Basically what it boils down to is big picture vs. little details.
For those of us who have been here for at least two episodes, viewing the game as a whole is very difficult. But for those who come in with fresh eyes, it's easier to appreciate the beauty of it all.
I never cared for the software and hardware updates until after episode 5 when the wait times started to increase, like a crackpot looking for my next fix and doing all the math to see how much time was left. But that's only because I've been part of this community, specifically this thread, for so long. 4 years of repetitive exposure to
dalli_x will do that to you I guess.
Having been following DPC myself since midway through Acting Lessons (May-June 2017), I have sympathy for the fans who have begun to lose faith in DPC but the record doesn't show evidence that he will stop or deviate anytime soon. Since he started in 2016 I haven't known him to not have at least some idea of where he's headed unlike many "milkers" out there. DPC's only problem truly is restraint, as a solo developer though, that's irrelevant.
I don't like it, but as my daughter's mother once said to me when handing me custody papers, "The path to all our happiness is through compromise." For the sake of my continued enjoyment of this game in the future, I choose to refrain from voicing my bitterness about DPC's flaws and focus on the positives of which there are many. Whether it takes 3-5 years or more to see it through doesn't matter, I'm 40 this year and I've spent longer on things that left me dissatisfied and resentful but I'm still around.
Dum Spiro Spero as the Romans would say.