Sometimes it's second degree joke.Can someone explain the waifu wars to me? There are so much postings just about "Quinn/Josy/Jill/... is the best" and why "Goblin/Madam/Maya/..." are shit. I don't get what's the fun about it. Couldn't we all agree to the point that all girls in their own path/branch are good? Of course Madame is a case of it's own because of the design of her renders but even she has a right to exist in this game. Yeah, I know this right to exist is really hard to explain.
Sure, I only can speak for myself but when I'm playing the MaJo branch I only care about Maya and Josy. The same applies when I play the Isabella branch, I'm all into Bella and don't care about the rest. With the Jill branch I love a banana. So what? Okay, some paths/branches I like more because of the story behind but this changes from time to time when the story goes on with the next update. There was a time MaJo path was my favourite, then it was Bella, i had my time with Sage, so on. I really don't get why there's so many waifu war going on.
Some wise ancient greek dude said once: "It doesn't matter if they're white, black, brown, purple or smart, dumb, big, tall, tiny. If you can fuck them you should fuck them." I think it was Aristotle.
Unfortunately, there are also a whole bunch of guys who are very serious. IRL, there are character traits, attitudes, actions, sometimes sexual orientations that these guys can't stand. They carry that over to the characters in the game.
There is also a bit of frustration with one aspect of the game. The player doesn't have 100% control over the MC. I think it creates a lot of annoyance and frustration, and it spills over to some characters.