
Active Member
Dec 22, 2022
1) The cube hasn't been opened yet
2) The laptop is in the safe. The last person that Rusty lent it to was Jamie
3) Maybe? Interesting theory but not seeing much that suggests a connection to Quinn.
I can't remember where but Quinn says at one point that "she hasn't visited her in a while" and I got the idea :unsure:.


Active Member
Dec 22, 2022
I've seen this asked a few times but no answers, are there some renders not unlocking? I've done all routes now start to finish and still have 10 Jill renders and 1 Josy render missing. They all say story so not sure how I could have missed them?
It's a pretty tricky new mechanic in season 3, I also thought the story renders were unlocked just by playing but they are actually hidden magazines in story scenes outside the "free roams" like for example when our MC meets Zoey to cry there is a magazine under the bench.
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Jan 26, 2019
I know it's asking a lot, but damn I pray for the dev to make a harem ending (Even though I know it's impossible to happen), it seems silly but this game really made me care about several characters (Derek best friend forever). I can't see myself choosing at the end of the game, especially between Sage and Bella, and I found myself really liking Lily, Quinn, Nicole and other characters.
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Jan 16, 2021
MC knows Vinnie is a former DIK with much clout and he's likely heard quite a few stories from the other DIKs about him during his fraternity days. He knows the sort of person he's dealing with. Oscar *isn't* an amateur fighter nor is he a former DIK with much clout and stories surrounding him. They aren't the same sort of people, so am not sure why you say that treating them differently doesn't make sense.
Wait a minute, you rate someone like Vinny that highly?
Who has a negative reputation in the dik group? And vandalised the library that MC has cleaned up?
is anyone experienced this?. im stuck in the loop with maya isabella josy and sage after come back from main hall
check the first page..
There is an update to fix the loop
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The unseen

Apr 2, 2022
So, I think I found a bug. in gallery for scenes, Lily's scene seems to have a bug. When MC starts texting her,
It doesn't go from this scene to the next scene. her text (with the emoji one) is stuck. and other texts won't appear. Do you have this problem too?


Jul 13, 2022
Possible symptoms might include

2. You may have the wrong build. The persistent provided are for the latest build for each application. (0.8.3 for Season 1&2 and interlude for Season 3. I still haven't updated my saves for the latest episode as I'm still working on optimizing each route for the provided saves)
UGH.. I have 0.8.2 what a fool, gonna try to fix it and let you know, thanks a lot my friend.. (y)


Apr 11, 2018
Vinny is a damn dangerous guy. He can really ruin a life. An armed drug addict with a mental disorder. For MC, the best option would be to figure out how to arrange a fatal accident for Vinny, for all the best.
Sounds just like one of these orders for Agent 47. Haven't seen any bold dudes with a mark behind their head tho.


May 6, 2017
Ok. The log entry for Rusty selling his car is still saying he sold his car, even though he said he didn't.
From a fresh import save and playing on 0.9.1.
I was wondering if the same thing is happening with a vanilla game? And yes, I use a mod.


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
You can punch Oscar, but not Vinny. I don't understand the factors DPC is using to decide which options are and aren't locked away anymore.
IIRC you can punch Vinny even if you have neutral affinity, if you punched Tommy in, i think it was ep 6, where he attacks the MC. Not sure if fighting with Caleb is important as i always do that.
The variable is completely hidden from the player so that's not an option. And i really don't see why it's so supposedly puzzling to you that the MC is allowed to perform minor infidelities but not serious one. As you note yourself there's clear difference between these two types of actions, you don't need to be shown any variable to figure it out. You might as well ask why the MC is allowed to punch people in the face but not smash their skulls open. The answer should be just as obvious.
I mean, it doesn't make much sense how it's implemented imo.

Like you can kiss Cammy in public, can grab Nicole's ass and enjoy Lilys tits, grab Bianca's ass (as chick)...but you need dik affinity to grab Sarah/Mel's asses, why ?

You can't kiss Riona in MC's bedroom, but you can make out it with her publicly in the theatre.

Even as chick on Jill path you can lick Tiffany on stage infront of the whole party, but even as dik you can't let Heather ''use you'' in a private room and i don't see much difference in giving or receiving oral, in terms of severity.
Vinny is a damn dangerous guy. He can really ruin a life. An armed drug addict with a mental disorder. For MC, the best option would be to figure out how to arrange a fatal accident for Vinny, for all the best.
You give him too much credit, i found him rather pathetic as he was introduced this ep.
Really bringing a gun to a frat party, using it because the MC tells him off, going on how the MC is a dog, while he needs a gun to feel powerful...as i said, rather pathetic. I really hope he isn't the main antagonist.
Also shooting someone is bad for business , pretty sure he knows this, as he is a apparently a succesfull drug dealer.
Him being an addict we don't know.
That being said, a gun was shown, so the gun will go off at some point.
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Jun 5, 2020
Wanting to wonder and building up hype are two very different things that I think you're conflating. Sure, he wants you to wonder who she is, but that whole scene is just a very small part of only one path. There's very little hype around it beyond what you yourself put on it.It's not the biggest mystery in the episode by a long shot and its definitely not a part that was highlighted by DPC. It's just a girl who wanted to be mysterious and have no strings attached in her Halloween costume. Why can't it be just that? It's cool to theorize about what it could be, but if you go into next episode expecting it to be anything but an easter egg, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Like, damn the pregnancy thing was hyped way harder last season and it just turned out to be Arieth, probably the least important girl in the HOTs.
Can we both just agree that we've already talked way more about "mystery girl" than the subject warrants and leave it at that? All I was trying to say was that it would be more narratively satisfying for this to be setting up something new, as opposed to shoe-horning in some minor character for a one-off. At this point though I honestly just don't care anymore.

I imagine possibly because allowing minor infractions leave some possibility to get out of trouble, while it'd be basically no excuse for more serious actions, and then you'd have players up in arms why they're allowed to sabotage their game with no warning how serious consequences they'd face, and why the game forces them to take such self-defeating actions if they want to see associated scenes.
As you pointed out, though, there's a significant difference between grabbing someone's butt and getting a blowjob. One you might be able to talk your way out of, but the other? I think common sense would be all the warning of potential consequences the player would need. Also, the game wouldn't force them into the actions to see those scenes, because not being in a relationship at all is a path unto itself, one where you can currently see all such content without the consequences.

The variable is completely hidden from the player so that's not an option. And i really don't see why it's so supposedly puzzling to you that the MC is allowed to perform minor infidelities but not serious one. As you note yourself there's clear difference between these two types of actions, you don't need to be shown any variable to figure it out.
The variable already exists in the game right now. And has different values for different actions, and is hidden from the player. Not only is it an option, it's already in place... it simply isn't applied as broadly as it could be. Also, as you say, "there's a clear difference between these two types of actions, you don't need to be shown any variable to figure it out", so whether you see it or not doesn't matter.

You might as well ask why the MC is allowed to punch people in the face but not smash their skulls open. The answer should be just as obvious.
Last I checked, there are no options anywhere in this game to smash anyone's skull open. There are, however, options to cheat on your girlfriend, it's just that some are inexplicably walled off under certain circumstances. So no, those two things are not equivalent.

MC knows Vinnie is a former DIK with much clout and he's likely heard quite a few stories from the other DIKs about him during his fraternity days. He knows the sort of person he's dealing with. Oscar *isn't* an amateur fighter nor is he a former DIK with much clout and stories surrounding him. They aren't the same sort of people, so am not sure why you say that treating them differently doesn't make sense.
We don't know that they aren't the same sort of people, because we know next to nothing about Vinny and literally nothing about Oscar. The amateur fighter hypothetical was meant to show precisely that.

Thankfully it doesn't matter, because none of this has anything to do with my point, which is simply this: we have a game that allows you to do self-destructive things (like fighting or cheating), but only sometimes and in some ways, and is not always consistent in terms of the hierarchy of said events. I am of the opinion that, given that this content already exists in the game, that the game already tracks how your actions impact other people, and that the game going forward is supposedly about how your actions will impact your relationships with those people, that a more open approach to player choice would make for deeper and more interesting gameplay. If you put behaviors in the game as choices, I don't see the value in walling the player off from certain choices merely because they are negative, in a game about the ramifications of one's choices.

If you don't have a problem with that, or don't see it the way I do, that's totally fine. I'm not in the business of trying to talk people into enjoying something LESS... I'm just not that big an asshole. I'm merely sharing my personal opinion on how the mechanics of the game seem to be evolving.

The Glorious LIME

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