You took issue with people being disappointed with Ep9 plot development and said that they are wrong, then came my answer, thats how public forums work. Why were you so bent out of shape about people saying ep9 was garbage from anything other than a technical aspect?
Of course it needed to be said. Because once again, like it or not, Ep9 did advance the story narrative. I look at the episodes objectively. I don't slam them because my personal LI path didn't progress. The game is larger than 1 single LI's story. So it's natural that some episodes won't affect some paths as much as others. but in later episodes that slack gets addressed. It always does. So short-sided complaints always get my attention. There are already enough immature users on here that just can't see passed their beloved LI, and can't be bothered to consume the product in it's entirety, and then sit there moaning about it constantly and consistently.
THAT is where I have issues with.
There is a lot of shit I'd like to rehash about the game with my own complaints, but since it's been hashed to hell and back already, you can't find any of my complaints about the game anywhere. So constantly seeing users complain about "oh it didn't do anything for the story waaa waaa" everytime Ep9 is brought up for discussion, that shit got old real fucking fast. So if you're all for circle jerking eachother on something no one can do anything about, then expect me to step in and rub your face in it.
So the bottom line here is simple, neither of us holds the moral high-ground on this. Perhaps I could have put in more thought on the messaging I used. Ok, fine! But the core of the message was more than sound and required.