
Feb 3, 2018
Wow. What a place stag Vinny is. He throws some books on the floor. Well, if that's not gay. My MC wouldn't mind if Vinny fucked Chad, Troy and maybe Nick in the ass.

Vinny is no longer in college, so it's not about the alpha male bickering in the DIK pack, because none of the DIKs can decide whether or not Vinny can be accepted back into college.

I guess the "older-student-brother dynamic" exists. Tommy is probably the reason Vinny left. Once a DIK, always a DIK, DIKs for life. Rusty and Nick are still with Vinny too, we've known that since EP2. What are the DIKs? A family, brothers. What if the DIK brother Vinny wants to teach his younger DIK brother MC that Tommy is not good for the DIK family and tested the MC?

DIK: The MC hits Vinny and Vinny says that biting dogs need to be taught to behave.

NEUTRAL: Vinny says that barking dogs don't bite, which is absolute nonsense. But crucially, Vinny also says the MC should be more diplomatic.

CHICK: Vinny tells the MC that life doesn't work without fighting.

What Vinny says looks a lot like a lecture to me. We should also not forget what Nick said that Vinny split the DIKs and half liked Vinny and the other half did not. So Nick was saying that a lot of things got better with Vinny's departure. A lot, but not everything. The Vice President is still a loser who prefers to bury his head in the sand when problems arise instead of finding a solution to the problem.

Back to your alpha male. What are the most dangerous alpha males? Definitely not Vinny or Tommy. And why? Because they think they are alpha males and flaunt it. Vinny, on the other hand, has realized that the MC is a dangerous alpha male. The MC can when he wants to, does when he has to, and doesn't even know he's an alpha male. Guess why Zoey gets involved when the MC is badgering Oskar? Zoey is probably the only one who knows from high school how dangerous the MC can be. Vinny feels threatened by the MC because he can't size him up.

Also, I don't want my MC to be the top stag. Stags are eaten by predators.
Good insight.
But that wouldn't explain why Tommy is so submissive with Vinny, if it isn't cause he knows Vinny is worse than him,
then what is it? is it because Tommy is too far gone into drugs and needs Vinny?
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Geralt From Rivia

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 15, 2022
Well i finally finished my main paths (Sage,"Others" and Jill path) and while i agree the update falls short in character writing and development, its very astonishing in production values, seriously, the animations and renders were superb, specially Lily and the albino girl (Tara) she went from looking like a crackwhore to looking beautiful. Sage and Jill also got some improvements, a shame for Maya-fans, i've hear she still has the same skin issues from Season 1. Anyways, My mind was blown away when Tommy did the coin flip, seriously, that was the tip of the top for me, when i thought i couldnt be more surprised with the effort put into animations, i was still surprised.

About Sage

Sage had a bit of character regression? Yes.
She acted too much like a slut (mainly with Maya)? Yes.
But i don't take much of an issue with that cause it was me who insisted that she explored more and im the one who pressed for the threesome with Quinn, i get what i deserve.
Her schoolgirl costume was lackluster yes, theres no way around it.
Now, a bit of character regression or weird shifts are to be expected when entering a relationship, be is as an awkward method to adapt to new things or as simple clumsiness, this same goes to Jill, she didn't get character regression but she got that weird thing that some people get into a relationship.
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About Jill

Jill, lemme explain, got into the "settled in" mentality, she is jealous of other girls, she's already thinking of MC meeting her parents, she already wants MC to enter her social circle (without caring too much about MC's social circle) and on top of that she showed that now she doesn't care about her sex appeal and thinks MC is now all for herself and she doesn't have to be sexy, just cute. This is reinforced seeing the costume Jill chooses if you aren't his boyfriend (boy was i baited)

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Both Jill and Sage are newbies with relationships, so i expected some awkward outcomes, im not worried of DPC writing skills.
Now, if this character writing continues in future updates i will be worried, but not for now.

About Others

Now this is where the game got interesting, there's a lot of awesome moments with Quinn, Riona, Lily and Nicole, even Tara and her whore friends were good in this path (although ending the night with them felt depressing).
Sarah and Melanie got very hot moments too, its always nice to fuck Sarah for free, but you can't expect much care and love from them, and thats fine, not everyone will fall for MC, though i definitely feel more at ease with them now, the way they ate the burgers was cute.
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About Riona, i liked how she took the hint and decides she's willing to be a "quality girl" if that's what you want from her, i liked all her moments with MC and that moment of MC slaying "Nothing" is one of the best moments in the series, she also has the best facial expressions in the game tied with Lily.

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About Quinn i liked the bit of backstory and the fact that she's worried about MC, also she proposes a date with you, so that's promising (but i sear to God, if she ends up harming Rio...), all of her interactions with MC were heartwarming, i just hope she isn't plotting agains't Tommy, i've gotten to care about my brother and lately i've been liking him more than Jacob and Derek as the main DIK friend. Quinn also got the best sex scene and costume, Sorry Sage, you are my main but, Quinn was strong this update.

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About Lily and Nicole i liked their character writing, Nicole is always heartwarming even if you haven't dated her that much (she's still in love with you if you only fucked her in the club and talked to her on swype, no other dates needed), i get she is desperate for something genuine and she sees MC as that, not only as some fuckable meat.
Lily still has the most fun personality of the game, i like how she really wants to succeed in life and the spark that she has, she's also got the best chemistry with DIK MC tied only with Sage, hell, i think she even surpasses Sage on chemistry with DIK MC.
I wonder what the future will bring with these two, but it looks promising, and Lily looks like the one who will bring real drama, not only college drama (i think she's trying to overthrow Vinny and MC is the dangerous man she needs for the task, i never bought that she was an undercover cop)

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Overall... GREAT fucking update for the side girls, Okay update for Sage, obnoxious update for Jill.
Haven't tried Bella or Josy/Maya.

Best Costumes (Girls)
1- Quinn (she put the most effort into looking the part and the character fits her)
2- Lily (i've got a weakness for Jeanette Voermann and Harley from Arkham City and the costume fits her)
3- Riona (a simple outfit but the paws really elevated it imo, went from "meh" to cuteness overload.
4- Sarah and Melanie
5- Bee Jill/Zoey (They were hot and mature at the same time)
Special mentions to Karen for being cute (and always eyeeing MC) and Penny for the effort. Also scarecrow girl cause she looked the part.

Worst Costumes (Girls)
-Sage (what the fuck was she thiking, she's supposed to be creative, not lazy)
-The nurses
-Tara (blanket ghost)
-Banana Jill (i understand why, but it still felt like trolling)

Best Costumes (Boys)
1- Derek
2- Tommy
3- Rusty
4- MC
5- Leon (LMAO)

Thats all i had to say, keep on rolling brothers.
Good analysis, but I disagree a little about Sage's regression. Maybe i'm biased, but...
As a personality, Sage is very versatile, she is very fair and caring, at parties she behaves differently, like a real party girl,but there is nothing slutty about her behavior. What is she doing? Kisses with Josie, wants to makeup with Maya, flirting with MC regardless of the route. She likes MC, and kissing girls for fun is normal. Sage loves to party hard.
I agree about the costume, it was lazy and even the MC commented on it.
Her walk of shame is a fucking legend, incredible charisma, self-confidence and thus she declares her relationship with the MC. Loud, with theatrical effect and fireworks. It was strong.
As my friend who plays the game said, I'll quote: "After that I don't think we deserve Sage. Not at all."
I also highly recommend trying the remaining routes, especially Bella, the dialogues there are top notch.

My costume list is similar to yours, except instead of Sarah and Melanie, I have Josie. The fairy costume really suits her, and these two are wearing bunny costumes, it's sexy but a little boring. I'm add Heather to the list of boring and worst costumes, seriously, a beach swimsuit? Who would think of dressing up like this for Halloween? :LOL:


Sep 16, 2022
Neither Maya nor Josy are in any particular danger. Their brothers, however, seem to be - Tommy has always been a drug addict, and I fear he might have got Derek hooked as well. Derek's behavior is not solely because of Ashley or the end of hell week ... those might have been catalysts, but I think he sought solace in more than alcohol and moved onto narcotics.

Recall in Ep. 6 during the mansion cleanup, Derek comes up from the basement looking ... odd. MC took him at his word when he said he was going to the bathroom and remarked how there isn't a bathroom in the basement, but in reality I think that's where Derek started taking drugs.

The Maya and Josy drama will be about saving their family - both Tommy and Derek - from drug addiction. This may explain why Quinn and MJ paths are so hardwired to be at odds with each other, as the narrative will force them against each other on the issue of drugs.
About Derek, what you say makes sense. If Tommy introduces MC into drugs (weed), why not Derek too? He's in pain because of Ashley and he uses alcohol as a relief valve, so, why not drugs too?

About Tommy, I think Josy doesn't have the slightest interest in saving him from anything.

About Maya and Quinn's paths, I think that the narrative will force them against each other because when Maya goes to live to the HOTs, she's going to somehow discover Quinn's drugs & prostitution ring and is going to be the one getting it out in the open because she hates Quinn, and maybe, if your theory is correct, because Quinn would be the one supplying drugs to Derek, directly or through Tommy.

Geralt From Rivia

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 15, 2022
I don't mind the mini-games and the earlier ones were great, but this one was Top Teletubby Level of Mental Retardation:

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Though Mr. DPC says he does everything by himself, I bet this one was developed by his nephew... Like, "hey, kid! Wanna see some pussies, tits, and asses? Create a mini-game for me and I'll show you."
It's was like this

I thought it was original, for that same reason :KEK: . Who would think of dressing up like this for Halloween?
Who would think of dressing up like this for Halloween?
Okay, this joke is getting old :KEK:


Sep 16, 2022
Well i finally finished my main paths (Sage,"Others" and Jill path) and while i agree the update falls short in character writing and development, its very astonishing in production values, seriously, the animations and renders were superb, specially Lily and the albino girl (Tara) she went from looking like a crackwhore to looking beautiful. Sage and Jill also got some improvements, a shame for Maya-fans, i've hear she still has the same skin issues from Season 1. Anyways, My mind was blown away when Tommy did the coin flip, seriously, that was the tip of the top for me, when i thought i couldnt be more surprised with the effort put into animations, i was still surprised.

About Sage

Sage had a bit of character regression? Yes.
She acted too much like a slut (mainly with Maya)? Yes.
But i don't take much of an issue with that cause it was me who insisted that she explored more and im the one who pressed for the threesome with Quinn, i get what i deserve.
Her schoolgirl costume was lackluster yes, theres no way around it.
Now, a bit of character regression or weird shifts are to be expected when entering a relationship, be is as an awkward method to adapt to new things or as simple clumsiness, this same goes to Jill, she didn't get character regression but she got that weird thing that some people get into a relationship.
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Agree with almost everything you say about all girls. About Sage, I think that indeed DPC overdoes her kinky side, but this is a porn game so... it was expected. This update is mostly about a night, a party with a lot of booze, so it makes sense that we mostly see "Party Sage" here: drunk and oversexed after more that two years of abstinence with a gay boyfriend. It's her first big party after Chad (the one in the HOT's is not so big, and what she does is mostly the same: to have risky sex with MC, same pattern of behavior) and she's decided to make up for the lost time.

I think that, in the next update, we'll see "Romantic Sage". If DPC stops delaying it, we'll se her firs real date with MC and I hope we'll see her sweet side. I suppose (and hope) it will be similar to the date with Bella at Bella's home. A romantic scene at first, and crazy sex after that. I hope DPC is not going to write that scene in a way that all that Sage wants on that date is to fuck in the toilets with MC, or something. It would be a big mistake if it turns out that Sage is just a nympho. That would be indeed a huge character regression.

About the final conversation with MC proposing 3somes and kinky stuff in the future, I think that what DPC is saying is that, if MC doesn't fuck it up by being Jade's boytoy, or cheating on her, she's going to be her girlfriend soon and until the end of the story if MC chooses that. That would make Sage's path, in the lewd part, boring, if all their scenes are just to have sex the same way they have had sex so far. It's needed something to spice up Sage's path, and that's the 3somes and probably other kinks. I cn imagine Sage going with Elena and other HOTs to a private party at the Pink Rose and dancing for MC in a cum-petition the same way Quin did, or something like that. Sage's fans are not Jill's fans. Jill's fans like the idea of dating with a unexperienced, naïve girl, and introduce her gently into sex. Kinks are not needed. But Sage's fans are different. MC says several times that Sage is a wild girl, and fans expect that she continues being wild.

And Sage's costume is really lackluster. She's the one insisting in a costumes competition... And she dresses like Lily, pigtails included? Does she had the same idea as Leon? DPC has been really lazy here.
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Sep 16, 2022
What is she doing? Kisses with Josie, wants to makeup with Maya, flirting with MC regardless of the route. She likes MC, and kissing girls for fun is normal. Sage loves to party hard.
I don't think she actually wants to makeup with Maya, she's just joking. The real purpose of that scene is not saying us that Sage is horny and wants to makeup with Maya, but introduce the dialogue.

S: Have you kissed a boy?
M: Yes
S: For fun?
M: No, it was real.
S: So, you aren't 100%?
M: I don't know what I am.
S: Must be a hell of a boy.
M: It was Jack.

Now, Sage knows that somehow, something real happened between MC and Maya, not only "MC had a crush on Maya and Maya refused him because she's lesbian" (what I think Sage believed so far). If MC is not into Sage's path, this is just gossip. That scene if not even needed, is just filling material. BUT, If MC is into Sage's path, it means that somehow, Maya enters into MC's "Exes" category, and some jealousy can be expected from her, the same way she may be jealous for the fact that MC invited Zoey to the party or if MC flirts with other girls.

About kissing Josy, it's like the HOTs and daughters kissing each others during the game of "spin the dildo", as a dare and to turn on the boys looking. Sage is playing there and trying to turn on MC, both if they are fuck buddies or not. That's why her first interaction with MC is asking him if that costume is for turning on girls with his "hot body". Again, that interaction makes sense if MC is into Sage's path, if not is just filling material.

The problem with most of the scenes of a given girl is that should work the same if MC is following the route of that girl, and if not, because DPC only can create a limited number of specific scenes for any given girl. Some of the scenes and interactions with Sage only make sense if they are fuck buddies and almost couple. I don't think that makes a lot of sense that Sage flirts with MC during the party in several occasions and try to turn him on, if MC rejected Sage, specially if it was after the scene when he tells Sage that he wants to have dates with her and have something real together, not only sex.

DPC needs that Sage and MC remain friends for the sake of the plot, but character-wise, a proud girl like Sage that also has been dumped by another guy a few days before, wouldn't react the way she does in that scene. She should react like Quinn, simulating indifference, or even with repressed anger, and would not continue involved with MC in party planning and would not interact with MC in the party. But again, it would go against the plot, so we have to suspend the incredulity if MC rejected Sage. I think that Quinn's, Bella's or Jill's path after MC's rejection has way more sense. They react the way their characters should react, according what we know about them.
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Geralt From Rivia

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 15, 2022
I don't think she actually wants to makeup with Maya, she's just joking. The real purpose of that scene is not saying us that Sage is horny and wants to makeup with Maya, but introduce the dialogue.

S: Have you kissed a boy?
M: Yes
S: For fun?
M: No, it was real.
S: So, you aren't 100%?
M: I don't know what I am.
S: Must be a hell of a boy.
M: It was Jack.

Now, Sage knows that somehow, something real happened between MC and Maya, not only "MC had a crush on Maya and Maya refused him because she's lesbian" (what I think Sage believed so far). If MC is not into Sage's path, this is just gossip. That scene if not even needed, is just filling material. BUT, If MC is into Sage's path, it means that somehow, Maya enters into MC's "Exes" category, and some jealousy can be expected from her, the same way she may be jealous for the fact that MC invited Zoey to the party or if MC flirts with other girls.

About kissing Josy, it's like the HOTs and daughters kissing each others during the game of "spin the dildo", as a dare and to turn on the boys looking. Sage is playing there and trying to turn on MC, both if they are fuck buddies or not. That's why her first interaction with MC is asking him if that costume is for turning on girls with his "hot body". Again, that interaction makes sense if MC is into Sage's path, if not is just filling material.

The problem with most of the scenes of a given girl is that should work the same if MC is following the route of that girl, and if not, because DPC only can create a limited number of specific scenes for any given girl. Some of the scenes and interactions with Sage only make sense if they are fuck buddies and almost couple. I don't think that makes a lot of sense that Sage flirts with MC during the party in several occasions and try to turn him on, if MC rejected Sage, specially if it was after the scene when he tells Sage that he wants to have dates with her and have something real together, not only sex.

DPC needs that Sage and MC remain friends for the sake of the plot, but character-wise, a proud girl like Sage that also has been dumped by another guy a few days before, wouldn't react the way she does in that scene. She should react like Quinn, simulating indifference, or even with repressed anger, and would not continue involved with MC in party planning and would not interact with MC in the party. But again, it would go against the plot, so we have to suspend the incredulity if MC rejected Sage. I think that Quinn's, Bella's or Jill's path after MC's rejection has way more sense. They react the way their characters should react, according what we know about them.
I noticed a difference in Sage's reaction at the moment of dialogue with Maya. These are the little details that I love to look for. If you're in her way, then when Maya said "That was Geralt", Sage was more confused. I don't think she liked it, but it's a normal reaction. Hopefully this won't cause any problems.
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Sep 16, 2022
I noticed a difference in Sage's reaction at the moment of dialogue with Maya. These are the little details that I love to look for. If you're in her way, then when Maya said "That was Geralt", Sage was more confused. I don't think she liked it, but it's a normal reaction. Hopefully this won't cause any problems.
It will cause problems in Sage's path, the same it will cause Zoey. If not, why to introduce that scene, and the one of Josy asking MC if it's true that invited his ex-girlfriend to the party? Chekov's gun principle of drama: In a story shouldn't be unnecessary elements. That scene is totally unnecessary for the story if MC is not following Sage's path. As you say, her reaction is the one of a simple gossip. "What about that...?" she says with a smile. Like thinking "Ha ha, this MC is a fucking playa". DPC could have cut it and pass directly to the dialogue with Jill and the story would be the same, but it works as filling material, like other unnecessary scenes with other girls if MC is not into their paths, so the update is not too short. But it has relevance for Sage's path. She says "I see... Umm..." with a concern look. Like "What is this about? It was just a kiss, or there was more? Why MC hasn't told me about it?" or something like that.

But I don't think is going to be a big deal if MC doesn't shows too much interest in Maya or Zoey in the future (or Josy, when Sage knows that she's an MC's ex too, something that probably will happen too at some point).

By the way, "Chekov's gun principle" says something like "if a character flashes a gun, at some point of the story, someone must shoot it. If not, that gun is not needed and shouldn't be flashed". It applies literally to Vinnie. ;)
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