I have a feeling that DPC will make a interlude after Season 3 which will be a flashback again.this update was long made and just one scene per char, but to see a younger version of Bella - is priceless.
i think that "younger version" thing could be developed in something greater than just one episode in one scene, what do you think folks?
I mean.... in fact the Interlude about Zoey was a flashback. Not that far in the past, but nontheless a Flashback. It wouldnt surprise me if DPC will make another Interlude where each girl gets some scenes out of their pasts... especially the "older" girls, like Bella, Nicole, Lily, maybe Jill too (she is 3 years older than MC and her past is a big thing in the game anyway)
Or... maybe and i am nearly sure of this... he will create a interlude about Neil and Lynette.
Lets say, episode 12 ends with MC and Neil sitting together, and Neil goes like this "ok Son, its long overdue, here is the whole story, things you dont know and your mother didnt wrote in that last diary" End... start of the Season 4 Interlude.
Yeah the MC has the diary, but it cant really contain a lot right?
We will see... but DPC has a thing for flashbacks. In every episode there are at least some "thaughts" about the past or even a whole scene in a flashback in them. Bella especially got many of those. Starting with the "OMG" college story, over to her "feeling young again" when the present Bella changes into the young Bella in some scenes during episode... hm 7 or 8, dont know anymore. And of course the flashback start of episode 8. And know in ep 10 again some "young" Bella. Its kinda a pattern with Bella. And at one point, when her story gets finally on the table, there will be a very long flashback, iam sure of it.
But i admit... iam a little tired of Bellas-Storyarch. I dont like it, and i dont like the relationship with MC either. Its way to onesided and Bella holds back way too much. In Real-Life i would have a hardtime to build up a relationship with a girl that doesnt talk about anything important with me. And it doesnt matter if its a hardtopic... for fucks sake, they are lying together in the bed where she banged her husband before. How long can one tollerate to not know shit about her husband other than "he is missing" For me... its a huge annoyance and the whole relationship doesnt work for me. Bella is a sex-fiend, and its fun to see her smirk or crack jokes with and at the MC. But thats not enough... The Bella-Path is my least favorite so far. And iam not sure if this will ever change.