mc "I guess I can start by asking you..."
mc "Why are you back?"
zo "Damn... I already feel like a pile of human garbage, and now you're immediately hitting me with the million-dollar question."
mc "I mean... It's us."
mc "It wouldn't feel right to ignore the bad feelings and start pretending how great it's been to not see each other for all this time."
mc "I did enough of that this year..."
mc "And don't give me anything about how you don't like talking feelings because this time you're gonna fucking have to."
zo "You're mad at me..."
"I'm mad" if True:
mc "You're damned right I'm mad at you."
"I'm not mad" if True:
mc "My feelings are all over the place right now."
zo "..."
zo "You're right. It wouldn't feel right to skip through that."
zo "I guess I'm back because... I've realized a lot about myself lately."
zo "I don't fit in on the west coast. It wasn't me."
zo "The more time I spent over there, the more I started missing home."
zo "I was running out of money and San Diego never felt like my home."
mc "What about surfing?"
zo "I'm horrible at it. Like, seriously, I fucking stink."
mc "From what I remember, you were getting the hang of it."
zo "I did. Kinda. But I never got great at it, and I think it's because I didn't like it that much."
zo "It's so weird, you know? You build something up in your head for years, and when you finally get to do it, it's not nearly as good as you pictured it."
zo "And since it was the reason I went there, with time, I felt that... *{i}Sigh{/i}* What's the point?"
zo "And like I said, I missed this place. And I..."
zo "I missed you."
mc "..."
zo "You might have a hard time believing that because we haven't talked since before that Friday, eight months ago, but I did."
zo "And it became painfully clear with time."
mc "I didn't expect to hear that."
// ...
zo "Look, I... Fuck me. Why is it so hard to ask you stuff?"
zo "We've known each other for years!"
mc "..."
zo "I think it's hard because I'm scared of the answer when I see the look on your face..."
zo "Anyway, here it goes..."
zo "Can we, like, hang out again? I know it's hard to go back to how it was..."
zo "...but what I mean is that I wanna see you again. I miss talking to you."
zo "I was hoping that we could press play on what we paused..."