Can I ask what it was about? Looking through the scripts has made me start to notice some "questionable" grammar. I'm just kind of curious.
DPC's English is very good, even excellent, but he's clearly not a native speaker. So he has some odd usages and vocabulary that Americans (especially American college students) would just never say.
One example is the use of the word "economy" when talking about the HOTs and DIKs spending. That is not "economy," it's a budget. Another example: when the DIKs talk about fixing the mansion, they refer to "damages," but native speakers would just say "damage." "Damages" is a legal term that refers to monies owed to a victorious party in a lawsuit. In episode 8, with the dorm party, characters kept referring to "dorms" but what they were really talking about was dorm ROOMS. The dorm is the whole building, while students sleep in individual dorm ROOMS. No actual American college student would refer to their room as their "dorm."
In the early episodes I would send him a list of the most glaring usage oddities and errors and he would fix maybe a handful of them. The one he argued about was in episode 5. You know when Bella says she always substitutes vanilla powder for sugar? The original said "I always substitute sugar for vanilla powder." I said that if he means Bella uses vanilla powder and NOT sugar, then he needs to flip those. He argued that the original was correct.
These are all really minor issues, and maybe most people don't even notice them, but when I read all the dialogue in the game, those small oddities add up. DPC's English is leaps and bounds better than most of the non-American and UK developers whose games are on this site, but given his perfectionism, I'm a bit surprised he doesn't hire a native speaker to go through his text and simply fix everything. In almost all cases they would be very small tweaks, but they would make the dialogue flawless. If he does have a native speaker doing this for him, then maybe that person is illiterate or doesn't have an ear for how real people talk or something.
I wonder sometimes if he thinks suggestions from people like me are because we want to make the English more "proper" or formal or something. I can't speak for anyone else, but that's certainly not what I'm trying to do. The characters in BAD are generally not well-educated and few of the scenes require any formality, so apart from maybe Bella or Tybalt, I would not want anyone's English to be unnecessarily formal or "proper" in that sense, but everyone should sound like they speak English as their mother tongue, and unfortunately probably 10% or so of the dialogue is just slightly off.