So I should commit to mostly chick or mostly dik, but don’t just go blindly with one and kinda feel it out situation by situation?
im just going to reiterate the advise that said, play it more than once on different paths. all the girls have an affinity that suits them best. some content is only unlockable if you have a perticular affinity at the time. for example, if you want the throuple, you must have neutral or chick affinity at the time the choice is being made, but can get away with going full dik after.
now to clear up some bad advice.
neutral does not cut off all dik/chick choices. you will get 2 options. a neutral option, and a chick or dik option, depending on the situation.
there was also a comment about playing full dik being a bad choice because "it may bug you (unless your an asshole)"
ignore that entirely. it was just a typo that happens when you give a dripping vagina a keyboard. all paths have merit, but its called being a dik......enough said.
its a fantasy. there are no people to worry about hurting, and despite what joshy may tell you, the love isnt real either.
dont ask for opinions, just facts if youre having trouble reaching a goal. enjoy the game on your terms, as its intended.