So I played the most recent two episodes with my established path (Bella), then decided to check out the other paths (no pun intended), especially the others path because it seemed like episode 9 may as well not even exist without it and Quinn is one of the more interesting characters otherwise. That out of the way...
On the Quinn path: I wonder if DPC has any experience in this realm, and I feel like he probably doesn't, but the MC is WAY too soft to be involved in this arena. His first interaction with Vinny tells you everything you need to know. If you want to play devil's avocado and say "He was caught off guard. He was drunk. etc", fine, fair, but his second interaction reiterated him being far too soft and in extreme danger. He may have grown up poor, but he seems to have been shielded from this aspect of poverty (Respect to Neil, dad of the year). I get it, this is fiction, but allow me to postulate the future scenario. Join me, won't you?
I assume the premise has always been to reform Quinn. Maybe the weed stays, but you try to get her to divorce herself from the realm of hard drugs. That's cool and all, but there's already an established vendetta now. Given our previous interactions, there are only two likely outcomes that I can think of. First, MC dies. Well, obviously that doesn't happen. Second, Quinn has to save the MC by putting Vinny down; since we've established the MC is prone to hesitation and too soft. The latter seems more likely, but who wants to play a game where you're perceived as weak? Especially a game of this nature, that feeds into power a fantasy. So aside from Vinny getting hit by a bus or ODing (which to be fair neither is even unlikely, but it will feel like a cop-out), I don't know how we resolve the scenario without diving into extreme fiction or making the player feel like a wuss. Curious to see how the dust settles, maybe there's some out of left field Tommy martyr situation.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Don't do drugs, kids.