Sep 30, 2020
Got error "Parsing the script failed" after decompiling the rpyc files.

I believe this is due to a problem with decompiling the rpyc files. (since removing all rpy files solved the problem).

I would suggest to just remove all rpy files, use scrappy's 0.10 crash fix and remove the correlating rpyc files.

I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.

File "game/scripts/base/script.rpy", line 8: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/episode10/branches/ep10_isabella_branch.rpy", line 11: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/episode10/branches/ep10_jill_branch.rpy", line 55: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/episode10/branches/ep10_jm_branch.rpy", line 20: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/episode10/branches/ep10_others_branch.rpy", line 77: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/episode10/branches/ep10_sage_branch.rpy", line 12: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/episode9/branches/ep9_isabella_branch.rpy", line 286: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/episode9/branches/ep9_jm_branch.rpy", line 67: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/episode9/branches/ep9_others_branch.rpy", line 91: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/episode9/branches/ep9_sage_branch.rpy", line 18: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/episode_interlude/epi_screens.rpy", line 78: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "%s" % safe_digits[x] text_style "zoey_vault_digit_style" xalign 0.5 yoffset -30

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode10/ep10_freeroam_bbq.rpy", line 354: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode10/ep10_freeroam_bbq_events.rpy", line 1004: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode10/ep10_freeroam_diks_events.rpy", line 80: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode10/ep10_freeroam_room1_events.rpy", line 186: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode10/ep10_freeroam_tg.rpy", line 826: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode10/ep10_freeroam_tg_events.rpy", line 3: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode9/ep9_freeroam_diks1.rpy", line 238: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode9/ep9_freeroam_diks2.rpy", line 437: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode9/ep9_freeroam_diks3.rpy", line 224: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode9/ep9_freeroam_ph1_events.rpy", line 143: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode9/ep9_freeroam_ph2_events.rpy", line 28: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/freeroam/episode9/ep9_freeroam_ph3_events.rpy", line 240: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/minigames/brawler_new/brawler_menu.rpy", line 122: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "{color=ffe059}Music Playlist:{/color} Brawler Playlist" action (Function(bn_play_click,0,0,0),SetVariable("bn_playlist",False), Function(bn_play_song,False)) xminimum 500 xmaximum 500 xalign 0.049 text_align 0.5 yalign 0.89 text_style "brawler_menu_diff_style"

File "game/scripts/minigames/brawler_new/brawler_opponent.rpy", line 9: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "X" action (Function(bn_play_click,0,0,0),Show("brawler_menu_screen"),Hide("brawler_opponent_screen")) text_style "brawler_skill_x_style" xalign 0.98 yalign 0.02

File "game/scripts/minigames/brawler_new/brawler_results.rpy", line 98: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "{color=ffe059}Music Playlist:{/color} Brawler Playlist" action (Function(bn_play_click,0,0,0),SetVariable("bn_playlist",False), Function(bn_play_song,False)) xminimum 500 xmaximum 500 xalign 0.049 text_align 0.5 yalign 0.89 text_style "brawler_menu_diff_style"

File "game/scripts/minigames/brawler_new/brawler_skill.rpy", line 206: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "X" action (Function(bn_play_click,0,0,0),Jump("brawler_skill_state_set_label")) text_style "brawler_skill_x_style" xalign 0.98 yalign 0.02

File "game/scripts/minigames/brawler_new/brawler_tutorial.rpy", line 12: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "{size=+5}Next{/size}" text_style "brawler_menu_diff_style":

File "game/scripts/minigames/brawler_new/story/brawler_story_ep10.rpy", line 38: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/minigames/fish_tank_minigame/ft_frontend.rpy", line 75: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Tank: {color=1df400}Clean (%d%%){/color}" % ft_tank_state text_style "ft_main_style" yalign 0.5 xminimum 350:

File "game/scripts/minigames/math/math_frontend.rpy", line 35: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Next" text_style "math_button_style" xalign 0.98 yalign 0.998 action (Function(math_next_task),Function(ft_play_click)):

File "game/scripts/minigames/math/math_tutorial.rpy", line 10: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Next" text_style "math_button_style" xalign 0.98 yalign 0.998 action NullAction()

File "game/scripts/minigames/party_planning/party_planner_frontend.rpy", line 262: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Watch Tutorial" text_style "pp_header_tut_style" xalign 0.66 yalign 0.02 action Show("warning_pp_tut_screen")

File "game/scripts/minigames/party_planning/party_planner_intro_screens.rpy", line 24: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Skip Tutorial" text_style "pp_intro_btn_style_ep9" xalign 0.98 yalign 0.5 action (Play("sfx1", "sound_effects/slash.mp3", loop = False),Hide("pp_intro_screen"), Jump("ep9_skip_tut_label")) at pp_intro_text_transform3_ep9

File "game/scripts/minigames/party_planning/party_planner_item_perks.rpy", line 44: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Continue" text_style "pp_perk_continue_style":

File "game/scripts/minigames/party_planning/party_planner_major_perks.rpy", line 34: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "{size=-20}Continue{/size}" text_style "pp_perk_continue_style":

File "game/scripts/minigames/party_planning/party_planner_tutorial.rpy", line 1088: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button " " text_style "pp_icon_style" xminimum 230 action NullAction()

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame.rpy", line 54: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Pour" text_style "sm_button_menu_style":

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame.rpy", line 239: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Yes" text_style "sm_measure_button_style" action (Function(sm_mute_sfx),Function(sm_calc_purity),Hide("sm_timer_screen"),Hide("sm_turn_in_screen"),Hide("science_screen"),Jump(science_jump_label))

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame.rpy", line 249: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Cancel" text_style "sm_button_menu_style" action Hide("sm_pour_screen") xalign 0.5

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame_measure.rpy", line 30: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "{size=+90}+{/size}" text_style "sm_measure_button_style" action SetVariable("sm_measure_vol",min(100,sm_measure_vol+10))

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame_notes.rpy", line 25: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "{s}Step 1 - Measure %d %s liquid and pour it in the beaker on the stirrer.{/s}" % (sm_experiment_list[0][1],sm_experiment_list[0][0]) text_style "sm_notes_style":

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame_stir.rpy", line 32: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Stirrer:" text_style "sm_stir_style" xalign 0.5

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame_tutorial.rpy", line 30: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "-" text_style "sm_weigh_button_style" action Function(sm_weigh_subtract)

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame_tutorial.rpy", line 46: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "{size=+90}+{/size}" text_style "sm_measure_button_style" action SetVariable("sm_measure_vol",min(100,sm_measure_vol+10))

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame_tutorial.rpy", line 113: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Stirrer:" text_style "sm_stir_style" xalign 0.5

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame_tutorial.rpy", line 150: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Pour" text_style "sm_button_menu_style":

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame_tutorial.rpy", line 414: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Add to beaker" text_style "sm_button_menu_style" action (SetVariable("sm_scale_str","empty"),SetVariable("sm_tut_text",11),Hide("sm_pour_tut_screen")) xalign 0.5

File "game/scripts/minigames/science/science_minigame_weigh.rpy", line 33: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Yes" text_style "sm_measure_button_style" action (Function(sm_discard_weigh,False),SetVariable("sm_weigh_phase", 1), SetVariable("sm_scale_str","full"))

File "game/scripts/misc/mp_transfer_saves.rpy", line 87: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Loading Steam save data - Click to change source" text_style "mtransfer_data_style" action SetVariable("steamImport",not steamImport) xalign 0.87 yalign 0.02 xminimum 600

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/bios_app/mphone_bios_app.rpy", line 43: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "{color=fe9416}Sort by:{/color} %s" % mphone_bios_sort_by[mphone_bios_sort_by_idx]:

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/brawler/brawler.rpy", line 59: menu statement expects a non-empty block.

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/chat_app/mphone_chat_app.rpy", line 158: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "%s" % mphone_get_chat_str(mphone_replies[i]):

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/chat_app/mphone_chat_app.rpy", line 210: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "%s" % mphone_get_chat_str(mphone_replies[i]):

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/gallery_app/mphone_gallery_app.rpy", line 80: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Set as wallpaper" text_style "mphone_custom_wallpaper_style" action (SetVariable("mphone_custom_wallpaper_tmp_xpos", mphone_custom_wallpaper_get_start_xpos(mphone_app_gallery_photos_list[idx])),SetVariable("mphone_custom_wallpaper_tmp_ypos", 0), SetVariable("mphone_custom_wallpaper_tmp_zoom",0),Hide("mphone_gallery_viewer_screen"),Show("mphone_custom_wallpaper_screen", img=mphone_app_gallery_photos_list[idx], max_width=mphone_custom_wallpaper_get_width(mphone_app_gallery_photos_list[idx]))) at mphone_gallery_button_hide_transform

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/music_app/mphone_music_app.rpy", line 66: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Play: Favorites" text_style "mphone_music_text_button_style" action (SetVariable("mphone_music_genre",0),Function(mphone_next_song))

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/pet_names_app/mphone_pet_names_app.rpy", line 42: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "[camila]" text_style "mphone_pet_name_text_button_style" action SetVariable("mphone_current_pet_name","camila") xoffset -6 yoffset -6

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/rooster_app/mphone_rooster_comment_section.rpy", line 163: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "%s" % mroosterChoices[roosterCurrentIdx][x]:

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/settings_app/mphone_settings_app.rpy", line 42: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "[settings_name]" text_style "mphone_settings_textbutton_style" action SetVariable("mphone_current_input","name") xoffset -6 yoffset -6

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/stats_app/mphone_stats_app.rpy", line 817: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "General" action SetScreenVariable("mphone_stats_page", 0) text_style "mphone_stats_btn_text_style"

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/triple_tile_app/mphone_triple_tile_app.rpy", line 40: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "New game" text_style "mphone_triple_tile_text_button_style" action Function(mphone_triple_tile_new_game_func) xalign 0.5

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/vault_app/mphone_vault_app.rpy", line 42: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "%s" % safe_digits[x] text_style "mphone_vault_digit_style" xalign 0.5

File "game/scripts/new_phone/apps/wallpaper_app/mphone_wallpaper_app.rpy", line 64: expected a keyword argument, colon, or end of line.
    button "Set as current wallpaper" text_style "mphone_wallpaper_text2_button_style" action (SetVariable("mphone_custom_wallpaper",""), SetVariable("mphone_current_wallpaper",mphone_wallpaper_int))

Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py
Fri Dec  8 11:45:54 2023
Last edited:
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Reactions: alerion83


Dec 31, 2022
when i load my old save and skip the recap it crashes after the doctor says his line
I have exactly the same issue right now and I have no idea what to do with that nonsense. This scene with Helen and doctor the last thing I see and then game just crashes.


May 29, 2018
LMFAO bruh i can't run the game since they split the version i can play 0.8 but not 0.9-.10 my game still crashingg what is goinng onnnnn


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
Shit... you're right. I didn't found it before and it doesn't make trouble at me. But it could. I think I will edit my post again.

hakuna-matata There's something in that post above. Same way to get rid off, but another file.
I haven't gotten anything, yet.... but I'll look into it if I need to. thanks.


Dec 24, 2022
I have a feeling Joshy got hands in the plot this time wtf was this shit :LUL: Whole episode is based around fucking Maya and her fucking problems just get a job finally you fool:HideThePain:
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Reactions: vanime7


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2020
Soladir111 its not you having bad spatial awareness many of the early sandboxes make zero sense, like you walk into a hallway with no other entrance but then when you turn around 180 (and should thus be facing the way you came in) there is somehow a wall and door there? :KEK:


Justice for Finnabair!
Jun 14, 2020
I haven't gotten anything, yet.... but I'll look into it if I need to. thanks.
I found another one. Just look in my "how to fix" post. I updated it there. That should be it by now. All in all there are three files to edit. Good thing we only have to extract the RPA once. Just edit the another two files, delete the RPYC of that files, and that should be it. Until the Dr releases an update and it's in there again. :ROFLMAO:
4.80 star(s) 1,584 Votes