How about a little compromise?
Jill wasn't smart throughout Season 2. She was a damn naive girl in the bubble her parents raised her in. Even the ME Quarians, who spent their childhood in a sterile isolated chamber, were not as alienated from the world as Jill.
Maybe in Season 2 we opened her naive side, or maybe DPC just broke her writing for the sake of audience that likes extreme vanilla romance. But at the end of Season 2, Jill began to change - at first she was able to stand up for herself by roasting Tybalt, and in Ep. 9 everything is quite weird - we see two different versions of Jill depending on the brunch. Retarded Jill/Cool Jill.
It seems that the DPC himself was confused and didn't know how to write to Jill further. In Ep.10, he seems to have made the decision to slowly change her into normal - Jill began to doubt and ask questions, not believing everything that she was told. It's not like she trusts Tybalt after what he did, but she doesn't trust MC completely because our guy really did some stupid retard things. Breaking into Jill's room and keeping it from her, even for the sake of Hell Week - well, I doubted whether you could trust a person who secretly entered your home.
"You doing good things, you doing bad things. I don't know what to believe. I thought I knew you." Correction: if you are Jill's boyfriend, she believes you because she knows you better and feels emotional attachment, but she is still not happy with your action and arranges a serious conversation.
We can argue all we want about that scene where Jill runs into Trent, but it seems absurd to me that she just decided to thank him. Jill could have accidentally bumped into Trent at the bar, but Chip showed screenshots - they show that she's thinking. Thinking about what to say and how to ask a trick question because she doubts Tybalt? Maybe we got used to the mentally retarded Jill, that when the DPC decided to start changing her for the better, we still, by inertia, have a low opinion of her?
I just hope that he doesn't break the character in the future and continues to develop her. At least in her lewd scene there is a light at the end of the tunnel and Jill tries kinky things that she doesn't mind. No one would have believed it a year ago if I said: hey guys, in Jill’s next scene we’ll give her a juicy cumshot right on her face.