Sage family members want Sage to learn a "fancy" instrument as a guitar. Who is in Sage's family? Tybalt. Yes, we learn that Sage is a Burke at the very end of EP8, but we learn about the "fancy" instrument Chello in the middle of EP8, prior to the reveal that Sage is a Burke.
That clue only made sense in episode 6 or 7, but not 8 when it was finally revealed.
The relevance will become clear later. That's exactly what you don't understand. DPC makes the game for thousands of players. Because of this, it is up to players to decide whether or not to allocate DIK funds for weed. Who wants to do it, please. But that still doesn't mean the MC knows Quinn is buying the drugs. The MC only spends DIK money on it and that's the bottom line because Rusty doesn't want to spend DIK money on it. I can imagine that if the MC DIK provides funds for the drugs, that he will then be told to make Quinn deal in drugs because that is how he has shown himself to be trustworthy to Quinn in the matter.
Buying drugs is an important game mechanic of the mini-game. To get the highest score in party planning and to satisfy all the fraternity members you need to buy drugs. There are no hints in the game that buying pot for a party is bad.
The MC can't decide anything, because we as players make the decisions for him. So he is an observer. But we as players decide what the MC can watch or not. That's what I meant when I wrote, so that the picture is mixed. If the player receives both prostitution decisions (yes/no) and both drug use decisions (yes/no) on the rooftop, the player receives different information from the game underlying each decision. These different pieces of information should not be mixed up. Therefore, there are always several options for decisions that will lead to different results. Multiple passes is a lot of different information that can be mixed up.
Players cannot make decisions that would have a significant impact on the world of the game. All player choices so far have been localized and appear to be only player relationships with girls. Quinn's offer and Tommy's offer are local choices that don't change anything significant.
Total bullshit. The MC only knows that Quinn and Tommy use drugs and as a party planner, the MC only provides DIK funds for this. The same goes for the cum petition. Either the MC DIK provides funds for it or Tommy pays for it with his own money. Through Tommy and Vinny, the MC gets a tip about a drug dealer for the first time. Vinny.
That's not true. MC knows Quinn's a pot dealer. As
Darkwen correctly said, Riona directly tells MC that Quinn is lying about her using pot for free (which in itself implies that she should be selling it). Of course, all the deals go on behind the scenes, but unless MC is a complete amoeba he could have guessed that Quinn was doing dark deeds and dealing pot. The attack on Quinn, the date with Quinn in episode 7, her words in episode 8 outside the library are all circumstantial signs that she's doing illegal business.
He warns Maya that Quinn will use the HOT Girls to make money and thinks to himself that hopefully Quinn won't use Maya like Camila did. He only knows at this point so it's about prostitution but not what girls are on the menu because he's only used Quinn's service through the gloryhole. Quinn also doesn't use the girls' real names, but uses menu names. Only in EP3 does the MC face Quinn and Riona for the first time in relation to prostitution and learn that Quinn and Riona's menus are the restaurant. The MC can't tell Maya anything concrete in EP2 because he doesn't know anything concrete just for Quinn to use HOT girls for prostitution and even that is speculation from the MC.
Then why didn't he mention it later? He'd seen how desperate Maya was, he'd seen that Quinn wanted to take advantage of it, they'd had several conversations on the subject, but MC had said nothing about
about it. He just kept silent as if Maya meant nothing to him.