I answer you because the members enjoy reading our debates.
At first, you shouldn't take it to heart and be offended, it's just that sometimes your theories force me to be creative and sarcastic. But this is without any malicious intent. If I couldn't stand you or if I didn't like reading all this (and sometimes answering), I would do what some people do - block you.
Secondly, when arguing takes more and longer than 2 iterations and no one accepts or switches to one or another side, then I prefer to stick and stand with my opinion. Arguing for the sake of arguing is counterproductive and mostly useless.
So, I'd prefer to stand with my own opinion regarding #8 Josy's preview.
Regarding images you attached and some of your thoughts (I'm answering on this part for the last time):
Josy which is leaning on bare wall is doing that being in clothes. She bring this linen from her home, probably. Maybe it was in suitcases which her dad gave to her on his last visit. I doubt that all of her linen is identical, and sometimes, you know, sometimes the linen goes to the laundry. So, the identical linen in her home and even her dad & Monica bedroom doesn't proof anything in such case. Since we seen this linen in her room at the HOT's. She hadn't used it at the Maya's dorm, btw.
I agree with you about the previews. But that's exactly the attraction of finding out what the history of this preview is like and, if necessary, extrapolating where the story could lead with the preview. I take your example. We learned through play so it's Buddy's stash, we've known since EP9 so the MC gets to use Rusty's car when the MC needs it. Since the preview has Quinn in it, we know so it will probably be about drugs because it's near Buddy. But now we have the starting images of season 3, which include a picture that shows Quinn, Rusty's car and the police. But we also have information so that Vinny also buys from Buddy, so that Vinny was at DIK Mansion and the back-to-back meeting with the MC didn't go very well. All this information generates possibilities. You can't deny that yourself and if you do, then is ignorant. Which of the possibilities is true in the future history, only DPC can know for sure.
Here I agree with you in many ways.

So, let's extrapolate it. Maya's dad bring her a van/caravan/trailer for her potential trip, which have a pink walls inside of it. It's so large inside and huge, that MC and Josy decided to put a bed from Josy's room inside it, and not just put a mattress or even use a sleeping bag or some kind of standard bed for a trailer. Do not forget that before this MC should visit Maya at her home, get to know her parents properly and convince her dad that they are a couple. Otherwise, such a gift from her dad looks very improbable. And finally - Josy so liked to lean on walls in her room in HOT's, that she decided to cover walls in caravan with a lot of pillows.
The big hints lead to smaller hints. With the amount of pictures of BaDIK, 1% is a lot of clues. Of course there will be Easter eggs, but you will only expose them as Easter eggs if you follow up. Of course, it's an AVN with a super handle. The story has a beginning and an end. In the beginning there is information, the context of which no one can really understand. But the closer we get to the end of the story, the better you can understand and connect the initial information, because you get more information as the story progresses. So, in turn, you can generate possibilities. But we are going in circles here. You have your point of view and I have mine.
It's ok, but just try to not overthink most of the things. Because most of the time, even when you bring some good clues or hints, you start to act like a random generator which is shooting in all sides with random numbers, while trying to make it look like it means something or that DPC put a lot of sense and significance into something.
I do not write conspiracy theories. At least that's how I see it. No idea if Derek is telling the DIKs or maybe just the MC so he found a camera in his closet. But one thing is almost certain. By finding the camera, Derek will not have noticed this handbag at first. However, we know from EP5 so it is a HOTs handbag and the HOTs are now in the DIK Mansion during the Halloween party. It could also be quite crazy for someone to have deposited this HOTs handbag while cleaning up Derek's Closet. Maybe in some kind of lost and found.
I gave you an example with books, when the author tries to convey something or better describe the situation, the character of the characters and everything else through a description or the addition of some insignificant details. Well, in the end, if you are not reading some crazy thriller or fantasy, where EVERYTHING can matter, be the solution to some puzzles, etc., then usually most of it is just the creation of an atmosphere by the author. In games where there is a visual component, it is also Easter eggs. But when you try to inflate conclusions from every little thing and connect incredible things in universal scale - this first of all nullificate the whole value of BADIK and DPC too - because instead of a plot, atmosphere, emotions expression, high-quality scenes, including lewd scenes - it turns out that he is engaged in some bullshit, making some kind of AVN game a quest-level puzzle from the mid-1990-2000.
Also don't forget about limitation in assets for DAZ. When you expect something to be a clue or hint - it could be just DPC lazyness or that he simply wasn't find the right asset for the scene and had to use what was available. Some of assets may be reused from time to time and give a false or true red-herring cases.