The chronological order in BaDIK is important so that you can see connections.
1. In EP2 Neil told the MC to be as stubborn as his mother. In EP3, Jill told the MC that her stubbornness is one of her less flattering quirks. Shortly before, Chad attacked the MC and Jill noticed.
2. In EP5 the DIK Mansion is destroyed. Were they really the Alphas? Jill overheard Alpha Chad attacking the MC. Who else could have known about it? Tybalt Burke and Rich. The two of them saw Jill and the MC come in.
3. Then there was the conversation in Stephen Burke's office. Who took Chad's side? Cathy. Oddly enough, Cathy Jones is discredited in EP4. Why? Cathy contacted the MC via Swyper. That was in the middle of EP4 and at the end Cathy has to leave. But Cathy said something to the MC before she left B&R. She knows that the MC will go his way. Cathy knows why she was discredited. This is revealed to us in EP6 in DNG 2. Cathy found out who the MC is and I think she blackmailed someone so that she wouldn't reveal the secret. But the ball was in the game because Cathy had already told Rusty and the castle masters wanted to integrate the MC into the family, and in doing so he would also find out who either or his biological mother and/or biological father is. The MC then gets Lynette's diary.
4. The DIK Mansion destroyed at the beginning of EP5. There are Alpha signs everywhere. Honestly, even the Alphas can't be that stupid to blame themselves, even knowing full well, so that they are under official surveillance. Chad told the jocks to keep their feet still. Now many think it's the jocks' revenge for the DIK dildo attack. But remember, so that the DIKs didn't leave any evidence that they were. So it would be statement against statement and the jocks would eat the thing because before there was the thing with Chad and the MC. But ask yourself who else knew about Chad's attack on the MC. Jill Royce, Tybalt Burke or probably the entire Burke family and Rich. Two college big players, Royce and Burke, knew about it.
But the strangest thing is that the destruction of the DIK Mansion had no consequences for the Alphas. Neither the Burkes, Burgmeister or Royce did anything. We know that's why Rusty informed his father about this, but he has nothing better to do than stop his financial support. Why?
The reason was not so they wanted to test the MC, but rather they wanted the MC to leave the DIK Mansion. The MC made a mistake in EP4. He had many questions for Rusty after he found out that Rusty was Russel's castle master. That's how Rusty's father found out about it and he found out who the MC was.
5. The Preps Party was arranged to lure the MC there. Why? His biological parents and also his grandfather were present at the party. Quinn was tasked by Stephen Burke with making sure the HOT girls were at this party. Stephen didn't want his daughter Sage to find out that he actually hired Quinn. How do I get that? Tybalt always wanted to do this. Yes, exactly, because Sage and Tybalt get along so well and Tybalt is so into the HOTs that he even calls Josy and Maya farm animals. Tybalt didn't like it at all for the HOTs to be present. Nor did Stephen and Tybalt tell Burke Quinn that the DIK Mansion should be destroyed. We find out a little later when Quinn was on the phone.
6. At the MC's speech, he said so that his father Neil would bring things from work. One thing also became very clear: the MC is too stubborn to give up. Like mother, like son. Who else is stubborn? Jill Royce. But one thing is important. When the MC mentioned during this speech that his father Neil brings things with him from work and that they have a soul, Rusty, i.e. Russel Burgmeister, also heard it. The furniture that Neil brings to the DIKs in EP7 has a soul, it comes from the heart. Let's remember what Neil said in EP2. It's the hotel where Neil met the MC's mother. The MC even says so that Neil shouldn't fall in love with the hotel owner's daughter again. But deciding is so that Neil inEP7 said that superiors also have superiors. Ergo, Neil's manager has decided to replace the furniture. The furniture of the hotel, during the construction of which Neil met the MC's mother and was the daughter of the hotel owner. Sorry, MC's maternal family is definitely involved. They know about the destruction of the DIK Mansion.
7. Russel Burgmeister was there for the MC's speech. He heard for Neil to bring things from work. The only question is if Rusty told about it. That's one side of the coin so that the castle masters most likely know who the MC is. The other side of the coin is that Lynette was photographed in front of the Royce villa. The question is whether Lynette's father really sold this villa or the Royce still owns the villa. So it is possible for the MC to be a BR. But the B can also stand for Burke.
8. Why can the B also stand for Burke? Gender Studies. Stephen Burke could be Lynette. Why? One thing Jade told Stephen in EP3 to do was make him have a little shriveled tail. On the other hand, Derek and Wendy talk about hermaphrodites. They both have sexual characteristics. More or less pronounced. In EP3, Tommy said to the MC when he decided to give Lily a lap dance at the Pink Rose, like father, like son. I'll be honest, so I understood this sentence differently until yesterday. Like the DIK father, like the maggot son. But Lily's Rooster Preview made me reconsider. Why? Hashtag DIKGIRL. What if Tommy even meant the whole thing literally. Like father Neil, like son MC.
9. What if Lynette is a hermaphrodite but chose to be a man. Stephen Burke. That would explain why the MC takes part in Jade Burke's gender studies and is confronted with this material. The question now remains whether Lily is transgender.
10. Either DPC has to be really careful what he writes because of repetitions or DPC knows exactly what to write in order to give hidden clues. These clues aren't just in the game.
Status Update Episode 10, October 20
"It will show which girls you've been with, making remembering what you did in the past easier. This tab will look clean for purists and...not so empty for other players - I'm not judging."
This is interesting because Zoey doesn't judge even after she finds out from the MC that the MC invited a stripper, thinks her job sucks, but they're otherwise cool people. Now DPC is not judging the players who have multiple girls on this new list and are not purists. DPC may not judge these players, but DPC likes consequences. DPC once wrote so that BaDIK will not be as gloomy as AL.
That would be a shock to the players, but not as dire as AL. DIKGIRL=DICKGIRL Lily. Think about it.