.
I think he is trying to compete with other developers who has shown a lot of improvement on their Graphic renders.
We are getting 1 year older playing a game that only give us 2hours fun at every update and sometimes doesn't even move forward in content.
Like i said before i would rather get faster updates that take 3 to 4 months and having 2500 renders and smaller episode's which i don't think anybody thought earlier episodes were small than get one update per year this update really feels like quantity over quality doesn't really fell like the biggest update he's done plus it's filled with pointless animation and i still love the game but he should learn to take constuctive criticism probably gonna ignore any complains about this episode or ban people that complain and bottom line i get that people support him blindly i just think those people should remember it was thanks to they're support he quit his IRL job and now works full time on this game he should be a little more humble towards his suports and keep his word about making faster updates.
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Apr 23, 2021
I did it legitly, No mods were used. it was done 2 days ago. when the game was released, there was no mod available at that time. These SS I've been showing you are from the saves on december 16th at 19:12 (7:12PM) - 19:27 (7:27PM).
And I don't need to lie about using mods. What I am trying to say is. it is possible to get these kind of scores without using mods. I am no coder either. Maybe I just got lucky, then?
View attachment 2244076
u can do get higher with quinn board ive got her higher skipping the event it just took ALOT of resets on board i dont recommend going u gotta get no decor/drug pick alchol food of course no cups beers with nick/jacob being far left 2 i wish i had screen shotted it just now but i didnt like a Fing moron.


May 5, 2017
Did you choose Others? Because if you chose an LI, there was a text exchange on the phone where Fuckface blew her off and she got pissy. And she'll literally slap the shit out of you in Ep9 if she finds out your also fucking Sage.
I am on android and I literally have them all as LIs due to the cheats, so can I use anything in the cheats to fix my situation with her? Perhaps change it for alone path during that scene?
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