A dealer not only buys goods and then sells the goods. A dealer also deals in services. He transforms the commodity of drugs into a service through the party.
Send the police to a DIK party where they find drugs and find out that the MC bought the drugs. I am curious what the MC will be charged with.
But isn't Fuckface only the party-planner? Sure, you can get drugs for the party in the minigame and it affects the party, but Fuckface has no direct contact with the trasaction. He probably only manages it, if it is there.
If I remember correctly, when Sage, Quinn and Fuckface plan the party, they make a rough guess for how many people will be at the party and tell it to Rusty to place the order for alcohol.
So I don't thing Fuckface even knows, where he can get shit. If we take into account, that he has something going on with Quinn and isn't a retard, then he could ask her to get weed and shit. I don't think Quinn would tell him, where he could get it himself. So his next bet would be to ask Tommy for help.
In the first place, partys are officially not allowed on campus ground. So it is probably tolerated by the campus administration to some point. They want the students to party on campus ground (frats, dorms), so they don't run of to more "dangerous" locations, resulting in maybe bad publicity for the college.
Most of them aren't even of legal age for alcohol and cigarettes. So hard drugs would only be the tip of the iceberg.
In case of a police investigation, why would they hold Fuckface accountable for that? He didn't plan the party alone and he only organized it. He could say, that the hard drugs are private property of the guests, since he didn't have anything to do with them.
So Rusty would be held accountable for getting alcohol and Tommy (maybe Quinn) for getting drugs, since he has weed on him, smoking on the roof.
I didn't buy drugs in the minigame. Are there any differences while playing, when you do?