but Josy's intentions all remain in that phone call. then she arrives at the BR and goes straight to her ex. and you want to tell me that had she not found MC she would have explained to Maya how their relationship was now over and she intended to date MC? I think you are delusional
She wanted to live with the MC when she arrived, if he hadn't been in Maya's dorm, no doubt Josy would have broken up with Maya soon after she got to college, at least I think so, yes.
Afterwards, only DPC has the answers but I like to believe in the honesty of the goddess Josy ahah!
Elle voulait vivre chez le MC en arrivant, s'il n'avait pas été dans le dortoir de Maya, aucun doute que Josy aurait rompu avec Maya peu de temps après son arrivée à l'université, du moins je le pense, oui.
Après, seul DPC a les réponses mais j'aime a croire en l'honnêteté de la déesse Josy ahah!

ouffer de rire: