
Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
Translation: I didn't want Quinn to win so I've come up with a reason that disqualifies her, Sage had the same problem but I like her so I'll let her win.

For the record I didn't vote multiple times, I voted once for Sage, Quinn, Rio, Josy and Cam.
I voted 0 time. :LOL:, I've grown out of these online poll things, they so meaningless :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2023
The next day I found out from her parents that she had been hit by a car at the crossing. The driver was drunk. She survived, but frankly, it would have been better not, because even if she had somehow miraculously stayed alive, she would have remained in a vegetative state for the rest of her life. She fell into a coma and died 2 weeks later in the hospital. Her boyfriend... well, he visited her only once, after which he disappeared forever. He didn't even come to her funeral. She was an only child in the family and her parents took it very terribly.

Perhaps to someone it will seem childish, a manifestation of weakness or snotty bullshit. But some time after she passed away I did my own memory lane. I felt that I needed to do this in order to remember and relive all the memories. I cried like a bitch for days. And even now, after so many years passed, when I think about her or some our moments, I feel a lump in my throat. It hurts so fucking much.

I can say with confidence (including from personal experience) that the loss of a true and best friend is just as hard as the loss of true love. Whatever the reason.
Sorry for your loss.
And of course friendship can cause similar reactions. For you it's like losing a sibling. This sort of intimacy is just as deep as a romantic one, from what you recount, difference is you never crossed that line with your friend. But even if that 'love' wasn't intimate. The point is, 'love' will make you do things that are 'out of character'. Also, it's nothing to do with 'weakness', it's how we 'cope' with tragedy.

To be honest, I don't see how that invalidates the MC's behavior for doing it as well. You sort of make my point for me there as well. Anyhow, I'm not going to rehash the reasons why the MC does it himself.

Think about how it would turn, if Zoey wouldn't listen to Bret's advice to "ghost" her friend. And they would continue to communicate the same way as at the very beginning after her departure. First of all, the source of the drama here is that she stopped writing and calling him.

Zoey's feelings are in their infancy, just like MC's. She realized that she did not like all that surfing and she leaved in vain. That she was homesick. And only after that - misses MC.
Well, to me, this sounds like her last attempt at closing a door on her past so she could move forward with her life, trying to convince herself she made the correct choice. And it fails because as you mention she slowly realizes she had not listened to her own feelings.

I suppose, when you really miss somebody and more important, felt something - you will probably mention it first. She said she missed him in last turn. Then she said she want to hang-out like it was before. And she hoped that he still considered her his friend, or would be able to consider her one again.
I can't can't really agree or disagree, but I can challenge that idea with this.
You return home, and see the MC, he just finishes telling you why he blocked you and changed numbers. And you realize the MC made a choice to move ahead with his life and stop waiting. I'm pretty sure you'd hold off on the shouting you love admission back to him as a first item for discussion. That's just how I understand that bit.

Despite the fact that they started fucking, it was more of a mutual interest, as it happens at their age (well, hell, actually in recent decades it usually happens much earlier, but nevertheless). For them, it was mostly a fun pastime, like hanging out, etc. It was not a manifestation of any feelings, but only a fun adventure. We know how a DPC can convey the right mood or make a message with just a couple of renders. Well, fucking for them was just "fun" and a kind of forbidden fruit, we see that the idea to do it from time to time comes to them spontaneously. Like, let's have a beer? No? When can we fuck instead? parents are away for the weekend.
Yes because as the MC points out, the first couple times they did it was under the influence of alcohol. But after a few times, Alcohol was no longer needed, probably because they're weren't so nervous to do this with eachother.
And for a young teenager, that exploration can quickly turn into something more, which is pretty much what happens in the story.

DPC even showed us a scene with a spontaneous kiss, and the MC's reaction to it. Like, "What are you doing?" Scene in train station shows us that they probably never even hugged. So, it's like, you can think anything in your head, you can feel anything with your heart, but if you don't tell a girl about it, it will stay with you. You'll never know if these feelings are mutual, if your views coincide or if it's just an innocent infatuation.
Can't really contest that, Except for saying again, young teenagers, who know next to nothing about intimate relationships and what they consist of. Just discovering it on their own.

They parted as friends, they never discussed their feelings and did not behave like a couple.
Don't forget Zoey asked the MC to go with her.. And of course they'd depart as just friends. Neither of them wanted to admit openly their feelings at that moment because it would only make that scene even harder and worse to deal with. They might have been teens, but they're not 'Dawe' level idiots. lol

I don't want to say that he doesn't or can't have feelings for Zoey, but, according to the game logic, we need to reject all LI and stay alone for a while. And that's when we have a chance to try to go back and press "play" button and explore their feelings. In AL, we had Ana. We had to reject the girls who, according to the plot, liked MC and for whom he began to have feelings, cheat on them to back to his ex. This is an alternate ending and Ana is SG. It's the same here, I have nothing against Zoey, it's a great and touching story that most likely leads to an alternative ending. But we need to literally reject all MGs, although we have seen and know that the MC had real feelings and affection for them and that by the 8th episode these feelings are finally formed. I.e. in some way we have to go against the canon.
I completely agree with everything here. But in all of that you kinda elaborated on much of what I meant. Sure I might not agree 100% with the causalities of how it got to that point, but the bottom line is there was something between them from the moment Zoey left. Even if they couldn't admit it to themselves.

But good post. It was interesting to see what your point of view was on that and have left me with a few things to think about and consider.
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Active Member
Nov 3, 2022
Wait a minute, you're saying there are fishy votes for Quinn, and for Sage. What these doubts are based on is not clear. Apparently in the short time interval between the voices. The fact that people from different countries can vote almost synchronously is not taken into account. And now you've already identified the votes for Quinn as fake, but for Sage only - fishy. So, having as you say - fishy votes for Quinn and Sage, nevertheless you give the victory to Sage. It doesn't look too fair. No. It looks like real discrimination. Quinn's rights are being grossly violated.

Face it, Quinn is fated to trail behind Sage's (and Rio's) shadow :cautious:


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2023
I swear every time I see voting between love interests, it always culminates in botting.
Communities can go insane if their preferred LI loses a popularity contest.
View attachment 2785473
The same thing happened last year with the BAD subreddit polls and, more recently, Quinn vs Triss on AVN lovers.

Thank you for making the effort to introduce a fresh and distinct topic to the conversation.
View attachment 2785475
If it were a real life thing, I'd much rather my LI come in last in such polls.
Least that way I'd know I wouldn't have to worry about weirdos going for her.
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Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
What I dislike most about the game:

1)Tybalt is too cartoonish a character. It's hard to take him seriously when all we do the whole game is make fun of him. And he has to be taken seriously when the quest to blackmail Tybalt begins. He just talks, but to back up his words he could send a lawyer or a statement of claim and then we could realize that he's not kidding.

2)Abrupt transitions between character story arcs. For example, there is a story arc of Sage and MC just being sex friends and there is a story arc of MC and Sage in a relationship. There is no smooth transition between them, everything happened abruptly and roughly. On the contrary, Bell's arc is generally structured well and a smooth and logical development of the relationship from cold attitude to affection and love.

3) Useless Characters. I realize that a large number of characters increase immersiveness, but there are useless characters whose presence in the game is very hard to explain. For example, why do you need Becky when her role can be duplicated by Sarah or Ariet? If DPС needs Maya to have a person from the past, then a similar role could be played by Derek, for example. The same could be said for the dorm girls, but they would probably play some important role in the story.

4)Too much branching. The game has tons of variables and choices that don't make any sense at all. The ending with Sarah and Melanie is pointless because they obviously don't have their own romantic line and sex with them could have happened at the party. Why was the "Jill's orgasm" variable even necessary? That there would be a separate subplot in the game where Jill doesn't like sex? What's the point? What's the point of making the game so complicated?

5)The incompleteness of some of the storylines. I realize that the game will probably provide answers in the future, but it's been 2 seasons and most of the questions remain unanswered. The game answers the most minor questions, and the game asks new questions. For example, Chad's arc is still not complete. We don't know who the blackmailer was, why he let Troy get beaten up in episode 1, what his relationship with Sage was, etc.

6) A branch of others. I've said before that the Others branch is a very bloated branch with a lot of girls with their own quests. To unlock all the content of this branch, you will have to replay it several times. For example, in episode 9, the Others branch has 5 endings (Quinn, Lily and Envy, Melanie and Sarah, Night on the Couch, and Night with Vixen).

7) Replayability for the sake of replayability. To unlock absolutely all the content of episode 9 you need to play it 6 times.
My five cents, with some I agree, some moments have counter-arguments.

1. Partially agree. He is a caricature, but such people exist in real life. Tybalt of this such banter over a typical "prep spoiled kid" from a very rich family.
That's what I'd like to see - Tybalt PRESENTING A REAL THREAT TO MC. So that there was a challenge to the player on his part and Tybalt really worked as an antagonist. Blackmail challenge seemed like a real danger until a mild denouement came. It's like threatening with a fake gun.

2.If we remove this bullshit moment about "rebound guy", then Sage's route is very well balanced. Their relationship smoothly moves from just mercantile interests, to friendship for sex, and eventually a romantic interest appears. Don't forget that Sage is a very closed person and it is difficult for her to express feelings. Plus she's pretty wild and we're definitely not going to see "vanilla romance".

3. Agree, I think everyone have his own list of useless characters and me too. If we talk about the opinion of the majority, when we are unanimous, then the most useless character is Madame Rose.
Becky here is just for hate, Arieth - comedian relief.

4. I like how big and branched the game is. If DPC can handle it, I support his path. But I have to put up with the fact that the game is getting bigger and takes more time for development - it happens for all branched games. But hey, it's not without reason that this is the most popular game in the genre.

5.Yes, there are many mysteries and DPC is clearly not going to reveal the cards quickly. Like you said, we're halfway through. I don't think we'll get all but many answers by the end of Season 3.

6-7. Me with my 22 runs say hi. And it is not a record, Toobextra and Kpyna played much more.


Jul 23, 2017
What I dislike most about the game:

1)Tybalt is too cartoonish a character. It's hard to take him seriously when all we do the whole game is make fun of him. And he has to be taken seriously when the quest to blackmail Tybalt begins. He just talks, but to back up his words he could send a lawyer or a statement of claim and then we could realize that he's not kidding.

2)Abrupt transitions between character story arcs. For example, there is a story arc of Sage and MC just being sex friends and there is a story arc of MC and Sage in a relationship. There is no smooth transition between them, everything happened abruptly and roughly. On the contrary, Bell's arc is generally structured well and a smooth and logical development of the relationship from cold attitude to affection and love.

3) Useless Characters. I realize that a large number of characters increase immersiveness, but there are useless characters whose presence in the game is very hard to explain. For example, why do you need Becky when her role can be duplicated by Sarah or Ariet? If DPС needs Maya to have a person from the past, then a similar role could be played by Derek, for example. The same could be said for the dorm girls, but they would probably play some important role in the story.

4)Too much branching. The game has tons of variables and choices that don't make any sense at all. The ending with Sarah and Melanie is pointless because they obviously don't have their own romantic line and sex with them could have happened at the party. Why was the "Jill's orgasm" variable even necessary? That there would be a separate subplot in the game where Jill doesn't like sex? What's the point? What's the point of making the game so complicated?

5)The incompleteness of some of the storylines. I realize that the game will probably provide answers in the future, but it's been 2 seasons and most of the questions remain unanswered. The game answers the most minor questions, and the game asks new questions. For example, Chad's arc is still not complete. We don't know who the blackmailer was, why he let Troy get beaten up in episode 1, what his relationship with Sage was, etc.

6) A branch of others. I've said before that the Others branch is a very bloated branch with a lot of girls with their own quests. To unlock all the content of this branch, you will have to replay it several times. For example, in episode 9, the Others branch has 5 endings (Quinn, Lily and Envy, Melanie and Sarah, Night on the Couch, and Night with Vixen).

7) Replayability for the sake of replayability. To unlock absolutely all the content of episode 9 you need to play it 6 times.
1) I have seen guys with pictures of their crushes in their wallets (not sure about watermelons). I have seen guys being obnoxious to get the girl's attention (the being loud part, but not playing cello). I have seen guys posting empty seat at dinner table on Valentine's day on their social media. Tybalt might be a bit over the top, but based on my experience it's not that cartoonish (unfortunately).

2) Sage was with Chad, then got MC as a friend (possibly with benefits). Then Chad broke up with her. Then MC can get her as a girlfriend and there is even the "I don't want to be the rebound guy" period. The relationship might progress fast but I wouldn't call it abrupt.

3) I, on the other hand, prefer that the game has more side/"useless" characters instead of the "x girls to date + my friend" I have seen in a lot games. This makes the game feel more alive, or immersive (as you would put it).

4) This depends on your definition of "branching". We have 4 official branches for the main girls plus 1 for "others". As for Jill, I assume you mean the Ep7 scene after "Fight for Jill" and I agree with you, I don't think that scene was needed. Her mental battle between wanting you there and making you leave was good enough.

5) The game is still incomplete.

6) The branch has different endings, but your choice of girl(s) at the end might not result in additional branching (separate story line for each of them). They might converge back into one "others" branch (possibly with you getting a girl at the very end). Also you have to have some content for players who don't want (or won't get) any of the main girls. Staying single and playing the field is a solid option; for example, other games use "backup/fallback girl", usually a childhood friend, that you will end up with should you fail to get any of the "main" girls.

7) This comes with the branching and is kind of standard for AVN/dating sim games. And it also makes sense - at some point the game splits into different story branches based on the selected girl in which you deal with problems related to the specific girl. Also story-based games tend to have low replayability, this is a way to provide some so customers get more value for their money.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
Wait Quinn won a best character poll?
I mean she is good
But was my angel even in the poll?

Either way that poll is obviously rigged or fake news

Maya is best girl ever
But then we all know that don't we
It's obvious why Best Girl didn't win. The pollster purposefully misspelled her name ("Rionna") which made all her fans not recognize her as being on the poll so they just voted for some random skank instead of the true princess who deserves to be cuddled and saved. :love:


May 8, 2023
I must disagree with you on your example of unexpected transitions in character story arcs though the point itself holds merit. Sage's story is perfectly natural to me, it only feels abrupt if you disregard the whole drama with Chad and the time skips. She doesn't just jump into a relationship with Fuckface, she breaks up with Chad then over a month later she agrees once asked to start dating our boy. They build up a strong bond in the 8 episodes before they finally decide to give things a try and it's made very clear how since we actively participate in those chemistry-building moments. The truly abrupt part is episodes 1 and 2 of their relationship but when I was in college I dated an older girl who I met in a similarly blunt situation so it doesn't throw me off as much as the other MG's. There are definitely disconnected transitions that happen though, like the whole Maya and Josy debacle in episode 5 which has been recounted probably more times than there are pages in this thread so I will digress.
We don't really know when the turn from friend to boyfriend happened in MC's mind. Back in episode 5 he liked fucking Sage and in episode 7 he gives Sage an ultimatum. Actually all his words to Sage are true, but we don't see the inner monologue of why he wants to be with Sage. That's actually true of all the girls. Why Bella, Jill, Quinn, etc. A few lines and the relationship would have been much more believable.
Your third complaint confuses me. Useless characters? You literally said it yourself; they are there for immersive purposes, to make the world seem alive. Every character doesn't require a fully formed reason for existing, just like you probably don't know why your neighbor lives next to you. To follow your suggestions, however, would certainly make the BADik universe blander and less interesting. DPC is not George RR Martin though; he's not giving every character their own POV. If every character directly affects the narrative that would only make your next point even more futile. This is an erotic college dating sim game, not a fantasy book series examining the intricacies of societal hierarchies interacting with the supernatural in a mysterious world-ending scenario. Little nods to other people existing and having little to do with the main plot is a mark of genuine worldbuilding which needs to be celebrated in my opinion, not condemned.
How badly does the plot need Becky? Answer: none. She is introduced into the plot for one reason: to be a female alternative to Tybalt. It would be funny if Tybalt and Becky ended up getting together. The whole free tuition thing could have been taken over by Sally or Karen, for example. Besides I think the blonde vixen girl is a more interesting character than Becky.
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4.80 star(s) 1,538 Votes