• Nobody is murdered./ True
• Nobody is seriously injured./Define serious if not having almost black eye (Oscar) after Tommy beat him then yeah nothing serious (he maybe side so we ignore him for now)
• Nobody commits suicide./these are college kids have fun they ain't depressed to this point
• Nobody physically attacks their partner./Sage beat the shit out of Chad even him said it in Ep7 he tries to keep straight face she hits hard (
Geralt From Rivia your girl hits hard way to go )
• Nobody dies from an overdose./true
• Nobody is arrested. (in-screen)/I don't think Police will get involve in this game so True
• Nobody is cowardly beaten./true
• Nobody is raped./Derek raped Trash can and Tree so yeah
• Nobody gets STDs./Aeirth share her Crabs to most of the DIK's (not STD but kinda close share disease)
• Nobody loses a family member during the game./ Nothing too Dramtic so far but i think something like this will happen with Bailey family
• Nobody gets shot./ Ep11 Vinny by most of us guarantee
• Nobody has an accident./true
Joking aside some of things are not something you will see in this game i think DPC learned from AL to never make that mistake again