Oh, you might start a trend!
Your list got me thinking about my tier list. Some big differences.
'S' No idea how you could put Bella so low! And I am obviously a fan of the Jill romance.
'A' Josy would be number 2 if it weren't for her relationship with Maya.
'B' Maya is a lesbian who might have somehow fallen for the MC. While I want to put her in the 'S' list, that sets her much farther back.
'C' Unremarkable really.
'D' Quinn is very far down the list. Being a drug dealer, pimping out the other girls, and just being all-around trash puts her much lower. The only redeeming factor that puts her in 'D' is that there is a way to fuck her without paying.
'E' Everyone else that is at least fuckable with a BIG exception. I would never fuck anyone that is with one of my brothers' girl. That would have to be cleared first.
'F' The prostitutes and the unfuckable. It is too bad Lynette is his mother because she is gorgeous. Bianca is best friends with Jill... that's a deal breaker. And the femi-nazis are a hard pass.