i started reading this post and was like, yes, this guy gets it. i appreciate the keyboard jedi........then the tybalt crack......how dare you sir! derek is a bro amongst bros! he gives you a roof when you had none, and a shirt if he had 1. we repay this act of kindness by defiling his sister, and hes still got our backs. when said backs are against the wall because mc wont bang a teacher, or wear a dildo on his head. derek, yet again, saves the day by dawning the helmet of shame like a majestic uni-moose, while fighting the good fight against femi-nazis, and diving on granny grenades. what does he ask in return? dont hurt my sis, and every now and then, help me revenge bomb a nerd. yeah, he gets overexcited, and when left alone you can expect to come home to find.....well that part is scary, cuz you never know, and its likely gross, but you could say the same about a puppy. in conclusion, if you wouldnt kick a puppy, you shouldnt bash derek.
this public service announcement was paid for by the moose lounge. wanna cut loose? visit the moose!