I can't agree with this, at least with this example.
Do you know how it's much easier to watch for somebody while he is at home or in some similar place? People, especially when they don't expect that somebody watching for them are usually careless. And home or whatever else can be called "roof" under you head gives you that unique feel of protection and safety. Even if sometimes it's a false feeling. When you outside (like in the scene above - forest, park, etc), you usually dismiss this feel and your natural instincts come into play. Your senses become more acute, you begin to see and hear more than in moments when you feel safe. You may not notice or spot somebody watching you through window when you rest/fuck/study in your room/home, etc, but I bet you will immideately spot any dude that's 5-10 meters away and tries to watch you staying behind the tree. I mean lonely place like a park or forest in the evening, not a crowded street or something similar.
This scene looks more like an artistic technique of creating a scene than like somebody peeping at the MC. DPC worked on first 2 episodes of BADIK and made a vast part of them when he releases the last episode of AL. We have a BADIK teaser after the credits.
I won't buy it, if he was not lied when promised that BADIK won't be as dark as AL was. If MC was watched by somebody from the beginning, then it's not a "light hearted" story, but a thriller and maniac shit again with it's own Leah.
I have to disagree with you there. It depends on the situation in which people find themselves. Both are in this moment fully focused on themselves and the other and do not notice what is happening around them. If the MC was alone, I would agree with you, but he is not. Thus, the natural instincts of alertness you mentioned are not awakened either.
Agnes has alzheimer's. She is disabled. She's unable to make decisions for herself and think soberly.
Such people are like a little kid in the old body. While she is in her 75-85yo we can assume that her hypothetical son, whom she constantly talked about, is around 60 years old (just the age that MCs grandfather should be).
But despite the fact that this is a pretty nice version, she is not viable, because Agnes is glad that while she is alive, her son will not get her house. MCs grandpa is not one of those who have to live in his mother's only house and somehow worry about it. He is also rich enough to provide his mother with something more worthy than a nursing home. Of course, we don't know what kind of person he is yet, but the probability is still very small.
The nurse tells the MC that Agnes has Alzheimer's. But she also says so that it got worse in the last time. Ergo, it is possible that it was better in the summer. Then Alzheimer patient have a peculiarity. They usually remember better what is far past than what is near future. Ergo, she will remember her son. The only question is whether this son is still alive, because Alzheimer's patients live more in the past. But here is the contradiction, why I believe that everything is fake. The keywords cookies, babbling like a little girl and monkey. Three coincidences. Those who want to believe they are coincidences, do so. My motto is. Once is coincidence, twice is happy coincidence, three times is intentional. I assume so Agnes doesn't have Alzheimer's.
You are digging too deep. There are no space in plot and game resources to reveal such things, while this all are not even secondary, but third-rate. We learned the most important thing - MC's dad and his mom had a classic social level incompatibility problem and, as an accent - MCs dad wasn't "accepted" by that family, so that they had to run with Lynette.
Why am I digging too deep? Neil said himself to MC so he got few than he was entitled to. So DPC himself supplied the space for this story arc. The joke is so that Lynette's father actually has views exactly like Tybalt's. So one should wonder how such views of class differences in wealth come about. I know some rich people and have found so that the people who start businesses and lead them to success are mostly down to earth and stay that way. Their kids mostly become snobs because they never had to really work for it. Examples in the game. Tybalt and Rusty. Since Lynette's father is such a snob himself, there is a good chance so that he is not the founder of the company and the company is the property of his parents. And in terms of inheritance, that changes things.
The deeper you dig, the more hypothetical answers to the questions you plan to get. Is it realistic? Considering that there are already so many questions, it's not a fact that everyone will be given due time. I think that the moment has come in the game (we are already in the second half) when there will be no more new questions, or it will be minimized, while it's time to unwind the flywheel of answers to all the questions that have accumulated. Be simpler and smarter, seek for really important clues and hints and don't inflate conspiracies of universal scale out of every little thing. The implementation of almost any such scenario devalues the entire plot which is quite decent and its weight.
MCs grandpa hate Neil (and maybe MC too, which is not confirmed) because he was the reason of his daughter death. But MC is at least a "part" of his daughter.
Yes, it is realistic because these many questions can be solved by very few answers. It only takes one or two key people or a diary. DPC himself has written about Interlude so he has to create it to make some connections clearer. It's all like a big knot that completely unravels with pulling on a thread. Of course Lynette's father hates Neil, but even more so when Neil gets custody of the MC. In the bios of Neil is written after all, so that he had legal difficulties in the past. Neil fought the custody suit filed by Lynette's parents. This has driven Neil into financial ruin. Out of hatred and revenge, Lynette's father refuses to help Neil and the MC. Neil has to move on to earn money and Lynette's family loses sight of the MC as a result. I don't know if Lynette's father has calmed down over the years, but Lynette's grandparents certainly have. That's why Lynette's diary is so important. It's not just so the MC can meet his mother, but that he understands all the connections before he meets his grandparents and great-grandparents. For a good story, such connections are important.
Thx btw, I never seen in this guy MCs summer job boss. But I don't see any of B&R teachers and the woman with him doesn't look like any teacher in B&R. It looks like an Easter egg for very attentive players.
This is not meant to be a teacher of B&R either. Read correctly. At this point, MC was still over six months away from college. A teacher from his high school is more like it.
Girl to the left - absolutely random person, she is not a dorm red haired girl. Different face, hair and even legs shape.
The girl is the vixen between Gina and Tiffany. Hair color, eyebrow, hairstyle, nose, mouth and figure all fit.
This dormies partied with DIKs from the beginning. Tommy & Rusty mentioned them, also we know that almost all DIKs know most of this dormies quite well. We seen them all at the DIKs parties from early episodes. We don't have a BIOS record for red haired girl which was in teaser of Vixens with Gina and Clara together, so we still don't know her name. But almost all other already presented and we know a little about all of them. Jacob like Clara. And Nick partied almost with all or with most of girls at Halloween party.
Yes, Rusty and Tommy partied with the dorm. But I haven't seen any pictures of this past and I only learn in EP8 that Rusty and Tommy partied with Christie and Micha in the past. About the Vixen in the middle of Gina and Tiffany we know only so that she gets off the train that Zoey gets on.