I noticed this too.... Also what's up with the puzzle box he found when the free furniture arrived? I thought whatever they are looking for is in that, Hidden in plain sight..
Cube at the end of EP8 and at the first 2 phases of the party in EP9:
Then a crowd enters the MCs room to take a photos, and, later Vinny approaches there and trashing MCs room.
Cube after that:
If thats not another misdirect and is supposed to be Bianca's mom, wtf happened?
Look at Neil, the lower class with no cosmetics, surgeries and working himself to death, he looks like he barely aged. If thats true, might as well say it right now, the brunette, Vivian(?) is Madame, if the females changed so much
I didn't said that it's 100% evidence or that I'm absolutely sure in my thoughts. But some coincidences and facts suggest such thoughts.
We know that Jill met Bianca around or right after Lana's death. They were teenagers and Bianca taught her various "bad things". We have a photo with Jill's house on background twice - on a picnic with Jill, when MC photo shoots her and on MCs mom photo. There are 2 girls and both her best friends. She also spent time with both girls in last diary scene/flashback, when MCs dad tried to invite Lynette to date.
The girl I mentioned is quite similar to Bianca to be her mother. She has red hair, freckles, and similar facial features. Pay attention to necklace, too. Yes, it could be just DAZ assets reuse, but I don't think it's the case here. At least, not on very non-random characters. Then, ask yourself the question - who photographed these three?
And finally... some people get old "like whisky" and some "like milk" (c) Derek. You get what I mean.
Not everyone is lucky enough to look like Bella, Jade or Cathy at the age of 40. In addition, she may well be older, no one gave guarantees that Lynette's friend should be the same age as her, she may be 5-10 years older. We have a similar case with Bella and Jill with a difference of 15-16 years.
Points for MC potential father:
- plaid jacket, it could be assets reuse again, but pay attention to whole EP5 preps party, he was the one in such jacket;
- he looks like the oldest dude in whole party (besides one backroung "sprite" 2D character, which obviously can't play any role in story), with rough estimate he could be closer to 60yo at the moment or a bit less. Taking in mind 18yo limitation the lowest is 18+18+18 with adding about 2 years for pregnancies (first - Lynette, second - MC) and more realistic is 20+20+20. So knowing that MC dad is a rich man, he looks quite well for 58-60yo;
- there are several scenes where he precisely staring at MC;
- preps party was in EP5, while MC already got message from dad, that he received an important mail and he back to home in EP6, right after the party;
Points for Jill potential father:
- we know that he is abusing alcohol;
- Sage & Arieth was false targets;
- the guy was the most drunk one on the party (Gordon and Christian noted that);
- Gordon and Christian was proud that they had a talk with him, and hoped that he would remember them;
- pay attention to the wedding ring on his finger;
- Tybalt noted how important this party and the guests at it were (who can be more important that Royce and some similar persons);
- possible MC family & Jill family connections (if both predictions are correct) are also plays quite well in this case, because "MC dad" had a talk with "Jill dad" and another red hair dude.
If we fail mansion repairs or we don't have time to earn enough to order windows (minigames on, otherwise if DIK's RP is lower than 5 and/or MC won hell week & accepted Pink-Rose VIP pass), then Rusty sells his car. Check out the dude, do you recognize him?