It occurs to me that introducing Maya to Jill’s lawyer in episode 10 will later come in quite handy for Sage.
Of the 12 girls in the HOTs, 6—fully half—are involved in Quinn’s ring. Five are whoring, and Quinn, Riona, and Lily are dealing. Those who are whoring are, if they fucked B&R donors, getting full tuition from Stephen; basically he’s sponsoring their criminal activities. So it’s Sage’s dad, Sage’s sorority, and any competent district attorney is going to point out she makes a really obvious link between the two, and would have to be mighty dumb to be unaware of it… and we all know she’s not dumb.
I don’t know which state they live in, but I’m pretty sure every state would give her 20+ years in prison. She’s gonna badly need that lawyer.
And she’s gonna be rightly pissed that Tremolo knew all along and never told her.