
Mar 16, 2021
This weekend I tried a fuck-nobody-but-Sage path through the game. Lots of fun sex but goddamn she’s moody; it’s way more obvious when she’s the only one the MC is fucking.

The funny bit was when I got to his meeting with Sage and Quinn about the Halloween party, and they started talking about threesomes, and (since I had the MC be a great big DIK) I figured I’d have him respond in character and say yes he would like a threesome—fully expecting Quinn to turn him down, because thus far he’d shown her nothing but rejection, and she responded in kind. To my great surprise Quinn agreed to it. “I don’t even like him,” she told Sage, but holy lord, she took his footlong right in the ass just the same. So that was unexpected.

I dunno; Sage used to be my favorite LI cuz she’s got a DIK affinity, and is down to pound. But after this run I realized she was only with Tremolo because (a) he’s a good friend who listens on the few occasions she unburdens herself, and (b) he’ll usually fuck her whenever and however she wants. Unlike Chad.

In other words he might be serious about her, but she still largely thinks of him as a fuckbuddy. An exclusive fuckbuddy, but still.

It’s not love, like Josy or Jill, or even Maya (we all know what “I really like you” means). It’s not even infatuation, like Bella or Nicole or Riona, or infatuation-in-denial like Quinn. It’s a friendship with benefits. Which might turn into love, but if it doesn’t, it won’t last, cuz our bitch Tremolo wants love.

Incidentally there was a totally missed opportunity in episode 9. This didn’t happen but should have:

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Being a Redditor
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Aug 29, 2023
Sage will discover all of this sooner or later
But if do things the right way, Tremolo is going to be that one guy who is honest to her from the very start, and she will finally see our boy as more than just a friend with benefits
Except he’s not been honest from the very start. He still hasn’t told her what little he knows (but it’s still mighty significant) about Quinn. Part of the reason his head wasn’t in the game while they were fucking in episode 9, was either because he was propositioned by her mom and hadn’t told her (and has no plans to), or until very recently he was fucking her mom, and intends never to tell her. And he has that option to not tell her about Chad so he can get a blowie.

He might get away with all this, and at least appear to be the ever-loyal boyfriend, and win her loyalty and love.

Or some stalker might lock them in a room together and show her photos. Oh wait, that’s another DPC game.


Dec 25, 2022
I dunno; Sage used to be my favorite LI cuz she’s got a DIK affinity, and is down to pound. But after this run I realized she was only with Tremolo because (a) he’s a good friend who listens on the few occasions she unburdens herself, and (b) he’ll usually fuck her whenever and however she wants. Unlike Chad.

In other words he might be serious about her, but she still largely thinks of him as a fuckbuddy. An exclusive fuckbuddy, but still.

It’s not love, like Josy or Jill, or even Maya (we all know what “I really like you” means). It’s not even infatuation, like Bella or Nicole or Riona, or infatuation-in-denial like Quinn. It’s a friendship with benefits. Which might turn into love, but if it doesn’t, it won’t last, cuz our bitch Tremolo wants love.
I couldn't agree more. True and real.

Though, ep. 9 give us a slight hint of shifting in Tremolo and Sage relationship. Maybe Sage's route in 3rd season will be dedicated to that metamorphose (from FWB to lover). Or maybe the difference in how they see their relationship will become fuel for drama, only DPC knows.
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Aug 29, 2023
I oughta add: If you like girls with a DIK affinity, the more DIKish your MC gets, the more DIKish Josy gets. To the point where she’s flashing him her pantiless cooch in the classroom, or showing a titty in the hallway during the Halloween party.

But some of that is inherently her nature. She laughed when he drew dicks on Steve’s picture, she always laughs at any shit he pulls on Tybalt (to be fair, that shit is funny), and she always wants him bad.

Whip it out.jpg


May 8, 2023
Hey... you want DPC to bring us additional 4-5 Interludes for each MG? :KEK: The things you described not even secondary, they are tertiary, imo.

You want to figure out about hobbies, etc, but it's characters past and background mostly and most of the time. Here and there from time to time you will learn the really important moments about each character (MGs/SGs), but all those stuff you mentioned may eat a lot of episode(s) space and I doubt it will worth it, finally.

I mean... look at the other games of genre, look at the other media like movies, etc. Even in TV series, where you are not limited with a 1.5-2.5 hour of screen time, but have a bunch (8+) episodes and seasons - even there we don't see so much about characters past, because it could be boring and doesn't worth the wasted screen time. Some flashbacks, etc - yes, it became a trend from the LOST TV series I suppose. It was genius and works quite well.

What benefits you will get from learning what hobbies Josy had/have, for example? I think she is the only person with the least and minimum background info available at the moment, including her hobbies, etc. But... I suppose it's because she appeared as a permanent and full-fledged character only from the EP4. We learned a lot about Maya, Jill, Bella, etc at the same time, but Josy was a "guest star" for a whole 3 episodes. What's happened next? In EP4 MC avoided meeting them (J&M), then... we have a library conversation which ends up as a throuple or friends. Then... EP5 - it's similar to EP9 - 80% of episode was occupied by preps party. So, only starting from EP6 we had some opportunities to know her better. Then other shitstorm like Patrick is comming, etc. Throuple formed quite early, but they became official later than all other LIs in the game, so only "others road" is a competitor here. And even so, we hadn't a lot of chances to learn better about girls families, etc. We don't need to learn a lot about Sage, except her birth parents (mother), Bella's parents are dead, Jill parents... well, we should meet them soon, etc. I suppose DPC is holding extra info from us for the sake of the drama and plot twists for Jill and J&M past, families, etc. And we can't blame him, because it's how most of books/movies/games are "working" and such methods is intended to catch the reader/viewer/player.

But if you put scenes from the past and the present/the future, such as dating and hanging out together, on the same scale, I personally prefer the present and the future.

Interlude and Zoey was an exception. It was really valuable to learn about MC past through his best friend vision. We are not only learning something about Zoey, but a lot about MC as well.

If the DPC is going to repeat the narrative style of AL, then we have only 3 episodes left to stay / spend time / etc. with the chosen LI.
Because S4 will probably become similar to a "therapy" session in AL. Difference here is games size, in AL it took DPC 2 episodes to tell us the story "after" and conclude all branching, choices and consequences. BADIK is several times larger, so, it would take the whole last season to let us learn the second half of MCs college life, to bring us all consequences of our choices, etc. Even party planner and other stuff is not an obstacle here. In EP9 we planned the party during MCs flashback, for example. Think about it :WeSmart:
Okay, I'll try to answer as clearly as possible and clarify my position.
1. BAD is not a series or a game in the way we think of it. It is first of all a visual novel and the word novel is the key word here. That is, it is first and foremost a book or literary work designed to reveal a narrative through words or signs. However, BAD is not a typical short story in the style of Japanese novellas like Tsukihime. DPC has managed to create something like a comic book with an interactive beginning. The narrative unfolds through visuals are renders and is complemented by music and gameplay. He really did a great job of blurring the difference between literature and gaming. This game has a real cinematic narrative and not bad mechanics from full games. But these are comic books and porting the standards of a movie isn't quite right. The game can't give us the emotions of the characters, can't show us the acting. The player reads the emotions from the renders and interprets them in his own way.
This is a big lyrical digression I wrote to give you a sense of how I see and understand this game.
To answer your question. No, I don't want him to create interludes for every character. That's stupid. I just want him to add touches to his characters, making them more interesting and deeper. You could add a few scenes or a few lines of dialog, it's not that much work, but it would be a great addition to the characters.
For example, Sage. She could watch anime, which is a stark contrast to her tough girl image. She could throw in some random quote from Evangelion or Naruto during her dialog with MC, and wear a costume like Sakura to the party.
If you don't like the way of revealing through contrast, you could have emphasized a character trait more strongly through a habit or trait.
Maya loves movies and dreams of becoming an actress. She secretly rehearses in front of the mirror portraying some movie characters or is a fan of a certain movie character and wants to be like her. For example, she decided to become a social worker because her favorite movie character in one movie was also her.
Again this is just thinking out loud. I see a lot of potential in the game and I hope it will be revealed in time.
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May 8, 2023
I think you're oversimplifying or simply not able to see characters as deeply as they're meant to be seen. For instance, anyone could read Animal Farm, its basically a (modern day) 10th grade reading level. But lets say you read it with absolutely zero knowledge of communism, or at least you never realized the main characters are an allegory for the Russian revolution. Its an extremely simple story about the corruptive nature of power and the evils that lurk even in those with the 'best' intentions. BUUUUUT, the story ISN'T meant to be read that way. It's meant to be read with a certain level of baseline knowledge that COMPLETES the readers understanding of the characters and narrative. Doesn't mean wither way to read it is wrong, but there is an intention there on the part of Orwell.

Similarly, there's a lot more to the characters in BaD than just the things they say. You can to read their expressions, gauge their reactions and most importantly see what they DO. For instance, my favorite character as of Ep 9 is Maya. There's a lot I could say about Maya, but probably the most interesting thing about her is her world view. This is a girl who's got a hole where her mom should be, a Dad who treats her like a hostage, and a girlfriend/ex-girlfriend who treats her like an option. There is NO reason for her to a nice, generous person who does the right thing. Seriously. Most people in her situation are bitter, broken and cruel (a la Quinn). But Maya's NOT. She's the inverse. And yes, we know a couple of her hobbies because she tells us. But if you pay attention, you can also start to figure out more of her personality. Maya is determined.* Maya is lonely.** Maya is empathetic.*** Maya has a character flaw of envy(which contrasts beautifully with her empathy).****

I could go on and on and on, but the point is that in a given story, we don't learn about characters to learn their daily schedule, eg their 'hobbies'. We learn about their 'hobbies' to understand the character. At the beginning of a story, we don't know what a character will do in a given situation. We slowly learn about a character's values over the course of the narrative, and in the best stories, they show, don't tell. Take Star Wars for example. We know exactly TWO of Han Solo's hobbies, we can assume he plays that hologram board game, and we hear him mention he won his ship in a card game. However, we learn throughout the film that he's NOT a traditional hero, he wants to get paid. We learn WHY he wants to get paid. After he does get paid, he abandons the cause. And then at the end he shows growth by returning. So by the end we have a much greater understanding of the character.

Similarly we learn tons of things about Maya (and others) without her directly stating her values. For instance, at the end of Ep 9, when the throuple wakes up in bed, Maya complains about a headache. Josy asks, 'Can we just sleep in today?' and Maya replies 'they should help clean up'. This tells us one thing about each character (which is already in alignment with things we already know). Josy is a little bit spoiled. She doesn't default to think about others needs. Maya on the other hand, even when she's in pain, wants to help (this might even be a third thing, as people who have low self esteem like Maya, sometimes feel an excessive need to be useful to 'justify' their own place in a group).

I actually think the writing in this game is BETTER than you give it credit for. But the better written something is, the more reading skill it takes to understand it. Info dumps and filler scenes are super easy to consume and basically stop a narrative dead in its tracks. Whereas 'blink and you miss it' stories, where you have to actually THINK about what a character is doing or saying is much more difficult.

*She faces regular obstacles to her success, and yet always keeps trying, even when it pushes past her comfort zone.
** She is regularly excluded and many shots in the game have her sitting alone, in an isolated setting, or emphasize how excluded she feels.
*** She's expressed interest in social work, which is basically therapy. She wants to help other people as her career. She regularly helps or offers to help others with nothing in return.
**** She wishes she was as carefree as her brother. Wishes she had a loving parent like Josy.
It's funny that you cited Maya specifically because she's literally the main character of the story after MC. MC has spent the most time with her and of course she's revealed the most and she's also the engine of the story.
But besides Maya, we have Jill, Bella, Sage, Josy... And that's where the questions come in.
For example, Josy is probably the most unrevealed character in the game. Riona is better developed than Josy.
We know that Riona likes to relax to rock music, hates typing on her phone, has OCD and likes order. She's cowardly and suspicious. Can we get something like that about Josy?
Josy is shy about height and outgoing. She flits between two people not knowing what she wants. She's afraid of being alone. Can't cook. That's it?
Again, I don't want an interlude for each of them, I just want DPC to add touches, brush masks to emphasize certain character qualities with habits or distinctive traits.


Dec 31, 2022
I oughta add: If you like girls with a DIK affinity, the more DIKish your MC gets, the more DIKish Josy gets. To the point where she’s flashing him her pantiless cooch in the classroom, or showing a titty in the hallway during the Halloween party.

But some of that is inherently her nature. She laughed when he drew dicks on Steve’s picture, she always laughs at any shit he pulls on Tybalt (to be fair, that shit is funny), and she always wants him bad.

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Some of the reasons she is the best and Maya is just depression spreader little whiner
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Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
If there is no way to save the throuple I will be devastated
The one time in one of these games I don't just want monogamy
And it will probably backfire
No, it won't backfire. If the MC player wants the throuple, like me, he will get a three way relationship. Why? At the end of EP9 the three are in agreement and happy. The only question is whether the MC player didn't mess it up himself.
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Nov 11, 2022
I oughta add: If you like girls with a DIK affinity, the more DIKish your MC gets, the more DIKish Josy gets. To the point where she’s flashing him her pantiless cooch in the classroom, or showing a titty in the hallway during the Halloween party.

But some of that is inherently her nature. She laughed when he drew dicks on Steve’s picture, she always laughs at any shit he pulls on Tybalt (to be fair, that shit is funny), and she always wants him bad.

View attachment 3046946
I mean there are reasons, why a lot of people see her as the true original LI for the MC who loves and supports him pretty much unconditionally and is very distraught, if he chooses someone else.
Aug 29, 2023
Ahah. Guys, I’m about to start a new game, and how the hell did someone who was rehearsing in the break room, how did asking Josie out turn into the god of eloquence in six weeks? )))
Confidence too. I was in the same boat as Tremolo: I never got laid in high school. Never had the nerve to ask anyone. Got to college, girls actually told me they wanted to fuck me, and suddenly I had the balls to ask anyone. Of course they didn’t always say yes—I probably had a batting average of a myopic 5-year-old who couldn’t even see the ball on the tee—but hell, I was doing infinitely better than in high school. (Literally infinite, cuz that’s what happens when you divide by zero.)

When Tremolo was working at the store with Josy, how many weeks had he been quietly lusting for her without saying anything? But once he got to B&R, especially if he stayed with Sage, suddenly he was getting laid like crazy. And not just because of Quinn’s whores… and being able to swipe cash from Maya’s corkboard every time he wanted to pay for one.

Now that he knew he was fuckable, he finally had the balls to actually tell two lesbians (albeit in a shaky relationship), “Hey, wanna try becoming a throuple?” And if he’s not too much of a DIK to scare away Maya, they actually say yes. Nothing gives a guy confidence quite like flipping lesbians.

Not that this impresses Quinn any.

Giant pussy.jpg


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
How is Josy asking can't we sleep in being spoiled? Maya is one of the most spoiled of all time she's never had a job in her life, wants the world to know about her problems and hasn't once try to solve her shit always waits for others to. I like Maya but she is very spoiled. Josy doesn't have a spoiled bone in her body but I have no problem spoiling her greatly she earn it
And here you are wrong or you didn't read correctly. Patrick never wanted Maya to take a summer job. Maya wanted to solve her problem with tuition by joining the HOTs. Furthermore, Maya is by no means spoiled. Derek buys an expensive Halloween costume and Maya had to do the math because it was pretty expensive. Derek is spoiled, not Maya. Even Josy tells the MC in EP7 that Patrick is the most overprotective father she knows. Wait Josy knows Patrick. oops.

Maya's problem with Patrick isn't just Tuition, but that Patrick is controlling Maya. Maya will probably share this problem with her mother Helen, which is why she doesn't want to talk about her mother at the end of EP9.

Maya actually describes this control problem very well in EP9, when Sage asked Maya if she wanted to join the HOTs now. Maya said to Sage that her father would definitely not approve of it, but he didn't specifically forbid her to do it. That's why Sage is excited because Maya is starting to rebel against her father. By the way, that's what Josy once said to Maya so that she shouldn't put up with everything Patrick does. Through Maya's relationship (romantic or friendly) with Josy, MC, Sage, etc., Naya becomes more self-confident to be able to rebel against her father.
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Engaged Member
Jan 6, 2021
Dude, I started drinking when I was 15, and I didn’t quit till I was 25, and alcohol certainly loosens my tongue, but what comes out of your mouth under the booze is a long way from eloquence.:)
Don't judge others by yourself. :cautious:
When I'm drunk I'm a poet. :sneaky:
Yes, not everyone likes this poetry, it's true. :(
But that's their problem. :cautious:


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Hasn't had a lot of hard ship? I hope your joking because that a lie and you know it. Josy parent's getting a divorce is really touch thing to go through. Plus she has Tommy as a step brother that's something no one should go through:ROFLMAO:. We have never seen Josy quit on anything. There is nothing boring about Josy she sweet, open to trying new things and wild in sheets. The one time Maya thinks she doing something to fit tuition issue is to fall for a very stupid rumor and hasn't done anything sense. If Maya didn't have Josy, family and tuition problems she is very boring. Maya is Josy side kick, I will say Maya got a lot better the last two EP's but she's never done anything to solve her shit it always Josy that comes to save her ass, facts
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

But do you only watch the gallery videos?

Josy gives up the idea of going to college and joining Maya because she didn't get the answer right away
Josy eventually gives up MC because she is afraid she might end up being alone
Josy gives up the idea of getting a piercing because it was apparently too painful
Josy gives up the idea of going to stay with the HOTs because Maya doesn't want to
Josy almost gives up even diving at the water park for fear of heights

the question if anything is when she doesn't give up?:ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

But do you only watch the gallery videos?

Josy gives up the idea of going to college and joining Maya because she didn't get the answer right away
Josy eventually gives up MC because she is afraid she might end up being alone
Josy gives up the idea of getting a piercing because it was apparently too painful
Josy gives up the idea of going to stay with the HOTs because Maya doesn't want to
Josy almost gives up even diving at the water park for fear of heights

the question if anything is when she doesn't give up?:ROFLMAO:
Josy won't give up mc's dick. in throuple, they fuck anywhere and everywhere. :devilish:
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 10, 2020
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

But do you only watch the gallery videos?

Josy gives up the idea of going to college and joining Maya because she didn't get the answer right away
Josy eventually gives up MC because she is afraid she might end up being alone
Josy gives up the idea of getting a piercing because it was apparently too painful
Josy gives up the idea of going to stay with the HOTs because Maya doesn't want to
Josy almost gives up even diving at the water park for fear of heights

the question if anything is when she doesn't give up?:ROFLMAO:
Was ready to give up because of her place in line but got so no she didn't give up there
My mc is with Josy so your wrong there and even if you have a mc not with her that more the fault of MC and even if she turns you down it clear the door still open to get with her so your double wrong there
The piercing doesn't count :LOL:
Josy move in with the HoT, so that was weak
Josy did do the water park so no giving up there

your 1 out 5 and that one doesn't count so your 0 out of 5:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You have played this right?:Kappa::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Aug 4, 2020
Was ready to give up because of her place in line but got so no she didn't give up there
My mc is with Josy so your wrong there and even if you have a mc not with her that more the fault of MC and even if she turns you down it clear the door still open to get with her so your double wrong there
The piercing doesn't count :LOL:
Josy move in with the HoT, so that was weak
Josy did do the water park so no giving up there

your 1 out 5 and that one doesn't count so your 0 out of 5:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You're more the fool for going down the Josy and Maya path with all it's baggage... The baggage being Maya
You see an Others main will be able to bang all the side girls then eventually cheat with Josy behind Maya's back. Avoiding one of the worst LI's in the game while getting to bang like 90% of the college girls:


Apr 15, 2019
On the one hand, it's good to see new theories here in this thread, but, on the other hand, I'm starting to have doubts about my relationship with Sage, how cruel, it must be God provoking me again.
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