This is why in my initial reply to you I told you to read the diary again. It's always been weird why a really wealthy person would move his wife and daughter (against their will) from a lovely home to a shithole hotel where not everything worked (bad plumbing, coffee-colored water, constant construction noise, stuck in the middle of a swamp, etc.). People of fabulous means would have a construction supervisor manage the property rebuild, and even if granddad felt it necessary to personally supervise everything he wouldn't want to piss off the rest of his family by forcing them to live there with him.
Now we find out that the house was sold by someone badly in need of quick cash, which makes Lynette and her mom being forced to live at the hotel understandable. The house was already on the market and might be sold at any time after she had to move to the hotel; her dad not wanting to answer her about whether the house was being sold pretty much confirms that. Jill's parents tell us that a house like that has few buyers and because the seller was desperate they got a killer deal on it, so it had been out there for awhile and as the clock ticked granddad had to lower the price to get something out of it to finance his hotel boondoggle.
That's some conjecture, but the clue from Jill's parents makes sense when coupled with the diary information. "About 19 years" can be anything from 18 years plus some months to 19 years and some number of months. They don't give an exact date, so it's very possible the house was sold after MC was born or shortly before.
Your story about Priscilla is not supported by anything in the story other than a single phone call by Burke to some unknown woman. Everything else is just made up by you. There is zero evidence that Priscilla is in any way related to MC or Lynette.