
Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
That part was always weird as fuck to me aswell.

You are loaded, pay 150-200g's for college ass, and then you have a silent quickie where you can be found out by your son, wife, buisness partners and colleagues, so basically risking everything ?

Jade shows us how its done, a motel where you can pay in cash and then you ravage that college ass all night and get your moneys worth.

And even if Burke needs the "dangerous" kick, you take her 2 cities over and fuck her in public, but if he tried anything at the prep party, its just suicide.

What we are led to believe has to have a different story behind it, otherwise it'll make the hall of fame for dumbest guy in a pr0n game ever.
Jade being carful but sometimes do stupid shit we have seen it

but Burke first episode first free roam he is next to glory hole i'm not saying someone took his cloths and stayed in bathroom where glory hole there and two girls walk out like no ones there who we knew have a menu they offer delicious foods Varity from Japanese's order etc..
so yeah he maybe a good guy *sigh*


Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
Ah shit. That might be another thing to add to your list of dumb plot lines.:ROFLMAO: hakuna-matata

Yea, I never really thought about it too much. Mostly because Mona drops out the next episode. It was always one of those things that just made me think, "Oh yea, whatever. That happened". And I really don't see DPC having the chops to write it as something else other than what that scene implied at face value.
Eventually DPC will have to adress everything concerning Burke, it's all innuendo or ambiguous, only thing we know for sure is that he hit on Bella.

He's either an over the top red herring or he is build up as being a dumber than life villain.

The question is how long DPC will wait until that story goes anywhere, cuz he sure loves to draw shit out until it becomes painful.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
for one version you pay money and for the other version you don't, it's that simple. :KEK:
and there is a version where you pay for 12 months to get one episode it may sound like a sarcasm it's.
but hey they help us get the game so yeah


Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
Ask yourself whether it is Stephen Burke who is behind the "glory hole". Can you say it with 100% certainty? I only see a pair of pants and a hand, nothing more. I just mean so that there are several students in a dorm who can also wear pinstripe pants. Where there are black pinstripe trousers, there may also be gray ones. The picture is also from EP1.
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I will simply put this
maybe i'm wrong but i have 60-70% trust that the one in glory hole is stephen

here the image we all know
1-the pants is same (yeah maybe someone like to dress like this too formal (never seen someone do it except elite people who are they? Preps they have their own bath they don't come to this bathroom)
second is maybe it's episode one maybe the image kinda fucked? but for a person to have such tiny ring finger kinda weird for students who most are not married let alone wore any rings right?
so who wore rings someone who actully married kinda
and guess who is it? you guess it it's burke

another thing not that it will tell you 100% it's him but worth mention is his nails kinda the same he somehow have a habit of leaving some left or small nails

so yeah thats my opinion on the guy who was in the glory hole


Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
Yeah, he could be Tybalt, which would be pretty ironic.
Quinn may be stupid, but she's not stupid enough to go straight to Tybalt offering to buy drugs like she did in ep5.
Remember what happened there? Lucas said that Tybalt would kick her out of college, to which she confidently said he wouldn't.
Which suggests that he'd already used her services and she knows it. Or she has some kind of dirt on him.
Or it's another bad letter from DPC.
let's be real for a second him using menu restaurant from Quinn? nah also he is kinda tanned this guy is white so yeah


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Jade wasn't supposed to be at the party, she had planned to spend the evening with Cathy, but it had gotten derailed at the last minute. Burke was surprised to see her at the party.
On the other hand, Mona's just being overdramatic. I don't think he's really gonna bang her. He just put his hand on her knee or tried to kiss her, which Mona took too harshly.
In fact, I'm curious about Mona's motives for going to the restaurant. By her actions, she and Camila just like to fuck and she doesn't mind mixing it up. Like Sarah and Melanie.
Then also write about Stephen Burke's surprise appearance at the Preps Party. That's what Sage tells us. Ergo, Stephen Burke wasn't even planning on going to the Preps Party.

We combine that. Jade wanted to meet Cathy. But Cathy needed to talk to Isabella about the Rooster Cluck. What did Isabella and Jill actually have planned that evening?

The Preps Party was not a fundraiser. It was the Preps Hell Week closing party for the Preps pledges. Jill even tells the MC on the phone that. So what did Jill actually plan to do that evening? She lives in the Preps Mansion, she was supposed to be at this party, but Cathy needed to talk about the Rooster Cluck.

Summary. Without Rooster Cluck, Jade would have had a girls' night out with Cathy. Jill would have gone about her Preps obligations and Stephen surprisingly showed up at the Preps party even though he didn't want to. Oops.

Now we know what Stephen Burke wanted to do. Isabella would have been alone and Jade hits the mark.
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
doesn't prove the point his fingers doesn't match
plus if you want me to say his ring finger kinda tiny or skiny well his are straight but for burke or any married person normally the one has the ring it doesn't look straight the lower half skinner than the top half again maybe i'm wrong but the pants kinda the same ones he wore all the time until now "until now i said it twice him only a white person who is regularly should be in college classes for teaching wore the same pants so far


Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
In that case, Quinn's offer to buy drugs from her seems very strange even to Quinn.
She might as well have gone to Burke and asked him to buy drugs from her.
It's weird to me that no one's talking about the obvious flaw in this story. Quinn pretends to be a smart girl, but all her plans are based on luck.
Either she knows how to blackmail Tybalt or he used the restaurant.
I don't know how, it's probably how he lost his virginity. Maybe Burke himself bought him a girl.
okay she just wants more customers she wants to expand more thats why she asked Rich and wanted Tybalt the head of the Preps to buy so maybe when those who wants to suck up for him like gordon and the rest sees him do snow or some shit they will buy too (they are rich)
and by all means Quinn ain't smart point at the end of the line
she is like Riona said she make mistakes all the way no way she is smart if she was she accepted Cammy and Mona (then she wouldn't do old people for more money) because we all know there is percent goes for Quinn so Old rich guy who shall not be named *cough* Stephen *cough* don't need to pay money for girls and she was fine like Rio said when they were little now it's all expand more girls more paddling more drugs everything is good

nah girl this is not how it works
she even admit her being a Stubbern in Ep9 when tommy told her to say sorry
and if you are alone path she now think smart she wants MC to help her cover for her if some drunk guy or drug user wants to steal her again she start to think
before nah she looks badass but she ain't

Note: she will let girls do old guys anyway but she will tell the girls in advanced usually but she was like okay i have a lot of girls and to make some gone what should i do "yes lets not tell them you do old guys and if they accept and do them more money and we got a girl who will do anything Like Rio
but if she refused will shame but hey less girl to care about though and i can threaten her to go away so win-win
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